Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Extra Casting for Transformers 5 For This Weekend

It seems that there was a sudden need for an extra as a new casting announcement went out for two young boys for filming this weekend. Could it at the Packard Plant which J Barton indicates was full of activity with streets in the area blocked off with security guards posted. As his pics show, you can see a hint of a Deception drone and crashed Chicago subway car at the Detroit location.
We are casting talent and we are currently looking for the following:

Young boy 5’0-5’2 140-160 lbs, waist 34 dark hair, longer (may need to be trimmed or cut for the role)
Young boy 5'0-5’2 90-110 lbs, waist 27, sandy brown, dirty blond, longer hair (may need to be trimmed or cut for the role)

Must be available on Thursday, June 30 and Friday July 1.
Filming is in the Detroit area.


If you know someone who meets this description, please visit Real Style – Michigan's foremost talent agency representing and developing fashion models, commercial talent, and extras, look for the REGISTER NOW tab.
Set up a profile and at the bottom of the page, please sign up for free for TF5 only.

Please send a follow up email to
Subject: Photo double with your name

Thank you,
Real Style

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Prelude to Transformers Combiner Wars Episode 1

The four part "Prelude to Transformers: Combiners Wars" has kicked off today with a short video focused on Optimus Prime. Three more episodes are to be released (not sure of the release schedule) before "Transformers: Combiner Wars" premieres on the go90 app for iOS and Android under the Machinima channel. After the video are descriptions of the four prelude episodes.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Tyrese Returns for Transformers 5

After a few weeks of occasional teasing, its now official. Tyrese Gibson returns as Robert Epps (current rank not mentioned) for Transformers: The Last Knight. Considering he is still filming Fast 8 so probably will miss at least half of the current TF5 shooting schedule so hard to judge the extent of his role in the movie. The news was revealed to Entertainment Weekly at the 2016 BET Awards red carpet and then he later posted on his Instagram account, "Rumor has it............ Nah.... Robert Epps is back!!!!!! #T5 summer 2017 just got even more interesting...... @MichaelBay aka #MrImAlwaysAwesome".

Transformers: The Movie 30th Anniversary Steelbook for Pre-Order

While no details on extras have been revealed, the Steelbook version of the 30th Anniversary release of Transformers: The Movie (1986) on Blu-ray for the first time is now available for pre-order on Amazon. The price is $34.99 but hopefully will drop once get close to the September 13, 2016 release date. There is no mention of "exclusive" so its possible this version will be available elsewhere.

On a somewhat related note, Transformers: Prime the Complete Series Boxset (3 seasons) is also available for pre-order. Release date is August 12 with current price of $144.99 which mostly definitely has to go down by the release date.

Friday, June 24, 2016

First Look at New Transformers: Combiner Wars Cartoon

Hasbro and Machinima have revealed the first images from their upcoming "Transformers: Combiner Wars" animated cartoon series to along with launch dates. A four episode "Prelude to the Combiner Wars" series will premiere on June 28 via YouTube and Facebook that will help set up present day Cybertron through the experiences of four characters. After that "Transformers: Combiner Wars" will debut on August 2 on Verizon owned go90 which is only available for mobile phones and tablets via Apple's App Store and Google Play.

IDW September 2016 Transformers Comics

IDW Publishing has released their publishing plans for September 2016. Five floppies and one trade are coming that month. The Revolution mini-series kicks off them month which will attempt to re-introduce the upcoming Hasbro Cinematic Universe characters of ROM, Micronauts, M.A.S.K. and Action Man via G.I. Joe and Transformers to create a unified Hasbro Universe across their line of licensed comics. As a consequence Transformers and Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye are ending their current runs. IDW has not yet announced what the replacement series may be but I suspect the MCU characters will have significant roles in them. For the full details of IDW's other books including GI Joe, Star Trek, and more click here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Michael Bay Introduces Squeeks (Updated)

Using their various social media accounts, Michael Bay teased the arrival of a new Transformers character. It first started on Michael Bay's twitter account when he asked "Is Squeaks camera-ready?" to which the Transformers twitter account replied with "just a few more touch-ups" along with a video of them spraying oil on a hint of blue. This led up to the full reveal via Bay's Instagram in a picture with him, Isabela Moner. It looks like the alt mode will be a rusted Vespa scooter. There are two spellings of the name but clearly the Instagram picture is designed to be spread via the various news sites so the official spelling is probably "Squeeks". If the name rings a bell it is probably because of the rumor last week about some of the characters and story for the movie. Update: Added another pic of Squeeks from

Update: Thanks to Jeffrey Marshall of Pixel Rally for the new website banner that incorporates Transformers: The Last Knight look that replaces the one he created for TF4. Be sure to check out his site.

