Sunday, June 03, 2007

MTV Awards Transformers Clips

The movie awards are over, lots of mentions for Transformers including winning that Most Anticipated "who wants to advertise with us" Movie of the Summer award. There where multiple clips involving Transformers. Thanks to Tigerclaw, the Optimus Prime vs Bonecrusher clip is already on YouTube to enjoy. I will add others as learn about them. If don't want to wait on YouTube uploads, you can go to the MTV Awards site for TF content. Based on comments, that site may not work outside the US.

Additionally, you can go to GM's now live for more videos including behind the scenes footage and movie clips.

Update 7/11/07
Videos removed due to MTV claim that it infringes on copyright. Due to the nature of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), its guilty until proven innocent and I don't have the ability to fight any such claim. I have removed all links and footage per the takedown notice.

I recommend to all site readers to avoid any and all MTV content, including their channels and websites, as it may be infringing on their copyright by viewing the material and telling others about it.



  2. Yah that was awesome.

    Who's playing bonecrusher, he's not listed on imdb... that kinda sounded like welker :)

  3. That's awesome!

  4. that was freaking cool...

  5. Holy shit! You can _feel_ their weight as they impact!

  6. Anyone know if there is a site you can download these clips at?


  8. Cussing is completely acceptable after watching that. In fact it should be illegal to watch that and NOT say at least "holy shit!!"

  9. The optimus prime speaks clip is disappointingly lame. It's---dare I say?---cliched and childish. Do they really need to explain the "you've really changed" joke?

  10. Hard Bargain:
    Heads Up:
    Sweet Ride:

  11. Bay's Biggest ("Making Of" Overview):
    MTV Spoof:

  12. The montage is sick!! Seeing clips of Ironhide and Jazz transforming while they are SICK!! Plus I really like seeing Jazz's protoform scan the solstice. As for the MTV skit, they are always lame and very sad so I don't expect much.

    And after hearing bonecrusher v. prime clip, I agree that the scream you hear while bonecrusher is falling sounds a lot like Welker's Megatron scream.

  13. OMFG WOHOOO FOR TRANSFORMERS!! Happy they are like the main "celebrities" for the MTV Awards :P

  14. In the "sarah speaks with optimus" clip, that WASNT Peter Cullen's voice right?? I mean that sounded NOTHING like Optimus Prime. Anyone know if I am right?

  15. "In the "sarah speaks with optimus" clip, that WASNT Peter Cullen's voice right?? I mean that sounded NOTHING like Optimus Prime. Anyone know if I am right?"

    It was indeed Mr. Cullen.

  16. Hey man, here's some links for ya...

    For the BC vs OP one-

    For the Movie Awards Montage-

    For the skit with OP-

    Enjoy man!

  17. Yep, it's Peter Cullen.

  18. Still not impressed. I've big special effects before. And though I'm a Transformers fan I like the visual material to source a little more closer to the traditional Transformers look and feel. Just a little.

    What would be impressive would be the movies content, story, and dialog. Today any movie can have special effect, and things can appear large, thanks to the use of a green screen. It's all going to be how it's used that will set the shelf life for this movie.

    I admit after all his other movies and his initial dislike for the Transfomers, I'm willing to give him a chance. I have friend that see each and every movie that comes out. I don't have that kind of spare time. If some of them come back with positive reviews, then I'll pony up for a ticket.

    I'm sure people will share their opinions here and I would be thankful if you would.

    It's going to be interesting. Is it the next Titanic or Water World.

    PS: Saw some of the toy. Not the best looking things and oddly targeted at ages that are not going to see the movie. So, I'm guessing they're not as important to the bottom line as they used to be. Does anyone have any ideas on that?

  19. Wow that sucks then, because the voice on the clip sounded NOTHING LIKE OPTIMUS PRIME!!! WOW that was bad!

  20. The quality of the voice clip may differ from what we'll have in the movie with the effects. But yes, that is indeed Cullen. It seems they have him less 'synthesized' than they did in the cartoon, hence the significant difference. I think he still sounds great, personally.

