Friday, July 01, 2011

Bay's The Island in Dark of the Moon

Michael Bay demonstrates what creative editing, good camera coverage and the excellent work by ILM can do with a scene. In a likely cost saving measure (and maybe the on set injury), resulted in the director repurposing footage from 2004's The Island for some moments of the highway sequence in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The comparison video is below.


  1. I wonder what other footage he has slopped into it

  2. Seems to me this WOULD have been the footage where that girl got injured. If so, then I respect Bay and ILM for not using that footage.

  3. honestly you three? you cant enjoy a movie but you have to worry that Bay used a few scenes to enhance his movie? get over it. its his best one to date. its not like he killed someone. he reused footage he shot. lets not forget the freeway accident. that could have been key in the decision. its still a great sequence none the less

  4. honestly you three need to get lives. Bay gave us the best Transformers we could ask for. It was a fun movie. I dont understand how this is "slop" or a "rip off". Bay filmed it all himself. God forbid he ever use it to help him out again! Its a dew clips of a great sequence and none of you complained when you saw the movie you just enjoyed it. Lets not forget the freeway accident, im sure that was a key in the decision. bays a great director he could shoot that if he wanted to but in my opinon its a smart call. so get over it.

  5. Rip off or go cheap on this kind of footage and blow money on ridiculous, over-the-top explosions that are unnecessary in most scenes. Michael Bay is a joke. SMH

  6. Guys come on, think about it like this, after that injury thing do youthink hes actually gonna try it again? Besides either way it looks pretty cool.

  7. Thats b.s and Bay should be ashamed of himself for this trilogy. Yeah the movies have made tons of money but its pennies compared to what it could have earned..."Avatar type of money" shame on Bay

  8. I knew that scene looked familiar...either way that freeway chase was awesome!!

  9. I hope in another 20 years somebody will make a ral TF movie and I will be around to see it. >flipping the bird:

  10. cant seem to understand why Bay would be proud of this wonder most of his scenes make no sense

  11. Wow some of your people are just IMPOSSIBLE. He made a good decision in DOING THIS and either way it was an AWSOME MOVIE so stop crying about it. Nuff said.

  12. I could honestly care less about this.

  13. I immediately was able to recognize those two shots strictly from The Island. I even freaked out in my seat...hahaha. Either way, I still think its witty as fuck and very creative. This just shows ILM's power. That and I'm sure Michael Bay has his reasons for doing this. I'm not going to question it.

  14. this was one of the greatest sci fi movies ive ever seen and aparently 90% of the people who seen it agree, so dont let these trolls act like they speak for everyone because they dont even come close, they are the minority and they speak for themselves, and bay should absolutely be proud of this movie, while not perfect but then again what movie is, this movie was powerful and countless people will enjoy it for years to come

  15. Besides, I can count on it that in a year or so we'll probably see another transformers movie, you think Hasbro is just gonna let these movies go? lol

  16. It's so funny how all the negative critics can't follow the plot or Bay's action sequences, and they blame him for that. Seems it's more their problem than his.

  17. "Thats b.s and Bay should be ashamed of himself for this trilogy. Yeah the movies have made tons of money but its pennies compared to what it could have earned..."Avatar type of money" shame on Bay"

    I dont know if it wasn't for AVATAR this whould of been the biggest movie of 2009. So your saying if it had a plot that was a story extremely identical to a Disney cartoon movie it would make a million times more? I guess thats true... I guess.

  18. This shows how lazy Michael Bay was filming Transformers3. The whole movie looks cheaper than the previous too. Sloppy lazy work. Score and soundtrack are poor while on the first two were outstanding. CGI is not up to top-notch standards set by Transformers2 where it was absolutely perfect, on Transformers3 there are too many mistakes anyone can see everywhere during the movie with many scenes looking absolutely fake like ILM didn't have time to complete everything as it should have been.
    A real shame.

  19. would you stop bickering, i seen concept art for alot of the characters at and its pretty dam cool, put it up tflamb

  20. I am EXTREMELY aware of Gabriella Cedillo's accident, to the point where I think paramount AVOIDED using her scene to keep from paying royalties, plus if they had any character in them at all they would have DEDICATED the movie to Gabriella in the credits.

  21. All you guys who are crapping on this are either full of sh!t or have NO life what so ever...or both !! Grow the F*** up LOL

    I hope you people are kids or teenagers, I really do! LMAO ...Because the thought of you people actually being "grownups," is really very disturbing :/

    metro bitchy hissy fits (mbhf's) always crack me up...its hilarious, and sad at the same time :/

    GROW UP !!!!!

  22. Some of the FBI manhunt for Sam Witwicky footage from ROTF was pulled from the Island...the fact that Bay used and altered few seconds of highway chase footage from the Island for DOTM isn't suprising.
    It's worth remembering that the highway filming for DOTM was cut a few days short due to the accident.

  23. "Sloppy lazy work." Uh, you're wrong. Bay easily succeeds at making the most photo-realistic CG out there, no question, and this movie proves it once again. When a single scene can take months to complete, I seriously doubt laziness is the reason. Were you even watching the same movie?! "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" right?

