Friday, July 01, 2011

Day 2 US Box Office Results

On a traditional slow movie day, Transformers: Dark of the Moon adds another $21.5 million to its US box office total for $64.7 million in two days. Current estimates put the movie at hitting $165 million through the July 4th weekend. Impressive but below Revenge of the Fallen's six day total of $214.9 million. It seems the second movie's bad reputation along with the critics’ harsh words about the movie is having an impact on performance.


  1. Fingers crossed everyone is just waiting for Saturday

  2. I'm not too surprised about the lower numbers than RotF...the critics blasted that one so there's a stigma attached to the franchise and let's face it...Bay has run his course and it's time to shelf "the brand" until a reboot can happen...without Bay or Spewberg screwing them up further.

  3. I will watch the movie next week, at least 2 times

  4. I hope it reaches a billion... Word of mouth is on fire on twitter,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=5a0c186f0466dd3c&biw=980&bih=1169

  5. I read only regular movie go-er's reviews on Fandango. I could care less what the critics think. Why can't they get real jobs? Like what they say will deter me from seeing this movie, even if ROTF was the weaker of the trilogy.

  6. isnt it amazing, as if 165 million isnt enough, geese!!, what have we become,now its all about the money, once again bay is laughing all the way to the bank, so if the movie makes 340 to 360 million its going to be a failure, i can hear it now, the bay bashing continues, what a bunch of sinicle bastards, these so called critics, i guess they now make the decision to see a movie for us, my god what have we become... sheep?

  7. Not to mention that less people are going to the movies this year compared to 2009. i think The bad repetition and the less people in theaters is the reason why it wont make as much as revenge of the fallen. If the critics did have a impact then why are the awful twilight movies making money?

  8. @Anonymous 7/02/2011 1:56 AM: if the movies ends up losing 20-30% compared to Transformers2 then yes it's a failure for Hasbro and I wouldn't be surprised if there were some contract clauses affecting Bay revenues if this movie underperformed.

  9. This one will definitely have longer legs that ROTF though. Audiences really like this film. Has an A cinescore which is what they use to figure later sales. Funny my local critic loved it and it was a front page color story in Va. Beach which shocked me.

  10. says DOTM made $33.5 mil Friday(compared to ROTF making $36.7 mil on its 1st Friday) and should gross $100 mil for the 3-day weekend and $185 mil through the 4th. Deadline also says DOTM is outperforming ROTF internationally by 35% and should take in $200 mil through the 4th for a 7 day worldwide total of $385 mil. Also I don't thin DOTM opens in China untilmid-July and Japan until late-July and those are big transformers markets.

  11. It isnt the fact of ROTF. Its the fact that DOTM is crap. They turned Prime into a murdering psycopath and overpowered him. They brutally killed off many fan favourites such as Ironhide, Sentinel, Shockwave, Starscream, Soundwave and Megatron in stupid ways. And they put in stupid comedy scenes.


  12. So much for the critics, it just didnt work, i said it before and i will say it again, love him or hate him the man is critic proof and those are awesome, strong, solid numbers, while it might not make 400 million domesticaly, it will probably make somewhere in the range of 340 to 370 million and from what i'm hearing its doing extremely well over seas.

  13. Remembering Gabriella Cedillo's accident, if they had any character in them at all they would have DEDICATED the movie to Gabriella in the credits.

  14. @Winton Ray: Transformers2 got $420million in its 7-days run. Transformers3 has higher 3D ticket prices but shows a huge drop anyway. Less viewers.

  15. @ 7/02/2011 1:13 AM

    I soooooo agree with you !!!

  16. man, that is dumb logic, if its 20 or 30% lower than rotf its a failure, get the fuck out of hear, thats just plain stupid exspecialy when you take into account rotf cost 200 million and dotm cost 195 million and ticket sales over seas are up 35% over rotf, and it hasn't been good period for the box office this year, all ticket sales across the board have been down, i do agree it most likely wont hit 400 million, i also agree that its in that range of 350-370 million, no one on planet earth can say thats a failure, oh thats right i forgot about the trolls and rotten tomatoes, oh i also forgot their irrelevent

  17. @7/02/2011 10:01 AM

    Mandy I wholeheartedly agree with you on that. A very real life was devastated in the making of this "make believe" movie...if a touch of heart and some class had prevailed, the movie would have been dedicated to her, or at least a mention of her.

    Mr Spielberg was all there to freak out with "moral outrage" when "miss thang" opened her mouth and compared Bay to a Nazi...

    Where was his "moral" conscience during the credits. I truly thought I would see a reference to her or a dedication at the end of the movie.
    Sometimes people get hurt making this case, it was senseless and sever.

    Just think it would have been a nice touch of class to mention her during the credits.

    I have thought about that girl on more then one occasion, such a horrible senseless accident :(

    ~ peace

  18. That's it. I love Optimus as much as any TRANSFORMERS fan does, and he is great because of his tough but human approach to everything, but come on guys. I don't get why some of you think that Optimus was too tough in this movie. Optimus should have been pissed. Sentinel brutally murdered his best friend Ironhide, Megatron was the one who had Sentinel betray the Autobots and help him take over the universe. What did you want Optimus to do? "Say to Megatron & Sentinel: C'mon guys. It's ok that you killed my friend and that you almost destroyed all of humanity. Let's have milk and cookies and listen to Selena Gomez's new album." Are you kidding me? I was happy as hell that Optimus beat the hell out of both of them! The audience that my Dad & I were in was cheering wildly after that scene. Btw, I still can't believe that Ironhide is gone.)': He was to me what Bumblebee was to Sam. If Ironhide would have died while sacrificing himself to save 1 of the other Autobots or Sam, I could have lived with that because at least he died an honorable death. When that traitor Sentinel shot him up like it was nothing, reducing Ironhide to a pile of dust, that was beyond depressing. That was only the 3rd time in my life that I cried during a movie. It was so bad, that I cried for 3 minutes in the theatre, I cried again at 3 in the morning, and I didn't get out of bed until 11am the next day. My Dad and I loved TF3, but I hope that Sentinel chokes on a sack of Cybertronian s--- while burning in hell.

  19. Yeah, I cried too over Ironhide's death. That was so completely messed up, and he couldn't even allow Ironhide to turn around to at least face his death. Instead he gets shot from behind. Bay wanted us to feel betrayed on Ironhide's behalf, he got it. I also cried when Bee said his goodbye to Sam and when Q was pleading for his life, and I thought Bee was a goner. Huge tear jerker. I'm such a sap.

  20. i cried as well when i saw those scenes, i couldn't believe how badly they were portrayed in the movie and that i had paid money to watch some of that pure nonsense.