    Anyway, thanks so much for the downloads of the clips!!! I missed the montage on tv because my satellite froze up on me.

  21. Those are AWESOME! Thanks for the hi-def versions! Is there an AVI version of the hi-def final theatrical trailer? QuickTime doesn't work well on my comp.

  22. You know people who are still bitching about the TF "not looking like the original" is really getting old. How many times has TF been rebooted? Optimus Prime was a firetruck on one of the series for fucks sake. Where was the outrage in that? How come all the people who bitching about Prime having flames or BB being a Camaro aren't up in arms because Ironhide isn't a Ford Aerostar? He was a minivan! A fucking minivan! You want to make a $150 mil movie about minivans? Seriously, if you fall into this category, do yourself and all of us a favor and stop being "that guy"

  23. I agree with the last statement, but with using the ORIGINAL person who voiced Optimus Prime in the 80's, I believe he should sound the same in the new movie. Like I said the voice on the MTV clip sounded NOTHING like Optimus Prime,and I personally hope it's NOT that same voice we hear in the movie, I hope we hear the Original Optimus Prime!

  24. It should be added that Transformers the Movie in 1986 was a huge departure from the regular designs. It probably alienated a large amount of dedicated fans because it introduced a ton of futuristic cars and trucks that totally conflicted with old 1980's vehicle designs. I mean, the year was 2005! 2005! Dude, I expected OP to be something else in that time. That really bugged me, but I got used to it.

    So with that, I'm really glad for once designs are quite contemporary for the year 2007 and play well with what Hasbro wants. I'm REALLY digging the changes and I gotta say I must be the only dude here who LOVES the flames on OP. ROCK AND ROLL ALL THE WAY!

    The same for BB being a Camaro. FUCK YEAH! Dude, I may not be 15 years old anymore, but for fuck's sake, if I had a choice between a Camaro or a Beetle, I'd take the CAMARO for sure! But but but don't get me wrong, I'm impressed that the VW Beetle made an encore and we just haven't even seen the movie yet. ^_^

  25. chad you are funny. People want what they want. You can boo-hoo that all you want, but it's never going to change.

    Don't call something Transformers if you can't deliver what people expect.

    This should have been more in line with Spider-Man, LOTR, and others. That does not mean it wont be a great movie. It might be. Bay's never had a great movie, but great ticket sales are a good feather in one's cap.

    It's an easy concept to get right and hard to get wrong. We'll see.

  26. "Don't call something Transformers if you can't deliver what people expect."

    Silly us, here we figured a a red semi truck called Optimus Prime was an Autobot.

    "Bay's never had a great movie"

    Yeah, Armageddon and Bad Boys weren't successful at all. Who's the funny one here?

  27. Totally back on topic here.. haha But did anyone catch the Pepsi bottles with "Transform Your Summer" theme? I was in West Virginia's Super Walmart the other day and one of my buddies picked up a bottle with those prize caps for the trip to Japan.

  28. Speaking of Japan and Transformers not being what they used to be: have you even seen the series that Japan came up with after the original series?! Transformers Victory, Transformers 2010, even from RID on through Galaxy. I'm not saying that Beast Wars was on par with the originals, but it was much better than the other crap. Beast Machines ended in disappointment, but it wrapped up nice and held its own.

  29. Okay chad, if those were great films to you, then I'll except that, but then again you never did call them great did you. You said "successful". Dodged answering that one like a skilled political debater not exactly answering a question. Or was that a slip of a Fraudian kind?

    And chad, nobody said there were not some similarities. It's just not what people will be expecting. Sure, it's a truck turing into a robot, and it's call Optimus. Looks a little like Optimis also. You choose to disagree on this point, well that's just dandy.

    I think this might be Bay's best movie to date, but I still think there is a good chance that he still will not have a great movie in his portfolio. High ticket sales, sure.

