Thursday, July 07, 2011

Don Murphy: No Reboot, New Trilogy

In a post on his message board, Transformers producer Don Murphy commented (log in required) on what his hopes are for the next film.
What happens next? Certainly not a reboot. We haven't lost the Transformers. They didn't grow up or become expensive like Toby Maguire. I don't know what happens next. I'm pretty sure there will be a second trilogy. I am pretty sure it will kick ass. And I am pretty sure some of you will hate it because it wasn't all bots.
Right now the studio is just enjoying the mountain of money Dark of the Moon making them followed by the DVD/Blu-ray release. After that is when they will probably sit down and get serious about mapping out the future of the Transformers franchise. I think the studio is waiting to see how Amazing Spider-Man performs next summer. It proves to be a perfect test case to determine if a reboot so soon after the original movie trilogy can be just as successful. I am basing this line of thinking on the reality that for studios it is not about if a reboot is good idea or not but just a business first decision of keeping all options open for the most financial success.


  1. F---!
    I want a beast wars movie!

  2. good, we dont need a reboot...megatron can still come back as Galvatron, or even as Megatron again..his head was ripped off, dont think his spark was exstinguished....anyways , does ripping off a robots head kill them ? id say no...i guess we shall see, but def no reboot, and def no retardedness like fanboys need to let that go..... i would love BAY to come back, his movies have been murphy's line about the future bitching about the new trilogy not having "all bots" lol..

  3. Beast Wars was terrible..........Cars and Jets and all sort of vehicles all the WAY!

  4. even he's making fun of fanboys....this is ridiculous

  5. I think some want a "Beast Wars" movie. It's a little rush in my opinion.

    For another TF trilogy... This got me thinking lately. It came to my thoughts that I want to see new set of Autobots, Decepticons and humans. But where the story takes off?

    From bits of references from Dreamwave, IDW and tv series from the G1 and made into a new story. Something we already seen DOTM... dark, twisted, and unsuspected. Starting with Hot Rod, Galvatron, Drift and etc.

    It just to came to my mind. Whenever Paramount/Dreamworks made a decision, I hope for the continuation of the Movieverse will make more exciting (and approvement) than ever.

  6. A trilogy could mean a chance optimus would die and hotrod will show up to becaome rodimus prime. i hope not!!

  7. The day a live action movie has that sob hot rod and not Optimus Prime is the day i stop paying to see live action transformers movies. I think they should add to this triolgy and a good place to start would be many years in the future with evil humans who are using the transformers technology against them and trying to rule the world. ps, no unicron, leave him dead in 86

  8. On his full post Don Murphy insults viewers/customers like nothing, he knows Transformers3 is the worst product of the franchise so far and he laughs at seeing money flowing in his pocket thanks to sheep people paying for the 3D gimmick for a bad product.

  9. there are things to consider logically.

    1) how long are humans going to be involved? These robots are GOD LIKE its getting ridiculous to see humans fighting with/against them.

    2) How long can they stay out of Space? IE more Space Travel? These Bots are light years ahead of humans and they can't space travel well?

    3) how long will Unicron stay out of the picture, just about everyone would agree hes is the biggest menace in TF lore, the biggest force in the TF universe.

    These are things to consider if TF is moving ahead, we cant just rehash the BAY formula, IE more Bad bots are found/arrives to EARTH, which pisses of optimus and optimus has to kill them, THE END! NO MORE PLEASE!!!

  10. how many more notable decepticons are left, they killed off the main ones in 'dark of the moon' the only other bad guy i can think of in unicron, can't see galvatron making an appearance because they killed megatron.....twice!!

  11. Here are some main decepticons that are not yet killed and showed up: Thundercracker, Skywarp, Rumble, Trypticon & Insecticons

  12. I would love to see TF characters to go space travel throughout the universe. If would mean travel to other planets, facing new enemies and firefight in space.

    Secondly, I wouldn't bet if Optimus Prime dies again. No, we will see something different other than that. For example, something happening space, a new Decepticon leader rises, uncover a deeper origin which far back where the Allspark originate, and then a group of misfit of Autobots must stop this threat. Something like that.

    Third of all, comic book writers are writing movie script recently... so why not have TF writers such as Simon Furman, James Roberts or Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning to join Ethren Kruger (if he's on board). That's might be awesome!

    Lastly, ... well that's could say. Like u people said: More deep into the TF mythos (very deeper), and plenty others. I like a new trilogy can be compact (meaning comfortable), more align to the storyline as it can. And who's going to direct the movie where Bay left? I can think a few.

