Thursday, June 26, 2014

Transformers: Age of Extinction Out Now

Just in case you were not away, in the US, China and other parts of the world Transformers: Age of Extinction is now out (or has been for at least half a day). Overall critics hate the movie without about the same level of disdain as they did the previous three movies with almost the same identical complaints. The summation, which applies to all four films now, comes down to fantastic visual effects combined with a poor story, paper thin characters, indistinguishable (in personality and look) Transformers characters and too long a run time. The current Metacritic score is 31% while Rotten Tomatoes is at 13%. Too early to see what the audience things on those sites but feel free to add your thoughts on the movie in the comments below.


  1. I think a movie is good as long as it's entertaining. Everyone's just a critic because they want to be, and I'm personally getting sick of all the hate for movies. I'm going to enjoy this movie, and I know I will.

  2. an advice for those who are watching: be a kid. there are no bad reviews for a kid. only adults write reviews.

  3. I think these critics, and everyone for that matter should take a moment to consider what these movies are. A line of toys, derived from several other unrelated toy lines (micro-man, diaclone etc) that became a cartoon and comic book and is now a movie franchise. Alien robots that turn into cars and dinosaurs. I mean this isn't exactly high drama. Its certainly not based on some great literary work. As a child of the 80s, I always wondered what it would be like to see a real "live" dinobot or see the stunticons merge into Menasaur. No one is going to see Transformers for a complex story or so they can identify with Mark Walberg's struggle to find a men's medium shirt with the shortest sleeves possible. They want to see spectacle. They want to see their childhood imagination come to life on screen. That's what this is. Its what its intended to be and it delivers. If you go to a burger joint looking for a steak you're going to be disappointed. It doesn't mean the burger isn't awesome. You have to appreciate what this movie is. Eye candy, suspend your disbelief, mindless fun. You're film critics people, don't take this stuff too seriously. You guys watch movies for a living. Trust when I say that no one is taking you too seriously.

    1. Very well put, sir.

    2. Tfcollect:I agree with you 100. This was my wish of imagination come to life. I really do not make much of a concern about human element in the franchise movie adaption. And it's obvious the majority feels the same way...if it didn't the franchise would not have turned out to become the biggest blockbusters beating out every other supposed blockbusters release during TF's time of release. We're not expecting to be wowed by Sam Wickwicky, Agent Simmons, Sgt. Epps, Yeager etc. Why?...The movie is titled Transformers. That's the Gimmick, that's what we go to the box office and pay to see. Transformers!...period. from the cartoon to the live action films. Exactly...ACTION FILM!. I'd say, if you want a live action movie that,put you on the rollercoaster ride of emotion...go And see "The Fault in our Stars"...because this is not what the intentions of this movie. Lastly, I would say that is the best action film ever, But I will say it's the best robotic action film ever. So you critics and non-critics who expect more than what this adaption delivered,who want human character development, etc...your not going to get it. Because it's not that kind of movie.

  4. It seemed to me they could have went on for 4 hrs, towards the end it seemed like they were cramming as much as they could and it was a little scattered. But and I mean but some of the seens were some of the best I've ever seen and literally mind blowing, special effects 2nd too none . I truly enjoyed the movie it was a blast. Was it perfect, hell no. But to say characters were indistinguishable is ridiculous , I totally knew who was who. I would of loved to have seen more Galvatron action.

  5. it was terrible. made ROTF seem like an artfilm. honestly, was so disappointed in everytging about the movie.

  6. best movie of them all hands down

  7. I LOVE these movies so much its by far my favorite franchise and I have seen every single one the second they come out. Not to mention bay is my favorite director of all time. BUT I must say I was dissapointed..maybe I hyped it up too much but I dont want to spoil anything as well. I can go through every thing I didnt like but bottom line is Ehren Kruger needs to go..I take my hat off to bay for making the best thing out of a poorly written movie. Now I will say the story will seem good at times but some parts (including the dinobots involvement) was slapped together and random. Still Go see the movie for yourself-3D is awesome and the effects are great, like I said bay made the most out of a shitty script

  8. I FUCKING LOVED IT!!!! GRIMLOCK! <3 Totally watching it again tomorrow night! :DDD

  9. Anyone know what that head was in lockdowns ship was it had eyes and resembled a quint
    Also how did Shockwave come back? Was he made by humans?