Crosshairs Vehicle Spotted In Detroit

It seems that JoBlo's report was correct as Crosshair's Chevy Corvette Stingray C7 was spotted in Detroit. The pic arrives along with news that Squeeks (Vespa alt mode) is also in the movie. (via TFW2005)

TF5 Pics From Packard Plant Set

Transformers: The Last Knight is currently filming at Detroit's Old Packard Plant. Thanks to MLive (mirrored at TFW2005) you can find set pictures that is described as:
“An array of giant metallic contraptions have landed at the long-vacant Packard Plant as preparations are being made for the filming of the next “Transformers” movie.

Among the crumbling concrete of the sprawling former Detroit automotive plant, scenes for the fifth Transformers movie, staring Mark Wahlberg, are beginning to take shape.

Two Chicago Transit Authority trains are positioned as if they careened off their artificial rail lines, and giant gears and machinery lie in pieces around the set.”
This does seem to indicate that the story returns to Chicago to deal further with the aftermath of Megatron's invasion attempt.

In addition, J Barton has provided more pics (below) from another Detroit location being prepped for the film. Based on the signage, the area of Washington Blvd will be used to film for TF5.

Hasbro Reveals Logos for Three Transformers Movies

At a consumer conference on Tuesday, Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner officially christened the next film series as part of the "Transformers Cinematic Universe" and revealed the temporary logos for the next two films which was announced a few months ago. The TCU was already unofficially in place after the last year's Transformers Writers Room created a blue print for Hasbro and Paramount to follow for the next three plus films but this marks the first time they have officially named it as such. The ambitious plan of a movie a year likely means that Transformers cartoons will take a rest for a while since the movies will provide a yearly refresh of the toy line that Hasbro tends to aim for. The rest of the slideshow from the presentation can be found here.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Two More Join Transformers 5 Cast

A bit of casting news as Transformers: The Last Knight moves from Arizona to Detroit, Michigan for filming. Mitch Pileggi (X-Files' Walter Skinner, Stargate Atlantis, ton of other TV shows) revealed via twitter that he "Had the extreme pleasure of working on the new Transformers movie with @michaelbay. It's fascinating watching this cat work." The past tense suggest his role is small and only for whatever sequences were filmed in Arizona.

It looks like Transformers 5 also found a woman for Cade in the form of Laura Haddock (Da Vinci's Demons, Guardians of the Galaxy as Peter Quill's mom). The actress announced the news on her twitter account with a video (maybe below as twitter's embed code only sometimes works). Also if in the Detroit area, the movie is also looking for extras as TF5 will be spending the next 8 weeks in the city. Full details can be found with Fox 2's interview with the casting director here.

Transformers 5 Finished in Arizona, Now in Detroit

As of Saturday, Transformers: The Last Knight completed filming in Arizona and as of today is now in Detroit for the next eight weeks. Mark Wahlberg posted a goodbye video to Arizona while a fan posted more pics of some of the Delta vehicles and Hound as they were likely getting prepped to either ship to Detroit or tossed. The full set at Seibertron.