    Unless you are Bay or he's your father, or close family, don't get too defensive. I know you stand to make about zero bucks from this so please try and chill a little. You act like people should be mindless zombie who love to kiss Bay's ass. Beware some opinions might be different. If this bothers you avoid real life, like it appears you have been doing so far. I think you could be the nicest person on the planet, but you act completely thin skinned whenever someone doesn't heap praise on this movie.

    I sure am not going to change because you can't stand to know other people think differently than you. You sure don't need to read the posts you don't like. Ignore them. If you reply to these posts and they wound you so, then why is that? Maybe you secretly agree and that bothers you? You sure doth protest too much, son.

  30. I complete agree with the above post about the other series. Beast Wars did turn out nice, and Beat Machines was cool. Other than the originals they never were able to make the shows work.

  31. Anonymous, I think you're reading a little too much into what I say. You're paragraphs upon paragraphs of responses lead me to think that. I think you might be the one who needs to chill my friend

    Look, people can think and say whatever they want. I can ignore it if I don't like it. Or I can converse (not flame) with them about it. It's a great system.

    So if huge profits and enormous ticket sales don't indicate greatness in a movie, what exactly are you judging by then?

  32. I think I'm pretty sure about NOT being JUST a Bay fan myself. I like the look and feel of his movies, the dynamic roller-coaster ride of it all a la Armegeddon, The Rock, and The Island. BUT, I also enjoy movies like Equilibrium, Aliens, The Abyss, Terminator 2, Torque, Fast and Furious, etc. All of those had action-themed male-centric linear plots to them as well.

    I'm not trying to turn anyone over, really. If people don't like something, that's cool. I HATED Beast Wars. I REALLY DID! haha

    Anyway, made a stop to Walmart, uughh.. nothing. Made a stop to TRU and Target, OH JESUS, I was bad again. haha Dude, the aisles are like completely devoid of Voyagers, Leaders, and most of the good Deluxes now. It's insane. I love it.

  33. so of you guys are funny take it or leave it but remember it's transformers you may not ever see anything this close in live action. i have been wanting to see it live action since the 80s just shut and go see it you know you want to ^_^

  34. some of you guys are funny take it or leave it but remember it's transformers you may not ever see anything this close in live action. i have been wanting to see it live action since the 80s just shut and go see it you know you want to ^_^

  35. Well chad, you do cut to the point like a laser. I like that. What does make a great film. I had wrestled with that thought long ago, when I found some films really were worth watching more than once and others were not. Often you might wonder why some directors cannot repeat the success they had in the past. The two things are tightly related in my mind. An article I read had a quote form Charles Kell that summed things up nicely. I hope you enjoy it.


    Keil, a specialist in early American cinema, thinks that the question can be approached based on two qualities. "A great film has to make a contribution to the development of the medium. And it has to have lasting importance. You can measure that in many ways, but the key one is influence. Does the film influence or even teach other directors to make films in new ways? Finally, the great film must strike a chord with viewers no matter how much time has passed since it was made."

    This is why movies like The Sixth Sense, The Matrix, The Lord of The Rings, Citizen Kane, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Superman, Spiderman, Pump Fiction, even E.T, and many more. Basically once it been done it's hard to repeat, since a repeat would lack originality by definition.

    Then there is treatment of the source material if the movie it derived from a story from a different medium or based on a different story. For instance you might see The Lord Of The Rings billed as based on the books. It sure was. But, you can also see movies that were inspired by a story, such as Lawnmower Man, which was not "based", but "inspired" by. Lawnmower Man contained almost nothing from the short story.

    Excepting that, in Treatment of this first contact "G1"-ish story, the Transformers 2007 Film could be said to have been inspired by the G1 Transformers series, and not based on them. I know that offends some people, but so does carbon dating.

