Sunday, February 04, 2007

Movie CGI Design Sheets for Multiple Transformers

Finally a crack in the cone of silence around the production for Transformers. After more toys news then really care about there are finally some images of the CGI designs for several of the Transformers in the movie thanks to Based on comparisons to the toys, these looked like finalized design versions. The images are of Bonecrusher, Starscream, Soundbyte (Frenzy), and Ironhide. I still don't particularity like the design of Starscream but Ironhide looks good. Soundbyte's head reminds me of a rooster and it beats me on what his alternate mode is as there is no hint in his design that I can see. Thanks for the heads-up Joe P.


  1. Starscream looks like an ape...

  2. well. and to hell with starscream. with all the freedom theyve had to make a main character like this, ud have thought that theyd turn out something that wasnt product of a monkey raping a chiken.
    im not dissapointed with ironhide. and bonecrusher isnt too bad i guess.
    im getting the idea the soundbyte is a cd player of some kind. the name kinda suggests some audio product and the 'ninja shuriken' cds sorta make it more of a possibility, although his bot form isnt dropping any hints

  3. Soundbyte is now Frenzy. He is now a minion of Barricade. He looks like a joke. If that is the best they could come up with they should have scrapped the whole idea.

    Starscream is an absolute piece of crap.

  4. Frenzy is kind of essential to the story of the movie. He's the infiltrator of the decepticons. As for the designs, I dig Bonecrusher. I like the wheels on his feet. He's the one we see skating through the bus on the freeway. Now we know how he does that.

    We can't be to judgemental with the designs. In all honesty are you surprised by now? The true test will be July 4th when we see them move and interact on the screen. Key word is interact. If we can believe they truely are sentient beings and the voice actors make the transformers believalbe then this movie will be tops. If not I would have wasted $10 and supported a sequel. That's hollywood.

  5. I did not need to wait to see the Joel Schumacher abomination to know that nipples on Batman's suit was stupid.

    How the characters look matters.

  6. The version of Starscream is pathetic. At least give it a different name and don't disgrace one of the coolest transformers ever. The frenzy version is a joke as well. Thank goodness they don't all look that silly!

  7. For christ's sake, can't you people just be happy they're making a TF movie at all?

  8. when youve spent the past 18 years waiting for YOUR CHILDHOOD OBSESSION to come alive on the big screen and you see stuff like that, its really depressing.
    the look is very important. if they wanted to do a random robot movie then fine, but this is TRANSFORMERS and with that name it carries some design regulations. you ask anyone into old skool TF to draw you prime or starscream and i guarantee it would look more faithful to g1 than any of this crap.
    oh well ive had my rant now...just hope hollywood is building a small fort around the TF studios to defend the tides of angry and dissapointed TF fans

  9. Seriously though, the G1 designs are a product of '80's animation and imagination. Therefore, I expect and welcome SOME design changes. So far, the Autobots are looking good (the flames on Prime are a bit... excessive..) But what they're doing with the Decepticons is pain stupid... Megatron looks like a walking floater. Starscream looks like a rejected enemy idea for the Power Rangers. It's one thing to say, "HEY! We're doing this movie! Let's update everything to make it more realistic, awesome, spectacular, and edgier!"

    .... Just as long as the word "edgier" is left out. That's the buzz word that kills any integrity of anything. Megatron has been made "edgier". Therefore, he looks about as retarded as a couple of monkeys having relations with a baseball bat.

    New designs are alright overall... Just as long as they don't suck. And a portion of these new designs are made of fail. Every decision I have read about this movie so far has either been
    "WOW!! LOOK AT THAT!" or "WTF!?!"

    And most of the "WTFs?!?" Are regulated to the script... And the mindless drones under Bay's control who wrote it.

  10. "You see Randall, God created man, man created the Transfomers, so the Transformers are like a gift from God."

    God has a F-ed up sense of humor or Michael Bay is simply a gift from Satan sent here to F up God's gift...

    P.S. Lord of the Rings was just a bunch of people walking. I love Clerks 2

  11. I think Starscream looks bad ass and I am quite the starscream fan, to me this would look way better since they're going for a more realistic theme for the transformers. The "boxy" look was okay but to be honest if this was real i can't picture mechanical beings from another planet looking anything like they did in the cartoon. But for you people who hate the new look on Starscream, at least be thankful they kept him to his treacherous roots against Megatron. I'm bettin' soundbyte there turns into a labtop or something but that's just my theory.

  12. what is anybody knows ???

  13. Sector Seven is a secret military organization in the new movie. is a site set up to give you kind of prequel teasings of what you may see in the up coming movie and a background of what Sector Seven is because they do play a pivitol role in the film.

    People first figured it out on the second trailer. and the password being takara83. Now it has recently been updated with hints on the website to a new password with new inside stuff. Such as video of possibly a captured transformer and the destruction it caused as it escaped the military instalation. Check out for more of an overview. The password to see the new updated site is: "thefirst7"

    -Joe P

  14. The Soundbyte toy should be fun! If I were Starscream or Soundbyte I would be super pissed! I don't think I would ever transform to robot mode.

  15. these designs are all crap

  16. To the guy who keeps saying these designs are all crap. Dude, get off this site, don't see the movie, and shut the hell up already. Yeah, its totally different than the cartoon version, but changes have to be made for a live action film. Otherwise the movie will fail big time. My advice to you is, just wait and see the movie before criticizing it.

  17. where can i get some of these sheets


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