With filming in Detroit we have some new images of a potential set and a perimeter that was set for filming thanks to @treinman. The main bit of new information comes from an Transformers_Contributions instagram which shows that the Decepticon drones last seen in Dark of the Moon make an appearance in the film maybe in action, possibly as set dressing of invasion debris since parts of that movie's fight sequences were filmed in Detroit despite the invasion being set in Chicago. (links via TFormers)

Friday, June 17, 2016

Battle-Damaged Bumblebee, Wheelie, and Detroit Prep

A few new images from Transformers: The Last Knight to enjoy. The first comes from Tyrese Gibson who posted images (left) of battle-damaged Bumblebee. In addition the tfmovie snapchat continues to post stuff daily but yesterday was the first time something popped up that could be considered newsworthy as it posted an image (below) of Wheelie (alt mode RC truck) who was last seen with Brains crashing a Decepticon ship in Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

While filming in Arizona, prep continues in Detroit. Thanks to J. Barton we have pics from 151 West Fort Street of what looks like set prep. The Haddad truck was used for previous Transformers films in Chicago and the E7 on the cones tends to mark a Transformers set. Sadly the set is in the interior of the building (so private property) so no way to tell what it is for.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Transformers: The Last Knight Story and Character Rumor

A new article on reveals the possible plot and some character information about Transformers: The Last Knight. The usual grain of salt take applies until get more info to collaborate the rumor but just in case SPOLIER WARNING. Highlight below to read the summary or click the video.

Optimus Prime finds Cybertron, now dead after the events of Dark of the Moon and learns that an artifact on Earth can revive the planet. "Somehow the artifact ties into Merlin, the magician of King Arthur lore. Apparently, the power of magic was given to Merlin by a Transformer and somehow the artifact ties into this." (I read that as a Transformer created artifact gave Merlin his magical power).

Bumblebee is in charge of the earth bound Autobots which includes Hound, Crosshairs, Drift, Dinobots and "mini-dinobots". New Autobots with "English" (UK) origins are called "The Creator" (no alt mode suggested), Cogman with English accent (Astin Martin alt mode), and Squeaks (Vespa alt mode). Main villain is Megatron, no mention of who his Decepticons might be.

Monday, June 13, 2016

More Pics from TF5 Arizona Base Camp

Transformers: The Last Knight filming continues in Arizona. Here are a few more images from base camp of the recently spotted vehicles of the green utility Decepticon truck (with his Hound like Autobot kill count), the Mercedes-Benz Model 1924 Dump Truck (with possible Star Seekers logo) and a closeup of the jeep seen in previous pics and videos. You can find a few more set pics at Transformers Cars, TFW2005 and TFormers, below are just what looked like key new ones to me.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Barricade Verified, Three New Possible Transformers Spotted

Transformers: The Last Knight filming continues around the Roosevelt Dam area in Arizona. Michael Bay and Josh Duhamel confirmed that Barricade has returned with an official photo of his alt mode vehicle (no idea on make and model).

Meanwhile the instagram account kraelauzon has posted (below) a few short videos and identified a new Autobot, new Decepticon and verified the rusted VW van is a Decepticon. As the first two vids below shows, we have Bumblebee and Hound with an unknown jeep sandwiched in between. The Decepticons also seem to have their own formation (3rd video). At least in past Transformers films that was essentially an "Autobots roll out" formation which leads me to think that Jeep is an Autobot (I would say Hound but that name is taken) and the motorcycle is a Decepticon. In addition she posted a picture of a green construction type vehicle with the Decepticon logo on the door.

Also there are other set pics including a look at the other side of the maybe Wreck-Gar and Hound vehicles via OLV and pictures of what I assume is the unit that Josh Duhamel's Lennox is leader of with the delta-ish symbol on the doors via Transformers Cars.

So to sum up, we have a junk trunk (faction unknown), a green construction truck (Decepticon), rusted VW Van (Decepticon), motorcycle (possible Decepticon), and jeep (possible Autobot) joining Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Hound, and Barricade on the Transformers cast list.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Possible WreckGar in Transformers 5?

A new image posted to Instagram by deezy_ftw from the Transformers: The Last Knight set at Lake Roosevelt, Arizona area seems to suggest that Wreck-Gar might be in the movie. An Autobot, Wreck-Gar was introduced in Transformers: The Movie (1986) hailing from the planet of Junk (thus often referred to as a Junkion) with an alt mode of a motorcycle. Since he is the only character that loves junk and that truck is literally overflowing with junk, its not a huge leap.

On a related note On Vacation Locations is reporting "a 14 mile stretch of State Route 303 from I-17 to Lake Pleasant Parkway in Phoenix from 2:00 AM Friday, June 10 to 11:30 PM on Wednesday, June 15."