    In my mind, a great Transformers film would include amazing treatment of the story that is time tested, and original, the G1 story. It's classic and timeless. People are still buying it on DVD and watching it. Speed Racer is being made into a film and people are hardly buying that series up or still watching it. So the film should capitalize on that global awareness of The Transformers, and their story. The medium is dated. Keep most of the original story, and the look. Yes, it would be hard to keep it realistic. Sure, changes would need to be made. But keeping it basically the same, keeping the characters, and story, intact would have gone a long way to increasing ticket sales, and the level of enjoyment, and acceptance.

    This could have been the intersection of a great well known story that everyone would love to see, and great movie making. Since people have waited for so long for a retelling of the original Transformers story, this would have been extremely well excepted. It's was easy to get right and hard to get wrong.

    To some a truck that turns into a robot is enough. And if that was enough people would have flocked to see the Transformers: Armada series. They did not. It's more than a robot becomes truck story. There was a real sense of bold heroes versus almost unstoppable evil. There was a sense of individual personalities, each with their own likes, dislikes, priorities, and agendas. Their character was revealed through their actions, and sometimes what was revealed was surprising. That's a little more than a movie about a red(ish) truck and becomes are robot.

    Anyone who has seen the previews is in complete denial if they are unable to admit that this movie appears to target all the traditional ticket getters. Explosions, fights, aliens, a little skin, chase scene, Arnie action style humor, and so on. Basically most of the points they hit with the Die Hard movies, but with some robots.

    They just tried to repeat some past successes and shoehorned in some robots. It's an alien invasion flick, like ID4. It's a frozen alien flick, like The Thing. It's a buddy flick, like E.T, which is specifically why Bumblebee is mute, because E.T. was mute. Basically all these different movies will be playing and then they all tie up together at the end.

    That does not mean it can't be a great film, like Pulp Fiction for example. None of what I've said excludes this film from being great. I'm not betting on it though. And I sure would have likely to have seen the source material and ultimately the fans treated better.

    chad, I know that is a long answer and given time I could have presented my points better. Sorry for the long post.

  36. First everyone says they don't want a remake (King Kong, etc) people say they do....MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!

    The general viewing population wants something new, thus they didn't completely remake the series... but they do keep quite a bit similar to the series. They come to Earth after -something-. Energon lent itself to a series easier.... the AllSpark is a single item that works better for a movie.

    I don't see any connection to ID4...they came to destroy us....the Transformers come after the AllSpark and the Autobots are nice enough to defend us in the process.

    The Thing was a horror movie where the alien possessed the bodies and mutated them....don't think a Transformer can do that...

    I've always thought E.T. was annoying...but that's me... Bumblebee's voicebox got crushed, but he communicates via radio/music whereas E.T. -learned- how to speak English.

    And before you say that the Transformers learn English, it's more like they download the language and is then able to speak's more like inserting a Babelfish in your ear...

    If you're not thinking that this movie is going to be any good (even if it does good at the box office), why do you post on here trying to force your views on those that are actually FOR the movie?

  37. "First everyone says they don't want a remake (King Kong, etc) people say they do....MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!"

    Wow, you really are thick aren't you. How do you know what everyone wants. How do you know they didn't want the original transformers. Look at all the other stories making it to the big screen from other mediums. I didn't hear a single person saying they didn't want a remake, or retelling in any case.

    As for the rest of your post, get a grip. you are clearly avoiding the point or don't get it.

    Also nobody can "force" a view on you. These are just words. You reaction shows anger. Your loud and emotional protest make me think you agree deep down, otherwise you would have just ignored that post.

    I am here to put my first down and demand a great Transformers movie, if not now, then one day.

  38. You know the funniest thing of all about the ranters? No matter what they say to the contrary, every single one of them is going to see this movie. I will bet my entire store of energon cubes that the very first online movie review is posted by a self-described ranter.

  39. if anybody has that much of a problem with bay don't see the movie you will not be missed just go home and watch your transformers season 1 dvds thats still real awesome

  40. If people liked the Transformers why would they want to change them? I sure ain't seeing the movie in the theater. Oh, and my kids are really enjoying seasons 1-4 plus the movie on DVD.

