Sunday, July 03, 2011

Transformers 3 Weekend Results

Box Office Mojo has posted the weekend estimates for Transformers: Dark of the Moon and the results are looking good. The movie made $97.4 million for the weekend with $32.9M from Friday, $34.6 for Saturday and $29.8 on Sunday. This brings the 5-day US total to $162.1 million which is right in alignment with studio expectations.

For record counters, the $97.4 total gives DOTM the highest July 4th weekend record, passing Spider-Man 2 and highest weekend of 2011 passing Pirates 4. The reputation of Revenge continues to haunt Moon. The weekend total is still behind TF2's $109 million opening weekend. At the five day point, ROTF was at $200.1M. On the international box office, its five day total is a very good $210 million, accounting for 56.4% of Dark of the Moon's worldwide five day total of $372.1 million.

Next weekend Transformers 3 will drop more than 50% compared to this weekend. While the entertainment media will twist it into a sign of failure, it really is just a reality that maintaining these kinds of numbers for two consecutive weekends doesn't happen unless your name is James Cameron. Determining the box office longevity of this film, critical for crossing the $1 billion threshold, is going to be difficult to nail down for a few weeks because next weekend numbers will not provide any definitive proof and after that Harry Potter 7 will mop the floor with the competition much like TF3 did this weekend.

Update: THR is reporting that DOTM has the third best worldwide opening weekend ever with its $372M total behind Harry Potter 7 Part 1 ($394M) and Spider-Man 3 ($382) once again proving that doing a single worldwide release is very beneficial. If China and Japan had been able to release the movie this weekend, the crown would likely have been Transformers. These numbers put Moon 50% ahead of Revenge on International box office so the decline in the US is being made up everywhere else.


  1. these numbers are insane for a film coming off the supposedly worst movie ever made...

    It does suck that bay didn't really buckle down and deliver a more nail biting cohesive plot with more pathos at the end.(ie characters dying, making way the reboot)

  2. According to DOTM is up 46% over ROTF internationally...3D and sequels tend to do much better outside of the US.

  3. I don't think dotm is a failure it's just that after the first movie everyone was excited to see what the next movie was gonna bring and everyone was in line to watch it. Now here's the
    third movie and I guess you can say the element of surprise is kind of gone.people will still go and watch it but many are not gonna go out of their way to go see it.i've watched it twice already.i thought it was a very entertaining movie.

  4. It's really too bad China and Japan didn't have their opening weekend the same time as everyone else. The extra boost in numbers would really have helped and shut everyone up. I've just come back from my 6th showing, and I love that there's more Transformer scenes in this one. ROTF had too much of a gap without them at one point.

  5. Well if theirs a sequel, it'll have to take place a couple of years after DOTM, and the main charachter maybe being Sam's son or something, cause Shia said he wouldnt return. So maybe like this time Unicorn comes, ressurects a bunch of cons(Megatron=Galvatron) and the Autobots must face Unicron, and destroy him by using the Matrix of Leadership or some major story I cant even think of.

  6. Less viewers. 3D ticket prices in most countries cost 30-40% more than regular 2D ones. That is where money is coming from. Just inflated numbers. Way less viewers/customers.

  7. I almost don't want it to do well. How else will these guys get the messege that they aren't putting out a quality product? I still can't stop thinking about how there were so many loose ends. If I spent $50 on an item at a store and it was not to my satisfaction, I could return it. All these people have to do is advertise enough to get you into the theater and then if they don't deliver, they don't care. You have to figure that a family of four going to see Transformers 3D including refreshments will spend a good chunk of that months entertainment budget. So the movie has failed to hold up its end of the bargain. Can we get a refund?

  8. After seeing the the movie. I believe they edited out alot of stuff. I would expected to see some type of Transformers 3 Extended release on bluray.

  9. These results will He started to suffer large losses when it opens the second part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

  10. Some people will look for any excuse to bash, bring down,trash this movie, well its not going to work, this movie is a complete and total success because even after rotf and mostly bad reviews by the so called critics, which were all not bad, ya know theirs actualy quite alot of good reviews too, but the media hates bay and will only show the negative ones over and over, but once again they failed, by all means i'm not saying this movie was perfect and i did find mistakes but it still had an A for a cinama score and that pretty much says it all,the people liked it, and when it comes right down to it for any franchise that's all that counts.It's fine that some people hated the movie but its impossible to call it a failure, that just doesn't make any sense. But on a different note, i'm sick of bay it's time for him to go, we need fresh new start, i think everybody agree's with that, i dont hate him or his trans movies and the franchise remains on stable ground but a change is due, so i'm excited to see who's going to man the ship from here

  11. The only way I can see there being a part 4 with a normal time line, is if it were years from DOTM with Sam's son (since Sam won't be back), and a borrowed story line from something like beast machines. ie, the concept of megatrons spark being able to survive an out of body experience and re-polarizing in another body :/
    Short of that, I can't see how a part 4 could exist...unless of course megatron isn't in it anymore...and that would just suck!
    I think a total reboot would work better :D !

  12. I loved DOTM for a couple of reasons. It was very funny (brains especially), the special effects (3D included) were good, great action sequences, good storyline and solid acting. i would give it a 3.5/4 because it was great (best one in the trilogy, i thought), but i thought that the ending was slightly rushed. other then that, watching this movie made me confused at how the critics could've hated on this movie (although i do believe it was due to this movie being a movie not for adults).