    1. Dammit. I haven't seen it yet.

  10. Honestly have a love hate relationship with Michael Bay, great action and cgi but seriously after 4 movies you can't get better story writers. Don't get me wrong part of the story was good but you honestly slap us G1 fans in the face with your vision of transformers, it doesn't connect with the cartoon you honestly butcher it and give us this 2 to 3 hour movie with your terrible vision about something I loved watching growing up. I really hope they get a good writer for the next one, worth the watch thou there was some awesome shit in the movie but please give us die hard fans some justice and relate to the cartoon and get new writers

    1. thank you... agreed :-D
      Although I have more of a hate / hate relationship with Mr Bay

    2. Seriously do you know how easy it would be to make simple changes to wow the all fans and action junkies. Example autobots capture stinger, Prime hits him with matrix gives him conciousness renames him cliff jumper, BAM INSTANT LOVE FROM 1000's, but know he's another shockwave pumped up but ineffective, simple things bring in some extra classic modernized decepticons, skyward, thunder cracker, blitzewing, astrotrain, you know how badass those guys could be remodeled, I route for these movies but always feel let down, easily be so much better.

  11. I loved this movie. And the fact is I originally felt that it needed to be rebooted and give a different director a go at it.

    I will say that for them to say that the movie is a stand-alone movie was complete BS. They totally set up for the next film. But I'm not complaining.

  12. I just came back from seeing Transformers: Age of Extinction and it was completely awesome!! This movie felt way different in mood and atmosphere than the first three. The story in Age of Extinction was much more solid and darker, humor was toned down a lot and the focus was on the transformers this time and not the humans who mainly played a secondary role as supporting cast for the transformers. Visual effects were stunning and this movie sets up future Transformer movies to delve much deeper into the Transformers mythos and possibly see the introduction of Unicron at some point and the Quintessons. ***SPOILER*** Megatron is back as Galvatron for real and not just some human controlled puppet but as the real Galvatron. Some parts still did feel thrown together such as the inclusion of the dinobots and Optimus Primes weakness for humanity even though humanity has screwed over the Autobots who helped save them from Decepticons taking over the planet. I could go on for a while, there is a lot of material in this movie even with it being 2 hours and 45 minutes, go see it for yourself it is a super fun visual thrill ride with a pretty good story to boot!

  13. The plot is ridiculous, I did not understand much of what the robots were saying, the dinobots were pointless and the dialogue was cringeworthy....the action scenes were brilliant...typical bay movie , either the man doesn't understand what a plot is or he needs to fire his writers....tfprime the cartoon is a good example BTW of how you can actually have stories intersped with robot violence

    1. I feel he's the right director that suffers from the wrong writing staff.

  14. Everyone who hates this movie should shut up and go away. Why force others to feel like you? The movie is what it is!

    1. Isn't that the same as wanting everyone to feel like you do? I haven't seen it yet but there is enough positivity about the film that I'm going to go see it tomorrow night.

    2. You ask the question "why force others to feel like you" right after you suggest anyone who hates the movie should "shut up and go away." You don't see the irony?

      No one's forcing you to read these posts. If you're not adult enough to handle other people's views, maybe you should go away.

  15. My wife took me to see it last night in IMAX 3D. It was very long but I rank it #2 of the 4. It was a Bayformer film but that is expected. The negatives; too much human interaction (but it is Hollywood), Not enough screen time for Galvy and the Dinobots and as I first stated, a little long at 9:00 at night when you gotta rise at 6:00. However, best special effects I have ever seen in a Transformers film, by far. Better story line this time (i.m.o.). Loved how they made Lockdown (wowza!) and how they gave the other bots a makeover, more sleeker. I loved the mood, much darker than the other 3. Last 20 minutes and the ending blew my mind. As far as us fans go, we gotta understand that most of these critics don't understand the Transformers universe like we do so unless it is an academy award wining drama, they will probably give it thumbs down. I believe most of the Transformers fans will like if they have an open mind. I will go and see it again, at a much earlier time. ;)

    1. dylan loves jessica

    2. jessica is a well known whore

    3. fuck you

  16. lets fucking screw the critics we all have our diffrent opionion. all they do is say horrible things about greatmovies in a fake british acent.the critics fucking suck

  17. i am going to see the movie tonight well see wat the fuck these critics are thinking because they might be lying becuase the other three films were awsome

    1. Agreed. I haven't seen a bad TF movie yet.

  18. It was entertaining, only problem i thought worthy of expressing was Hound, Drift and Crosshairs our three new autobots in the best cgi of all four films...they didn't show their transformation, not once:( I liked the movie a lot though

  19. Seriously awesome movie. Loved Lockdown. Loved Galvatron. Dinobots slight let down but still awesome. I thought Hound was really well done. I really had very little problem telling who was who in the fights. The only ongoing problem I have with the movies is the lack of real introduction of the different characters. I almost think it would be better to subtitle the characters name on screen at least the first time we see them. Overall though I loved the movie. Long live Galvatron!!

