Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Jason Statham in Transformers 4? Nope (Updated)

I didn't even want to waste my time writing this or your time reading it but sadly ShowbizSpy's link bait article claiming Jason Statham (The Transporter, The Expendables) is up for a role in Transformers 4 has popped up on at least 4 websites that I am aware of. It is complete nonsense that isn't even worth repeating. A Hollywood insider told the site, "It’s clear the franchise still has huge potential but with a new leading man capable of taking Transformers in a new, darker direction. Jason could be just the man to do that and his relationship with Rosie would be an added bonus in marketing the movie."

Translation: A bunch of guys were standing at some studio office talking about how hot Rosie Huntington-Whiteley looked in DOTM, which likely led to them talking about how her boyfriend Jason Statham would be perfect for a role in the next movie but he only likes dark stories with flawed "heroes". Someone heard this and called the website who thought "hey this will get a lot of hits!" and thus a BS story like this is born.

The movie isn't even a week old. I doubt Paramount and Hasbro has even decided if they want a Transformers 4 or a reboot much less who is going to replace Michael Bay as director. With rare exceptions of the $20 million per movie actor range sequel with existing cast remaining in place, casting decisions are not made until a director has been chosen. No sequel decision = no director = no actor = no Jason Statham. This kind of talk is literally designed to get people to click a link or post a link to their site for what they know even as they post it to be complete BS. I am purposely not linking to their nonsense story as would prefer to not encourage link bait crap like this.

Update: Sadly this story spread to most of the major entertainment blogs, with many treating it as a much more legit story than it deserves (and proving their lack of editorial integrity). Enough so that Michael Bay felt a need to stop by Shoot for the Edit.
No completely false. No 4th Transformers movie even exists right now. Thus no one is being considered at this time. How bout, just enjoy the movie out right now.



  1. it sometimes creates hype to encourage a Paramount to do a Transformers 4...although I think Jason is a bad figure for T4!?!

  2. Oh my god, thank god, that would of made me commit suicide, and please god please dont pick jj abrams as a director, please no, its just way to early for this shit, lets just stay focused on dotm right now, its a pretty dam cool movie, plenty to talk about.

  3. Jason would NOT work in the transformers franchise. I think replacing a co-star (Megan) is one thing but replacing the main character and director!!!!!!! I think TF3 should just end the transformers series unless they want to turn out like Pirates 4 did, and even in Pirates 4 they kept the main character and it still sucked. Now imaging what replacing the main character and director would do. Having a Jason, who is know as the tough guy, as a main character would change the franchise completely and i doubt people will warm up to him as much as they did to Shia because he was the everyday guy and I think thats what connected him so well to the audience.

  4. i dont see a Transformers movie here on Earth i see a prequel on like Cybertron that would be cool but... another Transformers (in general) i say no stop here at Dark of the Moon

  5. Wow, I totoally agree with the person above me or before me...They should do a Prequel about Cybertron and have a new cast or something? That would be awesome!

    New Director
    New Cast
    New Environment
    New Feel

  6. A prequel with all the voice actors would be a pretty sweet idea. Everyone would still have their (unkilled) characters, and there wouldn't be humans (for those claiming it muddled up the movie). Win-win all around.

  7. I want to throw this out there.....

    What if they "Remade" the 1980's movie but in CGI and real life?

    That would be pretty sweet right?

  8. I agree...80's movie i think had the best story overall. Just incorporate the special fx from the new movies..and u got urself an epic movie!!

  9. I agree....don't bother with a 4th installment, especially after the demise of certain key characters.

    I just saw DOTM tonight and, critically speaking, think:

    - It had too much human focus, much like the first movie, and could've been more balanced between them and the movie's namesake

    - Robot dialogue was often incoherent

    - Certain things seemed to happen suddenly, restricting clarification to novels & comic tie-ins

    - Bee's damn vocal processors could've been fixed by now

    - Starscream should lay off the snuff

    - Tiny, parasitic "insecticons" are a waste of GCI

    - Since robots share the agility of athletic, organic life forms, their skeletal systems can be justified

    Other than that, it lived up to its action scenes and twisted fiction & real world event plots.

  10. Man.... anybody up for a Anime do-over of the films in the vein of Rebuild of Evangelion?

  11. They are making a live action Akira, why not a live action version of the Tranformers Animated Movie?

  12. I hope they make a fourth movie and I hope it is not a reboot. We have seen too many reboots these days and even though the main cast of villains has been killed off, I am still hoping that the next one would continue on the story (Unicron, Quintessons, Scorponok, maybe?) It would disappoint me if the franchise ended here. That being said, I am glad that Michael Bay is no longer the director. While I enjoyed his take on the Transformers, I feel the Transformers mythos deserves better treatment. I agree with a Cybertron setting prequel with no annoying insects (humans) to get in the way.