  13. Time-travel. Time-paradoxes. Transformers4 getting back Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf as Mikaela Banes and Sam Witwicky. The Victoria Secret model has to go. Her character Carly on Transformers3 is the opposite of true G1 Carly. Mikaela Banes character is way more G1 Carly than the pointless dumb Carly on Transformers3.

  14. I liked the trans movies and it was alot of fun follwing it on the net, but i'm ready to see this franchise go into another direction. Their will always be humans involved in these movies because they have to appeal to a larger audience, i really don't mind having humans involved as long as their is constant dialog with the bots, something that bay just didn't do, we want transformers to have much, much more character development in these movies and longer death matches. Don't get me rong i'm certainly not a bay hater and in my opinion he did a decent job but i think he just went a little astray with the human element, i just think these movies could have been so much better with more robot interaction.

  15. I tell ya some of you are some ungreatful people for real!!! as far as the transformers themselves the man did the best he could...he made that money stretch the stuff you people want would be a 500 million dollar budgeted movie and right now it is too expensive to make an all CG movie like that...not only do you people want the robots on screen all the time(lots of CG) you want them in space too!!!(even more CG)..I was totally shocked at how much screentime the robots had in this movie they were in it about 75% of the chill and lets just hope for the best people..I have a request IF ANYONE CAN FIND A MOVIE STILL FROM T3 WHEN ALL THE AUTOBOTS WERE STANDING TOGETHER WHEN THEY WOKE UP SENTINEL PRIME I would really appreciate that I think it was Dino, Sideswipe, Ratchet, Ironhide, and Bumblebee in the shot I think that shot was amazing and would look pretty badass on my wallpaper but I can't find it anywhere and I have been looking hard for it..

  16. look forward to this:D

  17. I hope they focus more on the autobots and decepticons in the 4th movie. I really don't care about the humans anymore. I want to see the robots fighting and having their own stories.

  18. It would be nice if the new trilogy had a similar storyline like the more recently Transformers issues of IDW that lead into the Chaos chapter!(Prime loses the Matrix and Hot Rod gets it back, dies, and is brought back to life but now he's mature and not impatient).

  19. i'd say wait 5 years and then start a new trilogy.A trilogy like LOTR when all films are directly connected together and no different stories.Oh and NO!NO stupid beast wars movies.

  20. Im sorry but its time.......Grimlock!

  21. "even he's making fun of fanboys....this is ridiculous"

    Dear jackass, a fanboy is your fucking kind that SWALLOWS fucking EVERYTHING no matter how BAD it is and just fucking BEGS for fucking MORE! GO FUCK YOURSELF!

  22. Two words for TF4:



  23. A new trilogy would have some difference to it, but there are plenty of other decepticon leaders, or even sub-groups they could use as the bad guys, the Combaticons, the Stunticons, though it is possible for Galvatron to come in, if they use Unicron in such a movie wisely, not as a direct foe, but a far felt influence.

  24. "even he's making fun of fanboys....this is ridiculous"

    "Dear jackass, a fanboy is your fucking kind that SWALLOWS fucking EVERYTHING no matter how BAD it is and just fucking BEGS for fucking MORE! GO FUCK YOURSELF!"

    actually dumbass, you just described yourself go back to mommy and cry

  25. I understand how they want to take it in a new direction... but i don't see how they can pull it off without the main characters. I can deal without sam + hot female, but without optimus and the other autobots i don't see how it can be as successful as this trilogy. One thing i bet they will look into would be a prequel trilogy as to how optimus became a prime and how the war for cybertron was fought. It's all up in the air and it will be a while (Im guessing sometime in 2012) when they know what they're gonna do as far as more movies.

  26. I think they should bring Galvatron/Megatron/Super-Megatron and Unicron only in TF6 (if it's really going to be a new trilogy). Build the suspense, baby!

    Also, who thinks they should have left Shockwave for the new trilogy? SERIOUSLY underused in TF3, me thinks...

  27. why so soon? one year and we go into production of a NEW trilogy?! let these 3 kick-ass movies sink in... i say in five years start a new set of Transformer movies... (my thoughts) and again a prequel THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!

  28. How abt a decepticon victory for the next one?

  29. I think it would be cool to see The Wreckers become more involved. Bring in Ultra Magnus, Prowl, Springer, and Kup.

  30. I'm all for a prequel trilogy, but I think having nothing but cgi for that movie (and it would be if everything was based on Cybertron) would be way too expensive. The budget would have to be huge. Unless the did the trilogy to end right when Bumblebee landed and spent his time as that camaro looking for sam? Then they could have some live shots in there. There was a book pre-transformers (ghost of yesteryear I think?) that could be used as the end of the new trilogy, if there was one. I agree there are plenty of other decepticons that could be used too. I think it would be freakn sweet if they did a war on Cybertron plot with how Optimus became Prime and how the other bots came to be, (including Bee losing his voice), but the cost I think would be too great.