Transformers: The Movie Remastered 30th Anniversary Blu-ray Announced

The last time Transformers: The Movie (1986) was released for home video was the 20th Anniversary of the movie in 2006. Today Hasbro and Shout Factory have announced that the 30th Anniversary edition is coming to Blu-ray and "will be newly remastered and transferred in HD from the original 35mm elements". I am not sure if that means they are spending the effort to clean up and fix any errors in the print or not. The full list of bonus content has not yet been determined. The movie is set for release on September 13, 2016. If a Transformers fan, if you have never seen this movie, I do highly recommend at least watching this movie once. It may both explain and utterly confuse you about older G1 fans (like myself).

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Barricade Returns for Transformers 5?

Joining yesterday's pics from Roosevelt Lake, AZ is a new video from Kayleigh Lauzon's instagram account (below) and pics from Transformers Car facebook page pics that gives you another look at the rusted VW Camper and the apparent return of Barricade complete with "to punish and enslave" slogan which is at odds with his Transformers: Dark of the Moon death. Mainly because I read the comics, my mind jumped to the conclusion that his carcass was used to create a human built and controlled Transformer. Or it could be simply be Michael Bay liked the character and decided he didn't die. (via TFormers)

Monday, June 06, 2016

Transformers: The Last Knight New Hound, Filming Footage

Filming seems to have officially begun in the states for Transformers: The Last Knight as Bumblebee, new alt mode for Hound and a bunch of military style vehicles were spotted at Roosevelt Lake in Arizona as the videos from Clayton Higgens show. He wasn't the only to spot them as photograher Fredrik Naumann also posted images from the area. A few of them are below, the rest are here. One pic shows an old rusted VW Camper Van that has me curious. Thanks to Feris O. for the heads-up.

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Bumblebee Returns for Transformers 5

Just in case you had any doubts, Michael Bay has confirmed Bumblebee will be in Transformers: The Last Knight.

Friday, June 03, 2016

Anthony Hopkins Joins Transformers 5

The official Transformers twitter account has revealed that Sir Anthony Hopkins has joined the cast of Transformers: The Last Knight. Along with this picture (note the TF5 logo) they wrote "The man, the myth, the legend – help us welcome Sir Anthony Hopkins to the #transformers universe." No other details about the role was revealed.

In a somewhat related note, another British national is joining the film. "Britain's loneliest dog" Freya has been tapped by Michael Bay to appear in the film after appearing in the mirror for being rejected more than 18,000 times due to having epilepsy.

Transformers: Earth Wars Mobile Game Available Now

Transformers: Earth Wars mobile game is now officially available for Apple and Android devices. The game is a real-time combat strategy game that homages the G1 characters. It features the voices of Peter Cullen and Frank Welker based on a story from Simon Furman. Below is a trailer for the game. Keep in mind this is the "free to play" model where the game comes free but the actually advance and try to remain competitive in the game, the makers are hoping you spend a whole lot of money within the game.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

IDW Announces Hasbro Crossover Revolution

Today IDW announced a crossover series with their series of Hasbro licenses that will be called Revolution. The bi-weekly five-issue series looks like it will be aimed to re-introduce Micronauts, ROM, Action Man and M.A.S.K. using G.I. Joe and Transformers properties as a kind of bridge to the lesser known characters from the mid-eighties. This is probably the beginning of Hasbro's plans to get audiences familiar with the characters considering they want to create new movie franchises based on those properties. The crossover will lead to the launch of new number one issues and series but which will is unclear (but I assume this will include GI Joe and Transformers current ongoing series). Basically Revolution will solidify the existence of the Hasbro Universe at IDW with the characters crossing paths as story lines dictate much like occurs on a regular basis with DC and Marvel Universes.

From IDW editor-in-chief Chris Ryall:
There’s actually story elements that date back to the very first Transformers comic we did in 2005 that serve as the catalyst for why everything we’ve done exists in the same universe, and why people can be comfortable with everything they’ve followed. It’s just now everybody will be acknowledging each other in a much greater way than ever before.
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