Monday, July 04, 2011

Dark of the Moon July 4th Results

The 4th of July is over and with it is another notch on Transformers: Dark of the Moon box office belt. The 4th brought another $18.9 million in sales for a US total of $116.5 million for the four day weekend. This in turns crowns the movie as the record holder for most successful July 4th weekend surpassing Spider-Man 2's $88.2M. Grand total, the first six days of release is now at $175.6M which is still behind Revenge of the Fallen's $214.9M. Once again, international sales take up the slack with the movie on track to hit a six day international total $235M for a worldwide total of $416M.

For all the talk of being critically ravaged, that really isn't true. Overall most critics (including me) thought the film was well done visually but lacked on story and character development. Where Revenge of wall to wall coverage of how "bad" it was resulting in audiences reflecting that unrelenting negative coverage, Moon has mostly been able to avoid that. This is reflected in Rotten Tomatoes averages for the film. The average critic score* is right up the middle with 5/10 and the audience average score is an outstanding score of 9/10. By comparison Revenge had an average score from critics of 4/10 and audience at 7/10. TF1's score average was critic at 6/10 and audience at 8/10. Net result is high potential for repeat customers who are critical to long term box office dollars and crossing that $1 billion threshold.

* I am not counting the "Tomatometer" which is "the average of Approved ...critics who have given this movie a positive score." The audience score isn't subset of a group so comparing "Tomatometer" to audience does not strike me as valid.


  1. Hope the movie will cross the billion dollar!

  2. I have only one thing to ask, if some one says that TM3DOTM is " a visually ugly film" and gives 1 (out of 5) while on the other hand he gives 3.5 (out of 5) for Cars 2,,, then do you agree with him?

  3. Transformers3 doesn't deserve all this money.
    It's Michael Bay worst movie to date. It's full of issues and mistakes. The highway fighting scene is badly rendered and not only that, the whole movie is ridden with unfinished CGI, that is unacceptable after the outstanding top-notch CGI delivered by ILM on Transformers2. We have to thank Paramount for all of this that wanted 3D higher ticket prices to inflate boxoffice gross results.
    30% less viewers for Transformers3 worldwide but thanks to higher 3D gimmick ticket prices Paramount can claim big numbers.

  4. Critics ravaged and conditioned the audience opinion on ROTF to such a degree that when this film was better, the audience had no choice but to pretty much give it a perfect score. lol paybacks a bitch.

    I wonder what the numbers would have been in paramount didn't diffuse it over a week.

    At the end of the day it's like this, there is just a crap load more entertainment in this than in GL and whatever is out right now. Unfortunately unlike Pirates it's going to have some international competition real soon.

  5. ya know 3:21 am, sometimes it boggles my mind also how these so called critics will say a movie like thor was so great but the dotm was so so, to me when it comes to sci fi or super hero movies its all about how the audience reacts and how good word of mouth is, so you have to remember that rotten tomatoes has an extremely small group of critics that has unlimited access to the media, but now a days theirs so many regular folks on the net and they know just as much as the so called critics do when it comes to movies, actors, directors and so on, so i'm one of those people who believes in the individuals opinion, ya know what you like, not some small group of critics, i also take into account the cinima score because that tells you what the people thought about the movie and dotm got an A, doesn't really get much better then that, but everybody is different and have different opinions, so it should always be what you like as an indiviual, in other words listen to yourself, not some small group of critics.

  6. Certainly don't agree. To start with TF3 and Cars 2 are trying to do two very different things. Cars is all animated so has less of a challenge to it's aesthetic than TF3 that is trying to incorporate CGI in to real life scenes (and does so exceedingly well).

    Want visual beauty? Check out Rosie. If you want beautiful CGI action, see the highway chase for Sentinel Prime - still making me tingle every time I think of it.

  7. @7/05/2011 3:21 AM

    we are all past the "professional" critic rants here for the most part. Its a BS occupation, based on their individual subjectivity. In other words it is an out dated fake occupation that holds less and less water as each year passes. You opinion is just as good as anyones. Just look at the numbers, a 1 out of 5 star movie making that kind of money speaks for itself. Pffft professional critics are a joke, they are no more than any movie goer, in fact, their opinion, is just that...some ones opinion...period.

    now lets move past that outdated critic stuff...

  8. To anonymous 3:21 No! I dont agree with morons so called "Critics". "Critics" can say whatever they want, what they say dont matter anyways. What matters is the audience, remember that! And Cars 2 is a movie for FUCKING kids! Enough talk about Cars 2 on here!!! I have a fucking question to you! Why do you even care what others think about the movie??


  9. I loved this film, but Uh, WHERE THE HELL WERE OPTIMUS & RATCHET WHEN THAT TRAITOR SOB SENTINEL MURDERED IRONHIDE? What, were they enjoying burgers & shakes @ BK? If they were there, Ironhide would still be alive! Still, amazing movie! I'm going to see it again tonight!

