Thursday, June 26, 2014

Transformers: Age of Extinction Tracking for $100 Million US Debut

Paramount's tracking indicates that Transformers: Age of Extinction will enjoy a huge weekend with a $100+ million debut in the United States. Transformers: Dark of the Moon enjoyed a $97.9 opening weekend but if I recall correctly it opened two days early were this one is opening with the usual Thursday night "preview" that all the summer films have been doing. Generally the higher the opening the long "legs" the movie has in theaters which will help its overall totals. Not always true but suspect that TF4 will stick with its processors' habit of opening big and then dropping around 50% each successive weekend. On a related note Amazon Local is offering movie tickets for $7 (that covers up to a $14 ticket value) from (Regal and other theaters). If interested click here but read through the details as from what I read it requires using the tickets all at once (so buy 4, must use all four at once). I guess you could just do a bunch of separate transactions. Thanks to Wynton R. for the AOE souvenir cup image that might be found at your local theater.


  1. I just saw it. The Battle of Chicago in the last one is still tops, but the Dinobots and Lockdown are insanely fun to watch.

  2. Really? wow that sucks. The reviews are horrible so far. This movie must suck

    1. Wrong, movie was good.

    2. yes, it was great. fuck all the hater faggots

  3. The action was was on par. The last final battle just seemed more epic. I still think this new one is the best one.

  4. Yeah I guess I shouldn't jump to conclusions until I see it for myself, I'll see it tomorrow night. We all have our own reasons for liking or disliking a movie. Not to mention, these critics absolutely hate Bay, we all know that by now. There's been movies these critics love and I thought were horrible so there you go.

    1. Definitely, I think Michael Bay gets alot of criticism! He directs brilliantly, any problems have been the fault of the screenwriters technically.
      Saw the movie, and thought it was awesome!
      Review wise it also currently has the highest score of all 4 movies on imdb (rated by normal viewers)

  5. @John6/26/2014 2:02 AM: Battle of Chicago in Transformers3 is boring as hell. Fight sequences are slow. Nothing really happens. The final battles on Transformers1 and Transformers2 were long and well made with top-notch action scenes, all new visuals.
    Transformers3 didn't feature anything like that at all.

  6. To each their own, but again I think the new one is the best one. It's way darker and to my surprise the Dinobots were in robot form more than I expected. Galvatron was also surprisingly better than I thought he would be. And Lockdown is the best villain by far in the movies. You can also see the robots way better. Visually they are much more distinct than the other films.

  7. I'm telling ya there is something else going on here with these critics because these people go off the deep end. I think they hate Bay period because he's pro military , he's pro patriotism and I think more conservative and these critics are lockstep liberals. It just seems a little to much on how this movie is being attacked before it comes out. I'm kind of wondering even with some goofyness these critics deep down know its going to be a hit and they just cant bare to see it be so successful . Don't get me wrong that's not to say these movies don't have flaws, ofcourse they do , all movies do but this is pure venom from some of these critics. It just seems to me that something else is going on here like pure hatred.

    1. I completely agree with this......they pre-judge him right away because his movies are usually extremely pro freedom, patriotism, military, and basically pro America. The critics are usually EXTREMELY liberal. They probably think that damn movie about abortion is a damn masterpiece. SMDH

    2. It's all a librul conspiracy. Real Americans love Michael Bay and Chick Fil A.

    3. It really has nothing to do with Bay...cirtics in general dislike sci/fi's been that way for years.

  8. I don't know but they are going nuts on how bad this movie is. 16% at RT. Now that's bad

  9. @Anonymous 6/26/2014 4:50 PM: competitors studios pay scam agencies to bash the movie on the 'net. Then it's full of sheep that think it's fashionable to follow the scam so they just add their nonsense and feeling proud. So proud of spreading lies bashing good movies to tell people to avoid watching. Really lame.

  10. Talks of making $100 million at the box office, show Transformers cup as a visual.

    Well played, TFLAMB.

  11. These are the same critics that said Godzilla was awesome...and we saw how horrible that was. I'm not worried.

  12. Aint that the truth OH!! Godzilla is so great!! and it was so lame.

  13. Tessa is hot as shit...

  14. Honestly have a love hate relationship with Michael Bay, great action and cgi but seriously after 4 movies you can't get better story writers. Don't get me wrong part of the story was good but you honestly slap us G1 fans in the face with your vision of transformers, it doesn't connect with the cartoon you honestly butcher it and give us this 2 to 3 hour movie with your terrible vision about something I loved watching growing up. I really hope they get a good writer for the next one, worth the watch thou there was some awesome shit in the movie but please give us die hard fans some justice and relate to the cartoon and get new writers

  15. Check this surprising review of the movie

  16. these motherfucker critics dont know wat the hell to say