  31. Fuck prequels

  32. 7:10 am, listen i agree with you, i think bay did a fantastic job in introducing the transformers to us on the big screen, and anyone who says he ruined the franchise is just being silly, the franchise is powerful, strong and stable, i do agree their was more dialog with the bots, but half the movie is goofy humor and too much human involvment, i would have rather seen more soundwave, ironhide, sideswipe and shockwave instead of deepwang deepwang, deep throat. But dont get me rong i loved the movie, i thought it was a blast, i just want more character development with the bots and more death matches, you do that and alot more people will be happy, i guarantee it.

  33. Prequel would just flop and kill the franchise.
    The second trilogy must move a few years in the future.. And getting Megan Fox as Mikaela Banes and Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky for at least the 4th movie to introduce new characters is the only way to avoid killing the franchise.

  34. Question...

    do you guys think a new trilogy should have new transformer body designs? Or stay with the "bayformers" concept designs?

  35. victory for Decepticons +1

  36. The only point in Mikaela's return in any future TF movie is if she was a villain trying to win back Sam. He previously helped save the world twice, yet she dumps him. A cat fight between her & Carly would be cool.

  37. I know this a little off the subject, but i couldn't help but notice how similar the numbers between spiderman 2 and dotm are almost identical, and at the same time of the year, and spidy went on to make 373 million in the states, right now on the same day of the year spidy was at 202 million and dotm stands at 204 million, with spidy earning 10 million 33 and dotm earning 10 million 334 and both on a wednsday after the 4th, and both exactly 8 days into their run, i just cant get over how similar those numbers are, does it maen anything, i dont know, only time will tell, but i thought it was interesting.

  38. "do you guys think a new trilogy should have new transformer body designs? Or stay with the "bayformers" concept designs?"

    I believe that if they keep the same concept designs with the "bayformers" then they'll avoid confusion with who is whom, since it is not a reboot!And I'd also like to add that it would be nice to make the new trilogy a sequel and not a prequel to get more characters with Earth-form and to get Galvatron and possibly Dinobots and other sub-groups!

  39. Im done.You killed Shockwave and he was such a fucking waste on this new movie.He was like 4 minutes top in the movie.A complete waste of time and character.Do whatever you want I will be waiting for another movie.

  40. @Anonymous 7/07/2011 5:23 PM: are you on crack or you watched too much porno movies or what? You would want Mikaela Banes character back but turned evil what?? 1) It would make no damn sense; 2) It's a dumb retarded idea; 3) It would kill the movie and the franchise instead of helping it.

  41. I'd say do a reboot trilogy....and listen to the fans more without snubbing their noses at them like Bay did a few times. Also not making characters show up and die so easily. I agree Shockwave was a waste in the 3rd movie(though overall I did like all 3 movies, the 2nd one the least) I'd also hope they'd keep the look of the Transformers from Bay's movies though, I liked them since they are more "alien robots" and not "blocky but human looking" like the original G1 TF. Yes I am a Transformers Fan but I guess I am not as "Die Hard" as some since there have been so many different versions of TF's over the years and I've grown up with all of them that I am more flexible than some as to how they look.

  42. Whatever they do, it would serve them well to have a general outline for a new trilogy so it flows well in terms of story and being fluid. They did this with Star Wars Ep 4-6 and lays the foundation for interesting stories.

  43. to wait for 5 years for the next transfomers movie is waste of money for hasbro, paramount....

  44. I wouldn't mind waiting for a few years.

    Paramount and Hasbro have plenty of time to get things together and starts planning for the next trilogy. Reboot is a waste time.

    I say wait until what their next move will be on this TF movieverse. If they continue this, I'll be happy. If they decide to rebooted, ... well, might as well start booing.

  45. Headmasters/Targetmasters/Powermasters comes to mind to incorporate humans.
    The gestalts haven't been explored enough.
    Agree with dinobots/insecticons.
    Nemesis Prime as a villain?
    I'm sorry but I love the tribal nature of the Junkions.
    How about incorporating other Witwicky's like Spike and Sparkplug (they are currently being sold as human alliance toys).
    How about the story of Omega Supreme?
    Thunderwing or Bludgeon as Decepticon leaders without their pretender fomrs.

  46. 7/07/2011 4:53 PM
    Anonymous said...

    do you guys think a new trilogy should have new transformer body designs? Or stay with the "bayformers" concept designs?