  20. The visuals were so good, I couldnt beleive it, I dont care what anyone says, some of the best Ive ever seen. And the sound was just awesome. The plot, characters and.storybline , definately bad. Im sorry to day that ..but it was all over the place, kind of pissed me off. But those visuals wow, incredible. Im a geek so i just love the spectacel

  21. Out on July 16th in France!
    So I'll have to wait...

  22. Out on July 16th in France !
    So I guess I'll have to wait...

  23. This movie is terrible , 30 seconds of dinobots , could of cut the first 45 mins out. people really need to get over the fact that they enjoy the last 10 mins of the movie dosnt make the whole movie good Really think that this.

  24. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion and I have no intention of arguing with anyone about what they think of AOE. I'm just gonna state my own opinion...I just saw it in IMAX 3D and I thought it was the best live-action transformers movie so far. Certainly it had its flaws but I thought its postives far outweighed its negatives. I thought the acting was much improved, the central story was interesting and as expected the action set pieces, VFX and 3D elements were fantastic. Certainly I think they could've cut a few scenes, merged a few characters, given dialogue to the Dinobots, given more dialogue to Galvatron and improved the movie dramatically but I was very entertained.

  25. Edge of my seat nervous wreck through whole movie. An action spectacle the likes have NEVER been seen before!! Fights are EPIC!! And surprise, even the dinobots aren't invincible! Musical score was well placed, Imagine Dragons song was great and fit the tone and theme. Only 1 or 2 3D moments that looked flat. Lockdown was most BA/ ICE COLD of any character yet. Bumblebee is at his peak performance in character and action; did you catch the Lebowski nod?. Can anyone name the video game the pale spindly alien is from? For those of you who want no human interaction what so ever, go play a video game. The human element held just enough interest to propel the story. Tucci stole the show. And you can't deny that ONE shocking moment of heart strings being pulled. When you have a rag tag assembly of SURVIVORS, coming out of hiding, and led by a green soldier, there is no background. You get their attitudes in the moment. The cussing can go either way, some want it, some don't. I'm sorry if you couldn't string together the few story arcs there were at the hectic pace of the movie, no trouble here, they fit together fine in the end; too many people are used to CLIFFS NOTES storylines. Product placement was enjoyable, and is no where close to the daily bombardment we get watching any of the "perfectly balanced" Transformers cartoons on TV. Only flaw is not enough dinobots fighting in robot mode. But then again, for those of you who are so hell bent about the cartoon, isn't it their weaker mode anyway? I would have liked to see Snarl and Slog. The ending left a lot of questions open to debate, so I'm happy there too. Score 8/10.

    1. I agree with you totally! Loved this movie! Bring on the next!

  26. Just curious, guys. Everyone's been saying for months that there must be more to the story than just Lockdown and Galvatron, that there must be an enemy that Bay's keeping secret. From all the reviews, it sounds like there *isn't* any big bad we didn't already know about. So, is that it? Lockdown's the villain?

    1. We never hear or see who
      lockdown works for. We just glimpse a hand during a flashback

    2. actually they mention the true villans a few times during the movie. lockdown is really working for someone else who wants to take out the autobots for some reason. i suspect that they will be a main part of the next transformers movie. I loved the movie, and was tense from the action and what happens to the characters and autobots as well. It was a much darker movie than the other 3 but its a good place to build into something even more epic than this one. i say this is my fave so far. going to see it again later today :)

  27. I really thought the movie was pretty dam bad ass yeah it got out of hand towards the end with Bayhem but I definitely enjoyed it. I'm amazed at the hatred these are the same people thought Godzilla was so great, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

  28. Ok since when does Optimus Prime yell out ..."I'll Kill You !!!!" ...Similar to the "...we will kill them all" bullshit from the last movie >>> A testament to the shit writers and people who have NO CLUE about transformers characters, or lore AT ALL. So irritating. Again TF Prime has been the only show to get its characters right so far. TF4 is still a good popcorn movie...but how I would love to see a really well made...well WRITTEN tf film...cause it definitely can be done...question is....will we ever see it ? !! Peace !!

  29. I agree with the above post, it was the second best of the two movies. The humans parts were better than before but not crucial, the premise behind the main story had holes but was better than the last two, Galvatron's and the Dinobot's origin work. It felt like 3 stories in 3 locations - Texas, Chicago, and China. The movie dedicated an hour to each it seemed. Lockdown was awesome.

