Friday, July 01, 2011

ILM, Hasbro Thank Michael Bay

Industrial Light & Magic and Hasbro each paid for ads in the Hollywood Reporter to Michael Bay for Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Below are the ads as posted on


  1. Thank god, somthing positive, and something else thats positive is the international sales are through the roof according to nelson, up 170% over the pirates, thats huge.I think the world is just sick of all the sinisim in america today, its just time to go globel, and i think the studios thinking that way as well

  2. Hasbro congratulating the person who ruined the transformers series? Who turned prime into a murderer? Who made Devastator have testicles?

    WTF is wrong with them?

  3. Wow, they just couldn't resist another marketing moment. How ogrish.

  4. I like Micheal Bay. His movies are fun and enjoyable, especially Transformers.

    Haters can go suck Devastator's wrecking balls.

  5. i understand you dont like bays interpretation of transformers and i did not like rotf even though there was some good seens, but i liked this movie alot i thought it was bad ass, but as usual the human eliment was kind of goofy, but it was the action and the effects that just blew me away, and as for optimus being a murderer, i dont understand what he was supposed to do, the humans were being slautered and some of his friends were being killed off, to me thats the kind of leader we need under these circumstances, he vowed to protect the human race and thats what he did, you might not like bay but i guarentee he didn't ruin the franchise, this franchise is very strong and powerfull, with or with out bay its stronger then any 1 director could ever be, but i am excited as hell to see who will direct the next movie ,thats if they even do another movie, enough bayhem

  6. Overall, Bay did what he could to please a worldwide audience. Cons and pros aside, much kudos on his efforts and hard work.

    Should a reboot occur years down the line, let's see how much flack the next director gets :-P

  7. aww..i would have cried but then realised the only thanks Bay needs is in the millions he's making from the poor fools he cons into watching his nonsense

  8. Why are you calling people all over the world who enjoyed this movie fools,wtf!!!, its ok that you!! didnt like it, but thats just down right nasty, this is tflamb, not rotten tomatoes

  9. I love how it starts with, "You believed in us, our power, and our story". I wonder what the Hasbro crew that were working at Botcon this year thought of Bay's speach.

  10. will you just lay off bay please, I like the tf films, better than to usual continuity mistakes made by the cartoon almost every week. as for prime being a murderer, unfortunately a necessary evil. it was either him or Sentinel. Now will you haters just please shut up and stop griping