    I want them to keep the bayformers look and the same voice actors. They just look badass. I love the look. A bunch of G-1 blocks with faces walking around just wouldn't cut it. Nope, lol.

  47. if u going to have a TR4 wait 4 to 5 years and make a prequel. they should tell about the war on cybertron from begining to end. it should start off with The Fallen who orinally sparked the war. and end when megatron and the allspark crash on earth.

    They should also tell how optimus became a prime and megatron's hunger for power.

    this war should be massive and dark, also NO g1 shit thats lame! (even if it was the basic building blocks) I think it should tigh in with the live action movies

  48. Please no Hotrod/Rodimus Prime. I dont hate him and I dont blame him for Optimus Death, but he's the most boring character in G1. Also the worst Autobot leader ever.

    Ultra Magnus would be a good character to add to the trilogy. Kup would also be a good chooise. He would be Ironhides replacement.

    No Unicron or Galvatron. Cmon are these the only villains you people can think of? What about the Quinntessons, Scourge or Nemesis Prime.

    We all want more robots but it's too expensive to have only robots. A prequel movie on Cybertron would be very expensive, just think about all the CGI they have to use to make it look real.

    Reboot or new trilogy I dont mind as long as they keep making TF movies im fine ;). But they should keep the Bayformers robot design.


  49. Another trilogy--they could use the Quintessons as the enemy in the next film. The come looking for the remnants Cybertron, find Earth and the remaining Cybertronians. War between Autobots and Quintessons could segue into a second movie, ending with the appearance of Galvatron as the harbinger of Unicron.

  50. I like the bayformers. But i want keeps this familiar, a bit closer to G1 design.

    New cast will be good. Keep the previous cast have bit a secondary role so that new ones leading in the next movie. Like Hot Rod, Drift, Springer, Galvatron, Tankor, Astrotrain and etc. Also added to the fembots: Roulette (Universe), Shadow Striker (Universe), Flamewar and Firestar from Botcons' Timeline.

    For the humans: EDC is a stand for Earth Defense Command from G1 from both Dreamwave comics and the cartoons. With updated version.

    Can't be hurt if those will be added to the new trilogy.

  51. What about looking at the old Dreamwave books? Everything IDW has done?
    Better yet, how about adapting Shane McCarthy's "All Hail Megatron" as a film trilogy? Or just have McCarthy write the next screenplay? AHM and his Drift mini are some of the best Transformers comics in years.

  52. If done, I too would prefer a contiuation trilogy. I am so tired of hearing about this reboot crap Hollywood is pushing such as Superman, Spiderman, etc.

  53. Sorry...continuation

  54. Looking back for what Marvel, Dreamwave and IDW has done, it wouldn't be bad of uses the storylines to create new ones. Sure, if having Hot Rod, the Wreakers, female Autobots, EDC and Dinobots going up against either Deathsaurus, Stratus or maybe Galvatron. Things would have be different.

    Somehow if we convince Hasbro and Paramount to hire one or two Transformers writers... they write the script, but it can be difficult even through typing through email or message boards.

  55. i know exactly how the 4th movie will look...

    An old character from cybertron will return ( sentinel prime/fallen etc)

    this character will need a old device to save cybetron ( all spark/matrix/space bridge)

    ubfortunately this device in order to work will require earth to be destroyed

    there will be lots of sex jokes from the human characters

    famous actors will be made to look stupid

    the autobots will get the shit kicked out of them until optimus prime saves their lazy asses again

    humans will kill a token decepticon

    optimus will brutally murder every evil character but leave them just a bit alive for part 5

    michael bay will lie about making the 5th movie while on the set of the 5th movie just so his ego can be stroked

    the movie will be a shit movie , but will make lots of money thus ensuring Bays ego is well stroked

    we will all get on this forum and assume the next trans movie will not follow the same formula but shouldn't really bother

  56. Hmm. . .maybe a campaign should be started? Kind of like the ones the X-Files fans or Roswell fans used to do back in the day. Roswell fans mailed bottles of Tabasco sauce to the network to get another season. X-Files fans used various methods to get what they wanted. I happen to remember a method a small but very vocal faction of the fans used. Needless to say it got attention, but not sure it did much good.

  57. @anonymous 1:25 AM....sounds great to me...none of bay's movies are shit. Sorry that your nerdy hope that the movie will be all transformers and no people , with them flying around in space, fighting decepticons will never come to fruition. now just take your bulleted nerdgasm points and go away.