    The emotion for the loss of an individual Autobot and Human
    Lockdown is badass; his alignment with the humans works
    Optimus comes out of hiding to protect humans, and only then.
    Optimus choosing a new form on the fly
    The "Dad" thing worked, and Optimus's comment about "I had to deal with Bumblebee" was awesome

    Dragged on some things a bit. Could of cut 30 minutes out.
    Some jokes didn't work
    More Galvatron
    Too many loose ends

    BUT, there were lots of unanswered questions:
    Who were the Knights?
    Who were the Creators?
    What were the autobots doing for 5 years? They couldn't escape/work together?

    1. I need to proofread more! :-p

      Second best of the FOUR movies

  30. The actual story made no sense at all....things like the dinobots being in the same ship that the Autobots steal were ridiculous and what did the first ten minutes even mean? ...why did they cyberform only part of the planet...did they just get bored?......marky mark was brilliant so was tucci.....optimus prime was preachy and threw lines that were repetitive and were completely out of context....crosshairs was hilarious ...I dont know what the point of drift was (another sideswipe).....the action scenes were superb....bay at this point shouldn't even bother with storylines...why distract from robots sending everything to hell....spend two minutes of tf5 saying Galvatron is a baddie,optimus is a goodie and let the shitstorm take over for the next 3 hours

  31. I loved transformers age of extinction is was amazing I watched it in I MAX and it was great the only I didn't like was the character development for the autobots it sucked...ass!!!like major ass.they down even explain what happened topspin,roadbuster,Dion nor sideswipe witch I think i spotted sideswipes body, well half of it and I know it was him because I love that character.I think I also spotted Dino's parts but not sure gonna have to recheck.It also sucked we didn't get any awesome shots of the wreckers they where frickin amazing in DOTM so they should have gotten more screen time.but apparently lockdown killed leadfoot and the other two disappeared.then they shot down ratchet and where melting his head which sucked. So over all I didn't like how Michael Bay made most of the autobots disappear again and made seem week and worthless to the film's, that was a big down part for me. Sideswipe,Dino and the wreckers should have at least been minor characters,like fighting in the background,like optimus prime says "How many more of my kind,must be sacrificed" Michael Bay apparently doesn't care that optimus is trying to save his kind.They have already been through he'll on Cybertron trying to save thier raise and for them to come to earth to be at peace and then just be killed off or disappeared just doesn't make sense.Their here to save their raise not have them be destroyed.Bay is just killing them off like if they where meaningless.Hasbro has to have more control of character development, their just focusing on making more toys to sell,like sludge snarl,slash weren't even in the film or at least I didn't spot them but thiers toys of them. Each autobot came to earth in the hopes of saving their race from their extinction on cybertron and to have them just disappear and be killed off on earth It's stupid.Can't they just make them background Autobots after they become a main character in the film.thiers already eighteen autobots that have died or disappeared, how many more autobots need to be killed off or disappeared.Hasbro or Michael Bay who evers in charge of character development should stop making autobots pop out of nowhere.It's annoying!!! They should just make all new autobots come in a spaceship and introduce them through the fifth and sixth film it'll be way better.we won't be like we'll I wonder witch autobot will pop out in the next film.but I doubt thiers any more autobots hiding in space unless their all in a spaceship seeking refuge,it'll make more sense.I also hate how all the movies focuse on the humans and not on the transformers after all the the movie is called "Transformers" not "the humans allied with the Transformers".But in this one their was to much focus on the huamns but not as much like the other three. I just want to see autobots have more meaning in the films and live longer in the film franchise and the battle should be taken to space in the fifth and sixth films I'm tired of to many human characters,and the story taking place on earth it's time for space battles!!!How about in the fifth film or sixth film Primus vs Unicron.the two legends go face to face!!!!They can be the one's who started the whole Autobots and Decepticons thing so they shall end it in a final face off.

    1. carlos leon6/28/2014 7:19 AM
      "I loved transformers age of extinction is was amazing"

      Then you have a 37 page essay trashing it.

    2. Yeah it was amazing I just hated the fact that Michael Bay is always getting rid of all the autobots or making them disappear for no reason.But it was a cool and okay film.

  32. What's Welker's Galvatron voice sound like?

    1. Could barely understand galvatron half the time

    2. Didn't line ,two at best

  33. So I saw for third time...obviously a fan but coulda used about 35mins less meaningless crap...also wanted more dinobots...and whoever said lockdown big for Lamborghini thats damn true...he is a badass period does great...but not the size of prime at all more like jazz! True galvatron didnt transform but plenty did using transformanium which isnt really how they are in first place...thought hound was overdone...he was never like that...its like they gave cliffjumpers personality to hound?! And I liked it a lot...thoughts...
