Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Transformers 2 Extra Thrown Off Set

In some rather bizarre news, it appears a Transformers II extra has been thrown off the set in Philadelphia for behavior unbecoming an extra. His crimes include posting about Shia's future costumes (a military uniform?) and trying to have a conversation with Bay. The hilarious visual image of a guy being tossed off set saying "But I'm a Don Murphy STOOOOOGE" makes it a story you should read at Defamer.com as my attempt to re-create would be a disservice to site readers. Thanks to Jeany for the link.

Well the saga continues. What does one do in America when he has been embarrassed by his own behavior? He blames someone else and threatens to sue of course. Which is what Reginald "Hedgehog" Brown has done over at the Don Murphy message boards. Mr "But I'm a Don Murphy STOOOOOGE" Brown is actually threatening to sue Murphy for not intervening on his behalf.

I doubt Murphy would have anyway. A movie director says "out", that’s it. There is no higher authority to go to for leniency. Once again Defamer provides an excellent summary.

I just hope his behavior doesn't screw up a future opportunity for Transfans by painting the rest of us in the same brush in Bay and companies eyes.


  1. Wow, what an idiot.

  2. I'm sorry to say it, but this is COMPLETELY in character for him going off how he is on the boards.

    The past 48 hours at DM.net have been VERY interesting indeed.

  3. Who would want to piss of Bay? Or for that matter throw away a chance of a lifetime. What and idiot. I mean posting the costumes and all that is fine but making an ass out of yourself infront of important people like that is just stupid on many levels. I must say though I laughed my ass off!

  4. This is just too crazy. DM.net members you have my sympathies

  5. Hahahahaha, wow. I wish I was there to hear that "But I'm a Don Murphy STOOOOOOGE" part. Oh, boy.

  6. Yea, it's not like I tried to walk up to Sam Raimi or Tobey Maguire and harass them when I was an extra in the first Spider-Man movie (2002). I can be seen in that World Unity Festival scene where Spidey fights the Green Goblin for the first time. :D

    Back on topic, that STOOOOOGE is a dumbass.

  7. The guy is a grade A piece of shit. I am SO SO happy this happened to him. Karma is a bitch.

  8. Wow, what a jackass. He wasted a role that people would kill for. Hundreds of people went to Philly for the casting call (myself included,) and I'm left wondering about who else they could have called to come in who would have appreciated the job and not made jackasses out of themselves.

    Bay & co. have enough stuff to deal with. I'm glad they booted him off set. I would have ripped his balls off, ungrateful little maggot swine.

  9. Oh boy. Him.

    In the past few days he posted some pompous threads at the DM boards along the lines of "WOWZEE LOOKS LIKE I'M NOT ALLOWED TO DISCUSS TF2 WITH YOU GUYS GUESS WHY" and "LOOKS LIKE I MIGHT BUMP INTO BAY TOMORROW WOOHOO".

    Mind you, this is also the same guy who insisted in all honesty that Soundwave absolutely HAD to be a "floating tape deck" in the first movie and that this would TOTALLY work on the screen.

    And now he's threatening to sue Don Murphy for not helping him.

  10. I always can get some 9Dragons money from my friends.

  11. The story or stories were all COMPLETELY FALSE and you people would believe anything typed on a screen. P.S. Don Murphy LIES, get a clue.


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