  13. Unicron can revive people....AKA Megatron= Galvatron and maybe some other people like Cyclonus and others.

  14. hey TFLAMB TF3 The Dreades chase scene leaked in youtube


  15. Hey Anon The Dreades chase scene leaked in the cinema. :O

  16. It's clearly still too expensive to churn out the movie that everyone wants, this is evident in popular key characters (Soundwave, Shockwave) not getting the screen time that we want and the re-using of scenes from The Island.

    ILM are currently working feverishly to streamline this process so that they can turn out the Star Wars TV series; with this in mind I think that the best thing for the Transformers franchise is to leave it for a few years and then revisit it in either a continuation/sequel, which could keep the same style and introduce new characters, or a reboot.

    In business terms I definitely think that this franchise is too much of an earner to just disappear, Transformers will return.

  17. Anyone telling that Hasbro should make an all CGI Transformers movie with no humans clearly never watched any Transformers series since G1 in his/her life.
    All Transformers versions had humans as main characters along with Transformers themselves.
    So what the heck are you people babbling about,uh? You must be no more than 3-5 years old.

  18. We dont have to go right to a movie about cybertron or unicorn right away, there is 25 years of mytholigy here guys, so many characters and stories its mind boggeling, insecticons, dinobots, galvatron, ultramagnus, hotrod,bulkhead, warpath and on and on...just sayin, why do we always have to go right to cybertron or unicorn whats the big rush it aint going anywhere, i dont know maybe i'm in the minority it just seems to soon for cybertron or unicorn, but then again we aint gonna live forever, maybe people want to sea it come to life before we click out the lights

  19. I for one wouldn't mind a true generation 1 interpretation of transformers. They should do a period piece that takes place in the 1980s. That would be awesome. And the biggest transformer we got in all 3 movies is Devastaor ? Come on now....and that design once be merged was crappy as all hell. I really didn't like the decepticons design in these flicks, and much of the Autobots facial desins sucked. I also agree with the whole Bumblebee voice box thing. They can give all other transformers voices, but Bee gets the shaft. I really hope this is the last one Micheal Bay is directing. We need a reboot of the series....DONE THE RIGHT WAY !

  20. The artistic design....whoever decided those were the best for this trilogy....needs never to be hired to work again unless its ANIME. These designs belong in that genre. IDespite the many, many flaws in this trilogy...I do appreciate micheal bay and company for at least bringing the transformers to the masses....just no more BAYFORMERS.

  21. Anyone remember what happened to Star Trek after it was on tv for so long ? It became stale....and eventually it needed a reboot in the 2009 J.J. Abrams movie. Now on the Don Murphy boards...the fat ass producer is saying there won't be a reboot, but possibly a new trilogy...a continuation of the just completed trilogy. I hope to god they move on and get a whole new production team on board. I definately could see Robert Zemeckis doing a new transformers trilogy. I may be wrong, but i think he originally was offered the dircting duties on the first transformers....but turned it done. BIG MISTAKE for us....i truly think he would've knocked it outta the part. Another solution is....if by some chance micheal bay comes back....let him direct only the action sequence and have another director known for working with actors and a script. But of course Hollywood is an insiders club. They bring in their own people....give friends jobs as screenwriters, place others in positions they are not qualified, and the end results is half ass stories we got with the transformers trilogy. I for one think the animated 1986 movie still holds the crown as the best of even the live action movies. TO THE PRODUCTION CREW OF THE NEW UPCOMING TRILOGY: DO YOUR HOMEWORK....put the transformers first...cut out the tiolet humore and the racial sterotypes....it's lame and unprofessional.

  22. Why would you reboot something that is going so damn well?! Either convince Shia to come back or higher another young actor.

  23. @7/06/2011 12:27 PM

    Well Frank, Frankly speaking, I can not see how that would work? Im not one to mix words, so I mind as well be Frank...ok Frank !


  24. jason is a bad choice

  25. replacing the main actor and director is a bad idea. and i think their has to be a break in the transformer films. atleast few years before the next production of the film. And i think the next film should be about mirage servent of megatron who reawakes him and reawakes other members of decepticon team, using thier all spark. And mirage plans with megatron to detroyes all the autobots and that control of cybertron which is still being repaired. Then the autobots win. They win by reawake Omegasuperum who they found dead in the wall of ruins of the remaining cybertron.