  24. A real shame? I thought this movie set the standards for CGI!!! Michael Bay was not lazy, he worked every single day on this. I saw more flaws in ROTF CGI than DOTM. The robots fit in better this time. The only part I thought looked fake was a brief moment in the shuttle launch scene.
    @ Anonymous 4:13 AM specifically:
    I think you have the movies backwards ;)

  25. @Anonymous 7/02/2011 1:33 PM: TRANSFORMERS2 CGI HAS NO FLAWS! If you see any flaws you are watching a pirated copy and then seeing artifacts and noise. Stop spreading lies. Anyone with a good 40" HDTV set or better yet 1080p projector and 80"-120"+ screen can see how outstanding CGI by ILM is on Transformers2.
    Transformers3 CGI by ILM is so messed up, a lot of scenes weren't finalized, CGI looks just fake and taken out of a videogame. It's just bad work. Highly likely due to useless 3D gimmick to raise ticket prices, they didn't have time fo finalize all scenes properly. This movie should have been postponed to 2012 as Michael Bay asked Paramount to do.
    The mess he did doesn't deserve this movie to break any boxoffice results. It's lazy work. Period.

  26. DOTM isn't making the money it should? Ok, 2 reasons for that... 1. ROTF was considered a "mess" (even though I loved it)so therefore, those who didn't keep up-to-date with DOTM (which is the majority of the population who saw ROTF or TF1 or both) must've thought DOTM was just as much a "mess" as ROTF, therefore concluding that not as much people came to the theater to watch DOTM as expected by Michael Bay and others. 2. The damn movie theater owners (Major assholes) didn't listen to Michael Bay's letter pleadin for them to crank up the resolution and the screen brightness to a perfect level (all because the theaters didn't want to waste a bit more money on using up more electricity, damn, what a shame, besides, if the theaters DID listen to Michael Bay's letter, then they would've earned much more money with DOTM, and although they earned a lot from DOTM, they could've earned more if they listened to Michael Bay, but they didn't and that's what makes them total dumbasses.). And the other dumbasses are you trolls posting in for yourselves. This site should be for REAL TF fans like me who loved ROTF despite what others said and had faith in Michael Bay to make the best action films ever in which he did.

  27. @ Anonymous 7/02/2011 5:33 PM
    I've only seen DOTM once and didn't notice any flaws in the CGI or 3D. Far from watching a bootleg copy I watched the movie in a theater with state of the art digital projection and suround sound. If you saw obvious shots with unfinished CGI please list them so I and others can see what you saw.

  28. To anon 5:33
    Yeah you are right. The CGI looks fake! And i am Santa Claus! :)

  29. I was there on set as a extra driver for these scenes. The accident is the reason they had to repurpose some of the footage. After the accident involving the extra they had to shutdown production early and then probably caused them to scramble to make things work.

  30. At Anon. 5:33
    "Stop spreading lies." I love that.
    In the second movie, the robots were to shiny. That itself was a flaw to me. I don't care about how good the CGI was, but I spotted so many mistakes in ROTF, it kind of stopped me from enjoying it as well as I did the first time I saw it. Mainly it was location/story flaws. I have now seen DOTM twice, and both times I was impressed at how ILM did. We both have our opinions, but I know a fact about one thing for sure:

  31. @ 5:33 the cgi was terrible to say the least......low budget SyFy channel style and the 3d was a useless short if any of you people up top think this movie and its story was "Stellar" you need meds. Seems like a stand alone movie more than a sequel... So take that you Bay-lovers

  32. He's hardly the first person to do something like this. Walt Disney did so...

    I don't know if this was mentioned above but I heard it was because the scene that was supposed to be there was removed because of that woman who had her skull split open during filming. So instead of spending millions redoing the scene they borrowed the older scene.

  33. Who cares? lol If its that big of deal then you all have no life

  34. @Anonymous 7/02/2011 7:52 PM: TRANSFORMERS2 CGI IS PERFECT. Don't spread lies!
    Transformers3 CGI is a terrible mess. Are you Paramount employee trying to bash previous perfect product to sell this Transformers3 cheap garbage ripping people off or what?

  35. you know what happened after the highway scene, right? speaking of awesomeness, take a look at this: - many thanks to user XxSLIDESHOWCRITICxX.

    class dismissed.

  36. @ Anon. 9:04 PM
    I'm not a Bay lover... I'M A TRANSFORMER LOVER!!!

  37. theres someone on this thread asking people to grow up and using words like LMAO....ironic

  38. Ok so I was watchng mission impossible 3 and there's a scene where ethan(tom cruise) character I waiting in shanghai china where there's two small buildings up front n the city skyscrapers in the background well that's the same scene that they use for transformers revenge of the fallen opening shanghai scene. Wow its all I gotta say

  39. @7/03/2011 3:00 PM

    Grow Up !

  40. That is a seriously proficient bit of scene blending, there. Haters gonna hate, screw ‘em.

  41. It looks good in the film. So what the hell's the problem? Crybabies....