  10. You talking bout Ebert Anon @7/05/2011 3:21AM...the guy has lost most of his cred he is old you have to understand old people won't have the same taste as younger people..he hated the Hangover part 1 because he said it was offensive..from what I've seen he doesn't too much care for action movies so you have to take that into consideration and he is one of those critics that are very dramatic with their reviews so he can get a lot of attention and it works but yes his reviews are more for shock and entertainment than they are to be taken seriously..its funny because he is a failed screenwriter but he reviews others work ironic isn't it...

  11. no. cars 2 is doesnt count

  12. I hope it crosses the billion dollar mark too! I guess it'll come down to when China and Japan have their release.

  13. 1: Watched it Tuesday night 8:30pm at Great Mall in XD (3D luxury seats)
    2: Watched it Wednesday night 7pm at Winchester 22 in 2D with LOUD speakers
    3: Watched it Thursday night 10:20pm at Los Angeles Regal Cinema in 3D

    I'm still working on my 4th and 5th times for buncha friends and I later this week. They've all said the same thing: "it's a great summer movie to escape and be a buncha Transformers nerds. We definitely need to see this again".

  14. You got it lionboogy.........those that complain it wasn't written like the Godfather need to chill out......its a movie based off a kids cartoon/comic book series.........enjoy the explosions and shut up

  15. funny thing is most of you are saying exactly what the critics are saying...that its a crap movie except for the action scenes...we all agree then why all the animated back and forth's?

  16. I've always been a big Michael Bay fan.

    He gives me what *I* want: unbridled testosterone-fueled explosive summer blockbuster movie with hot chicks, hot cars, and hot gas fires.

    I'm not a film snob. I just never grew up.

    Does that make me a bad person?

  17. He he, that sums it up..

  18. Everybody critcs complain about character development, well, go watch all three, like in star wars. Optimus has been revived as one of the coolest characters in movie history. No critics mention that.

  19. Does anyone know if Megan Fox made it to big premier of the movie?

  20. Miss Megan Fox. The action was great, the story of the Apollo mission was very creative and good. CGI was acceptable. 3D was totally unnecessary. This movie put the final nail in the coffin for the money making gimmick that is 3D for me and I'm sure lots of people. I'm not sure if Michael Bay is intimate with someone from Linkin Park because he sure seems to love them. Does he understand that the people that grew up with transformers are now 25 - 35 years old and that linkin park appeals to 11 year old girls. I usually don't care about music as part of the overall soundtrack, but when you play the same fecal matter of a song from linkin park every time the main female character comes on the screen you ruin the flow of the movie. Hot garbage, Michael Bay, hot garbage. I hate this movie, and its your fault. I love Transformers.

  21. man, 7:31 pm take it easy its just a movie, you sound like your going to jump off a cliff or somthing, i've never seen so much hate for someone in my life, and i know alot of people who like linkin park and there not 11 or 12, theirs no need to insult people because they like the movie or they like linken park and most people i talked to about the movie liked it in 3d, its ok that you hate the movie but dont insult people because they like something you dont, i love transformers also...just sayin

  22. I loved the movie soooo much.
    I almost cried when the decpticons almost killed bumblebee.
    Bumblebee is my most favorite robot ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. "I think what we have here is a failure to communicate."

    I understand the freedom to disagree, but to announce your opinions in such a way as to incite HATE is not agreeable nor human in any way.

    Or put this another way: If the movie is so wrong and so bad, and it's making MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars off of repeat viewers and people who want to watch it in 3D, then maybe just maybe... something is wrong with you?

    A good friend made a good point, "if you can't have fun with this movie, then you don't know how to have fun at all".

    Typical film snob.

  24. My only complaint is that I would like to see the robots get alot more screentime especially during the battle scenes I understand it will be pretty expensive to fullfill those wishes but in that case why make a movie about robots if it's not going to be mainly about robots.

  25. I agree with you their is so much you can do and all they manly focus on were the humans. How come we didn't see Sentinel Prime scan the fire truck and how did they find him so quick before the chase, why we never saw Optimus prime's trailer transform into the jet pack, how did the autobots get ambushed? They were too many gaps to fill.

  26. I wonder what happened to the lucky rabbit's foot. hahaha

  27. In many European countries a 2D ticket price is in the 6-7Euros range while a 3D one is in the 10-12Euros range.
    That means that Paramount is getting higher boxoffice gross with 30%+ viewers less only thanks to 35-50% average 3D ticktet prices.

  28. Loved the movie!!! Hated stupid Rosie Victoria Secret model
    She was lame!!! Megan Fox should have been in it , missed
    Her n Sams relationship n shes kick ass..
