Just a friendly reminder that Transformers: Prime returns tonight on The Hub with new episodes starting with ep 2.16 "Hurt" that is described as "Still reeling from the near-fatal experience Bulkhead faced at the hands of Hardshell during the last relic hunt, Wheeljack and Miko decide to take matters into their own hands and leave to hunt down Hardshell to exact revenge for their friend." Prime will now air on Friday at 7:00pm EST, a move from its previous Saturday 8:00pm slot. Promo video for Hurt is below. The new eps kick off with a mini-marathon starting at 5pm EST that is likely Tunnel Vision, Triangulation, Triage, and Toxicity to help get you caught back up.
Update: Added clip from Hurt ep below.
Upcoming episodes:
08/31 Out of the Past (2.17) - When Arcee is unexpectedly brought back into the company of an old friend, they discover together that Decepticon has been scheming behind their backs an elaborate plan with the intentions of destroying the Autobots and claiming his victory.
09/07 New Recruit (2.18) - Starscream goes on a quest for Red Energon; a new Autobot joins Team prime. The Autobots and Decepticons come across some clues that could have the potential to change the war and perhaps restore Cybertron.
09/14 The Human Factor (2.19) - Silas is given a new lease on life and approaches Megatron with a plan to join the Decepticon ranks.
09/21 Legacy - no episode description