Friday, August 01, 2008

Shia's Injuries Added to TF2 Story

Michael Bay sat down with an interview with Access Hollywood in support of Shia LaBeouf. He says that Shia had drunk earlier that day but during the accident was not drunk and it looks like the hand injury will be incorporated into the movie.
“You’re gonna see — that’s gonna go away,” Bay said. “That’s fresh news… He was not drunk. He was drinking hours and hours before.”
Shortly before 2:30 AM, another driver ran a red light, according to authorities who confirmed LaBeouf is now not being investigated for causing the crash.

“I spoke to him yesterday in the hospital,” Bay said. “His two fingers are pretty mashed, but we’re figuring out a way to shoot around it, kind of write it in the story.”

“We had a little heart to heart the week before when he bought a brand new motorcycle and I [said] ‘Dude! You cannot ride that motorcycle! If you crash, you put 1,500 people out of work,’” the director recounted. “He said, ‘Ok, I won’t ride it, I won’t ride it, I’ll just drive my truck.’”

“The kid really has his head together and you know, he’s only 22,” Bay said. “He’s doing a great job on this movie. He’s really matured since the last one and I love working with him.”
I hope Shia has a speedy and good recover. I especially hope he has good pain killers (but avoids getting addicted to them) as he is about to feel every little bump that occurs anywhere near that hand for the next several months. You don't realize how many times in a day you get bumped by people and things on a daily basis until you start feeling every single one.

One month probably isn't enough to recover to the point that Shia can actively participate in action scenes and stunts. Considering that probably Shia's most action intensive scenes have yet to be shot, Bay and his team have a lot of logistical reworking to do. Bay likes to have his actors in as many stunts that is safe for them, but in this case his options are pretty limited as it wouldn't take much to re-damage Shia's hand even a month later. I guess time will tell on how this plays out. Thanks to April for the link.


  1. Wow, wonder how that will play out.

  2. Yes, I wanna see them work it into the story. While I do believe Shia was drunk, it's nice to see that he wasn't the instigator of the crash.

  3. I don't think Shia was drunk at all. No breathalizer test was ever given to him and witnesses at the scene said that he did not appear to be drunk and was very cooperative and coherent. I think the cops jumped the gun assuming he was drunk. They probably saw that he wasn't very steady on his feet because of his knee injury and jumped to the wrong conclusion as we all did. I would love to know if a blood test was given at the hospital to determine his blood alcohol level. If it were over the legal limit, I'm sure we would've all heard about it by now. And since we haven't, it's safe to say he wasn't drunk.

  4. Man, knee injuries suck hardcore, and damage to them are extremely difficult to repair. (And I speak from experience.)

    Wish that kid the best of luck and a speedy recovery.

  5. yeah go shia

  6. You know what this means? Less Shia Labeouf in the movie! Yay!

  7. Wow, idiot. There's going to be as much Shia in the movie, just because he's injured doesn't mean they're going to change the story.

  8. Oh you better believe it Shia. Like it says at the end of the blog, he has to do at least some action stuff like at least running a bit, and he can risk reinjuring his crushed hand by doing this stuff. He might not be able to start doing this stuff for at least 2 or more months I say. They have to get the movie out by July 2009 so I say there'll be big changes to his part. That is less! Yay!

  9. NO, hamandcheese, re-read the last paragraph of the article: it says that, "Bay and his team have A LOT of logistical REWORKING to do. . .his options are PRETTY LIMITED as it wouldn't take much to re-damage Shia's hand. . .", 'Reworking'and 'Pretty Limited' being the PRETTY OBVIOUS words here. Therefore, Shia CANNOT risk having his crushed hand damaged again, and he may have to do LESS ACTION, therefore, his injury (as stated before) may have to be WRITTEN INTO THE SCRIPT.

    I wouldn't count on Shia being as physical as he was in the previous film. I also think that even though Shia wasn't drunk during his most recent accident, maybe the law of attraction was at play behind his accident. We'll see what pans out.

  10. Well Shia, I think re-written into the script means he'll be on the sofa at the start and say "hey mom and dad", then you'll see him again at the end of the movie saying "hey great work Transformers". No one cares about "a boy and his car" anymore. Tyrese will probably take over now.

  11. i totally believe shia wasnt drunk. a friend of mine was at the same concert he was that night and it ended at about 11 i think she said? so if he was drunk during that, he definitely had time to sober up by 2 am!

  12. I can see Bay doing this, especially with all the rumors about him be a budget fanatic.

    I still think this sucks because re-works are never a good idea, but I guess we will have to see how it plays out.

  13. I still think this sucks because re-works are never a good idea, but I guess we will have to see how it plays out.

    On the other hand, this re-work can be funny (in a good way) the same way Peter Parker hurt his back in one scene in Spider-Man 2, as a little homage to Tobey Maguire's actual back problems before filming started on that movie. Maguire's back issues almost prevented him from reprising the title role in SM2 :)

  14. What's with some of these comments? They aren't changing the story and there isn't going to be less of Shia, they are just adding the injury into the original story.

    You'll just see him "injure" his hand at some point during the movie. Everyone will know what really happened, but they'll play it off as it getting injured in one of the battles. Nothing is being subtracted, as the story said its only adding to the movie.

  15. He was drinking hours and hours before the accident, but at the time when it happened he wasn't entoxicated? Bitch, please.

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  17. any idea why MB forum is down?

  18. Because he was drunk, and deleted it? Don't worry, it will be writen to the movie scipt...xP

  19. change "writen" to "added" ;P my bad ;P


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