  58. Anon at 6:17
    Of course it sounds good to you..anything should sound good while u. Suck on Bays stop using words u don't know the meaning of and get out once in a while

  59. A complete reboot would be disastrous for the franchise. Reboots are used when a franchise has died. The reason Spiderman needed a reboot was because the movies started to blow and the franchise had lost its appeal.

    Though Bays' trilogy has had some issues, it's still strong and there's still a lot of life left in it. Whatever comes next should build upon and carry forward the story of the last three movies so in the end we have a continuous story, a Transformers saga. Heck, Harry Potter got 7 movies. Star Wars has 6. There is no reason why there can't be another trilogy (prequel, sequels, or some combination thereof) that tells the continuing story of the Transformers.

    The history of the Transformers francise has suffered from continuity problems in the past. It would be really nice to have a series of movies that together tell a complete story. Leave all the reboots in the animated side of the Transformers universe (we all know there have been plenty of them).

    There are still plenty of new characters that could be utilized such as Galvatron, Cyclonus, Ultra Magnus, Omega Supreme, Hot Rod/Rodiumus, Wheeljack, Dinobots, Galvatron (though I really don't think he would work in the form of a planetoid sized character, perhaps one could utilize the concept of the blood of Galvatron (Dark Energon) from Transformers Exodus and Transformers Prime, that way Galvatron would get a nod in the movie, but he actually wouldn't need to be portrayed), Prowl, Mirage, Combaticons, Stunticons, Aerialbots, Protectobots, Insecticons.

    There are also existing characters that can return: Optimus, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Dino, and Jolt (wherever he ended up).

    Bottom line, this Transfan wants to see the existing movieverse built upon. It doesn't need a reboot.

  60. They should reboot with a prequel with no Bay. I want it more like G1. They should make the robots boxey like the old shows. Less Optimus and more Ironhide.

    The movie should start off with all the Transformers living in harmony. With the Primes ruling. Then the Fallen betrays them and that begins the war. They should show when Ironhide broke his ankle. And when Bumblebee damaged his voice. They show the war on Cybertron throughout the entire movie. Then Optimus talks at the end. And on movie #5 The war continues. They slowly destroy Cybertron. Omega Supreme battling Trypticon. Bumblebee should talk and have the poked up ears like Batman like batman. Oh and NO DRONES! That's the worst thing with Bayverse after the humans.

    A prequel with the seven Primes ruling then The Fallen betrays them. No Humans, No Drone, Only named Robots battling and fucking eachother up on Cybertron

  61. They may say no reboot now, but years down the line, when this trilogy is 'forgotten' so to speak or has run its course, a reboot will happen. It's happened for Batman, Superman, Spiderman and quite a few more.

    A prequel would be nice to this trilogy, give the Transformers a bit of a background history other than what is given at the beginning of each film, in DVD extras, and books. But like many of you said it would be expensive, and if we want it done right, quite a bit of time.

  62. Anyone who actually has not seen the movie yet...don`t read this lol !!!

    Although I agree with most all the comments on this thread...good points on both sides actually, I can not help but feel Bay and company were in fact trying to ènd it all.

    He killed off Megatron, and went to great lengths to show us that he is dead for sure this time (Ie. ripping off his head & spine + axe through head + showing him up close as he indeed his red eyes extinguish.
    Also he has killed off all the main villains ( by main, I just mean the usual...starscream, soundwave, shockwave etc...all dead)

    Then it looks like he even killed off their entire GD planet!! I really felt as if Bay was not thinking about leaving any room for someone else to have any kind of continuation here...felt as if he was obviously trying to say ``im officially done with it,`` and did`nt leave any obvious place for another writer, director etc.. to take over from with a part 4.

    Is this true...who knows

    But I for one certainly felt like there was no continuation for this movie, as there was no trace of any doubt sewn into the end of that movie by the writers or directors.

    They bad guys are simply all dead, and their planet as well :Z

    He totally did`nt have to do it that way, so I guess that means it was intentional.

    just my two cents worth, anyone else care to comment on this...

  63. I would say if this movie rush to have the major vilains killed in the end, then what could be done to have them dead properly the way it should be? This is top off my head the way I type this.

    This leaves another writer, director, producer and etc to take over in the next trilogy. I wonder IDW Publishing should or could be the collaborator with Paramount/Dreamworks more similar to Marvel Studios, the one they done with Marvel films.

    Like I said, they should hire Simon Furman or either of the TF writers, then let's see what's their decision and how it plan out carefully.

  64. My son is q huge fan iron hide was my favorite but they killed him off I would love to see another movie I would like it if they could find more autobots but if they do great if they don't oh well I like Megan fox way better my little boy would enjoy more transformers movies he's got a small collection of the auto boys an I am having a hard time finding them now a days