  26. @Anonymous 7/06/2011 12:50 PM: you think wrong on the awakening thing... we already got that on Transformers2.. Megatron got resurrected by his Decepticons minions. Why would you want a repeat?
    The next move for Hasbro is producing the Unicron trilogy, that is what Transformers4,5,6 have to be.
    Set like 10-15 years in the future. And if they were smart on Transformers4 they would get back Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf, getting rid of Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and her lame Transformers3 Carly that is the opposite of G1 Carly.. Mikaela Banes character is way more G1 Carly than the Carly played by Rosie could ever be!

  27. @Frank: tell that to Sony Columbia Pictures managers and CEO that rebooted Sam Raimi's Spiderman after the first trilogy got them over $2.5billion boxoffice gross.. still they fired the whole cast, Sam Raimi and rebooted it. And the new Spiderman reboot looks like crap.

  28. i was thinking-sam gets a face transplant because of an injury, ironhide brought back to life by the matrix (duh they did it with optimus in 2nd movie) and they introduce the fact that cybertron is actually a transformer too. name was primus something-or-other

  29. also, megatron cant be resurrected anymore, because optimus already decapitated him. i hope they decapitate sentinel in the very beginning of the 4th movie.

  30. please dont make bumblebee speak, him being unable to talk is now part of his character, its one of his most recognizable features

  31. @Anonymous 7/06/2011 2:25 PM: are you on crack or what? It was just plain dumb and retarded having Bumblebee mute in Transformers2 and Transformers3 after he was fixed at the end of Transformers.

  32. it doesn't matter , Megatron, Starscream and all will be back ..remember there are millions of protoforms still alive around the earth and they'll just transform into planes and all

  33. I like what they done so far with the Transformers saga, I didn't really care for the new girl. That was the only thing that truly disappointed me with this most recent movie. I don't know how things would turn out with a new director. I know it wouldn't feel the same. But I would buy a ticket and see it.

    Just to see how the story pans out.

  34. I just want to remind people that the responses to this movie are almost the same as they were to RotF. People showed distaste but you had others who said it was the best movie ever. Few months later everyone...two years later... everyone says it was a bad movie (story wise). I have a feeling the same will be true with this one. As stated a thousand times Bay makes cool visuals and nothing else.

    I will be one of the first to say I think RotF was less dissappointing when i first saw it that DotM was. It had a less than planned out story but the mood of the movie was the same the whole way through and there was more emotion than any of the other films. DotM had everything it takes to be a better movie but didnt transition well from comedy to seriousness. And the story had just as many if not more plot holes than RotF. And The Forrest Fight in RotF is still my favorite action scene out of all 3 movies (though short).

    I'm fine with complete reboot, continuation, or prequel aslong as they get rid of Bay and the writers. Bring in people who understand story and not just how to blow stuff up. But dont forget to hire someone who does know how to blow stuff up on top of it :).


  35. Transformers4 should-

    A-BE set at least 20 years later.
    (that way you can explan a new cast of humans but keep the core robots they would not age... much?)

    B- consentrate on the robots as the main stars!(the franchis is transformers not the wonder years with shia!)

    C- A good story arc (Think a giant planet that is comming to eat earth, and only if autbot and Despticon fight together can the stop it!...
    Until ALL ARE ONE!)

    D-A director who can put A,B,C, together. (michel bay put transformers on the hollywood map..THANK MR.BAY!...But defining robots as caricters who people can realt to is not your strong point. and in order for the frachis to be sucsesfull the Transformers need to be the stars and not just a smart ass alien that gets blown up in the back ground!)

  36. i think a prequel would be interesting to see, maybe seeing how it all fits together, or how the war started seeing megatron turn evil. i mean does this mean he was going to kill fallen at the end of rotf if the fallen succeed? because he would of needed the planet for the slave labour and needed the matrix of leadership to awaken sentinel prime :)

  37. No damn prequel. Prequel for what? This first trilogy only showed a 20% or less of the whole mythology at best. And there are people wanting a prequel.. it's like having read the first half of the first Lord Of The Rings book and telling "let's skip to Hobbit now, it's enough" .. Geez!

  38. I agree with Jason Statham, new director, prequel/reboot for fourth Transformers movie!!!!!!

    Prequel 100%
    Reboot 100%
    New Director 100%
    Jason Statham 100%

  39. Yes prequel, reboot of first Transformers trilogy!!! showed a 110%!!! lets do to fourth Transformers movie!!! its not enough yet!!!

    Jason Statham, new director, 100%
    new fourth Transformers movie, 100%

  40. hey is transformers 4 gonna be called Transformers Rise of Unicron?

  41. How about Jason Statham plays, oynatmazlar
