Tuesday, February 21, 2012

ILM's Visual Effects for Transformers: DOTM Part 2

ILM has posted another "music" video that explores the visual effects layers they created for the fantastic visuals in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. It is fascinating to see just how much of Chicago and many elements were nearly 100% computer generated. Part one can be found here, part 2 below.


  1. Dont you wish more of the movie was like that instead of deepwang deepwang and this is your goodluck charm to help you think pusitive bunny goofyness.I'm telling ya, all he needs to do is focus more on the Transformers themselves and have alot more death matches and transformations and a great story and people will go nuts because thats what we are looking for. You got to give it to High Moon for actually listening to the fans and improving on what the fans want, its just a smart move. Can Bay do that I dont know?

  2. Hope they win an Oscar

    1. Yeah unfortunately Rise of the apes will win because like most movies if they are reviewed well even if their effects are not as good get overlooked.

    2. yeah, you called it bro

      oh wait, Hugo wins

    3. Regardless of what film the principle idea is still the same.

    4. Easy to talk in hindsight ain't it "bro". Principle still aplies just a different film.

  3. I totaly agree, its all heading to the Apes and dont forget they can't stand Bay, I think they gave him the Razzies. And I'm not kidding I'm serious.

  4. What is razzies