  41. You are all stupid. This is an action movie that is going to usher in some new toys. It nobody set out to make the best movie ever, just good enough to sell a new line of toys.

    Did someone hit your people with the stupid stick? Hasbro is still in the toys business. It's a neat movie, and we're all smart enough to know it's a marketing movie. At least most of us.

  42. I for one, bought 2 Leader Class Optimus Primes yesterday. One for keeps and one for light play. WOW. It's really cool. It's complicated cool, but wow. Once you "practice" going through the motions of the transformation sequence it all starts to make sense. I'm REALLY digging this new design above the old G1 design. It's bigger, bolder, and has much more "playtime" value than the old one. Like I discussed sometime before in earlier posts, I measure playtime in the transformation sequence like challenging yourself with puzzle-solving skills. Oh, and don't worry, I have both the Powermaster OP and 25th Anni versions. I haven't jumped the G1 ship. :)

    As the posters above have so eloquently explained, some of us are very passionate about the G1 series and some of us just want big bang explosions. I want both. But I want new stuff, too. Coming from the anime scene of many many years, I've already weathered many transitions from old favorites to new versions and TF is really no different. I've heard both sides, and I should say it pleases me that there is so much PASSION behind this insane hobby. What with everything going on in the world today, I'm actually really glad we can put all this real life aside and dig at each other with our geeky selves. haha

    Anyway, I still need to get Deluxe Bonecrusher and Leader Class Megatron. C'mon, TRU, keep stocking! I'm tempted to get that OP arm thingus. :P

  43. For all those who didn't understand that a good deal of this move was designed to be an action version of E.T. guess again. This is a stupid idea in my book, but that it why you release such movies when people have free time and are board.

    MTV: There's been a lot of talk about Bumblebee in the film. Will Bumblebee only communicate through songs played on his radio?

    Orci: [They pause.] The editing room will decide.

    MTV: The scene we've seen shows just that: Bumblebee only communicating through songs.

    Kurtzman: The inspiration for that was the first time Elliott and E.T. have a conversation. E.T. doesn't say a word, and the scene is so emotional. The communication between them is so crystal clear. We felt that in order to really feel the wonder of the experience Sam (Shia LaBeouf) is going through, we wanted to find a way for them to communicate that wasn't direct.

  44. It's gonna kill the last remaining ranters when this movie makes a ton of money.

  45. Anyone remember Sailor Moon? It started as a manga, then moved into the anime scene. For many MANY years it held the status quo as the ultimate in animated fandom for both girls and guys. When it hit the US in 1996, the fans went INSANE about the English translation. Love it or hate it, US fans got used to it.

    But then in 2003, along came Live Action Sailor Moon, otherwise known as Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. LIVE-ACTION. Now, this came from Japan. Think about it, a BLOND girl who is Japanese. How the hell you gonna make it work? And those miniskirts while fighting? C'mon. The costumes designs were also radically changed as well as the villians themselves. Both American and Japanese fans went NUTS arguing over what the hell was going through the minds of the creators and the production companies. The forums were absolutely insane. Brand longevity? Milking a solid title? Toys? Maybe all of the above? It was the cheesiest live-action show on the face of the earth, "based off of Sailor Moon", campy as hell, and the fans ended up LOVING it.

    Now, I dunno about you, but GIRLS are a lot more catty about their shows than guys are. Think about that for a while. ^_^

  46. Can't we all just get along? (sniff, sniff)

  47. "Also nobody can "force" a view on you. These are just words. You reaction shows anger. Your loud and emotional protest make me think you agree deep down, otherwise you would have just ignored that post."

    Wow....thanks for enlightening me...

  48. hey, kind of off irrelevant, but does anyone know the name of the song that plays when bumblebee turns into the new camero and picks up sam and mickaleh in the tunnel? it's driving me nuts.


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