  13. @Anonymous 7/04/2011 8:37 AM: don't dream, it won't happen. There were a lot of cuts on Transformers and Transformers2 as well.. although not as many as on Transformers3 for sure. Paramount never released extended editions of the first two movies, no Director's Cut, nothing. And this time there won't even be a special IMAX BluRay release like Transformers2 because Transformers3 was not shot in IMAX format but just Digital3D.

  14. is now projecting DOTM's total worldwide box office gross thru the 4th to be $416 million ($181 mil domestic/$235 mil international).
    While it's likley DOTM will see a definite drop off I would still expect it to be the #1 movie again next weekend and earn around $50 million;it's hard to see The Zookeeper or Horrible Bosses knocking it off.

    According to Box Office Mojo Transformers did not have a weekend where its earnings dropped-off 50% from the previous weekend during its entire theatrical run and Revenge of the Fallen only had 2 weekends with drop-offs of 50% or more from the previous weekend(one came in its 2nd weekend when the 4th of July fell on a Saturday, the other came on its 13th week in theaters).

    I would guess DOTM will finish up earning about $345 million doestically and about $600 million internationally. Obviously it will be helped by selling a lot of higher priced 3D tickets but lets not forget ROTF was helped by the fact that ticket prices averaged $7.50 in 2009 versus $6.88 in 2007when Transformers was released(according to Box Office Mojo).
    We can debate what these numbers mean forever. Bottom line; This movie is going to make a boat load of money and will likley be the highest worldwide grossing transformers movie of all.

  15. Nooooooooo!!!, come on winton, thats just too close to 1 billion to throw in the towel like that, i don't know what its going to do, but at least alot of the movie sites are being alot more positive about how decent the numbers are, exspecialy overeas, kinda dampens those not so in love with m.bay reviews,because their focusing on the numbers now and their talking alot about the cinima score being an A so thats pretty positive, but we all no if those decent numbers dont last its right back to the bashing ,so if you liked the movie like i did keep your fingers crossed for some more good numbers

  16. these numbers are wrong..their actually higher than they are being reported here go to they say TF3 has made 416 million and has broke the 4th of July record..but thanks blogmaster for keeping us informed

  17. @Winton Ray if Pirates 4 made a Billion I know Transformers will damn sure make a billion..its already almost at half after just 5 days do you honestly think your domestic projections are realistic? if it at 181 now you really think after it's run that will just go up to 345? that's crazy man..I say a little over or a little under 500 mill domestically and about 800 mill internationally..

  18. @Winton Ray: Transformers3 won't go beyond $750million at best. There are few days left before Harry Potter gets released worldwide and when it happens Transformers3 worldwide income will drop 65-70% or more.
    Expect US $320-$330million and Rest Of The World $390-400million

  19. @ Anonymous 7/04/2011 5:24 PM
    Don't get me wrong, I loved DOTM and want it to make as much as possible. I based my domestic guess around the fact that both Transformers and ROTF made half of their money by the end of their first weekend.

    @ Anonymous 7/04/2011 5:57 PM
    See quote above regarding my domestic guess.
    Pirates has always had a huge international fan base, bigger than transformers so I don't think DOTM will equal its success overseas even though DOTM is a much better movie with better 3D.

    @ Anonymous 7/04/2011 6:28 PM
    HP8 doesn't open till the 15th, by then DOTM will have have already made most of its money, including well over $400 mil internationally I

    DOTM was shot in 3D in my opinion had the best 3D look so far...HP8 is being post-converted to 3D as a cash grab. I've read that HP8's 3D ticket sales are lagging. Audiences are tired of paying for less than great 3D so this might hurt HP8's bottom line and help DOTM.

  20. Look,5:57 pm i love your enthusiasim but its not going to make 500 million domesticly, how ever their are some movies that have a similar domsetic hall in its first 6 days and then went on to make 375 to 380, but it would have to kick some serious ass this week and weekend because after that its all harry potter, so all this movie got now is word of mouth, we will have a good idea by wedsday on how its doing, but right now i think winton is just about right, how ever i do think it has a good chance of making a billion worldwide, my prediction is 350 million in the states and 700 million over my fingers crossed, fuck harry potter!!

  21. these numbers are insane for a film coming off the supposedly worst movie ever made...


    amazing job TF-DOTM best movie yet!

  22. TF DOTM WAS TEH BEST OF ALL 3.. Bring on more TF movies please!!! :)

  23. Yeah, HP 8 won't do well in 3D. After the 3D work Bay's put out, HP's post conversion (UGH!!) is going to be a slap to the face for 3D fans. I'll see HP, but I'm not seeing it in 3D. They'll have to be happy with 2D. I also agree with a post that said Transformers will have made mose of its money before HP comes out. Remember, HP doesn't come out until the 15th. That'll give us about 10 days to squeeze more money out, and even after it comes out, you'll still have the DOTM fans still seeing it. I'll be one of them. Reaching that billion dollar mark would be an awesome ending to this franchise, regardless to how well the movies were. Bay did his best, and I thank him for his hard work, and more importantly, for bringing Peter Cullen and Frank Welker and Co. back.
