If the toy images are true this is the first time any meaningful news has come out to suggest that Shockwave makes an appearance in TF2. Much like the first movie, the lineup of Decepticons in the sequel almost completely unknown so the idea has merit. Thanks to Furstreak for the heads-up.

Update: With the able assistance of TFW2005's Joe Moore, below are the cleaned up images of "Shockwave." As some have asserted, yep the images are of rumored TF2 toy of Soundwave. This would then mean this is the first time that Soundwave's alt mode is suggested to be something other then a satellite but rather a Cybertronian jet. This mode could be before he takes on an earth mode so it doesn't (yet) disprove any Soundwave rumors. Personally I am just disappointed because I really liked the idea of Shockwave appearing in the movie.

Update 2: TFW2005 has posted another picture, this time a close-up of the head. The overall look suggests a homage to the original G1 toy with a more pronounced crown topped head and visor eyes. Thanks to Astrotrain for the link.

where does it say anything about shockwave? all the reports state that this is the soundwave toy.
ReplyDeleteAhhh, the almighty and wise snortpocket graces us with his wisdom once again...
ReplyDeletePlease let this be SHOCKWAVE in TF2 R.O.T.F.
ReplyDeleteWas searching through Wikipedia for info on Shockwave and came across this.. sounds like it might be from the script possibly??
ReplyDelete"A short time later, Shockwave went on to make his return to the pages of the U.S. comic, as he established a small splinter cell of Decepticons, consisting of himself, Starscream, Mindwipe, Triggerhappy, Ravage, Runabout and Runamuck. Declaring civil war against the current Decepticon Earth commander, Scorponok, Shockwave battled him in New Jersey, only for the conflict to be interrupted when all the Transformers were transported back to Cybertron by their deity, Primus to battle Unicron. Awestruck by the chaos-bringer, even Shockwave's vast data-grid could not compute a logical course of action, and he and Starscream hijacked the Ark and fled the planet shortly after Unicron's defeat. However, the Dinobots had previously treated the Transformers stored in the Ark's stasis pods with the life-restoring fuel, Nucleon - and among those Transformers was the true Megatron, who battled with Galvatron, who had also stowed away on board the craft. Galvatron came to his senses in time, realizing that if Megatron was killed, he could cease to exist, and hid as Shockwave arrived to kill a weakened and disorientated Megatron. Galvatron intervened, but in an attempt to break the cycle of violence that seemingly bound him and Megatron, Autobot medic Ratchet crashed the Ark into Earth. Shockwave was last seen in pain as Megatron and Galvatron advanced on him just before the ship crashed. His fate remains unknown."
Only reason I give it any validity is because Sam is going to school on the east coast (New Jersey?) and it mentions Ravage as being part of Stamscream's faction, as well as having a war with Scorponok, who technically is the last surviving Decepticon on Earth.
"... having a war with Scorponok, who technically is the last surviving Decepticon on Earth."
ReplyDeleteWhat about Barricade bro?
The link says Soundwave not Shockwave.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely has similarities to the previously seen Soundwave design (The round orbs). I doubt Bay would design two robots so similarily.
ReplyDelete"Ahhh, the almighty and wise snortpocket graces us with his wisdom once again..."
ReplyDeleteClick the tformers link, douchebag. It says Soundwave.
Dude, like the others say, this might be soundwave... even if you didn't click the link, the details on the figure suggest similarities with the concept art... notably the orbs and grill/lights combination :)
ReplyDelete"Ahhh, the almighty and wise snortpocket graces us with his wisdom once again..."
ReplyDeleteThat's true, I forgot about Barricade. I can't imagine that this is a verbatim portion of the script, but it's possible the script is loosely based on these premises. If they do decide to have Shockwave and Soundwave look similar in robot mode, is it possible that Shockwave or Soundwave would only appear in alt mode and not robot mode? I can't imagine Soundwave not appearing in robot mode or Shockwave either for that matter, but with Bay ya never know.
ReplyDelete"Ahhh, the almighty and wise snortpocket graces us with his wisdom once again..."
ReplyDeletefly away troll! this isnt the place for some vendetta u have, lol
"Ahhh, the almighty and wise snortpocket graces us with his wisdom once again..."
ReplyDeletePlease tell me, where people as stupid as you are born, so i can go there, and kill everyone. Don't have anything smart to say? Then don't say anything you idiot.
Well, if you look past the horrible lens flare, you can see that the head sculpt has two distinct optics that are shaped somewhat like a visor.
ReplyDeleteAnd how do we know if this toy is even purple? The photos have obviously been doctored, not to mention are of mediocre quality to begin with. I don't think it's safe to call this a Shockwave, really.
It's obviously The Fallen. :P
ReplyDeleteYeah, totally has 2 eyes. Not Shockwave at all, it looks like the soundwave toy, but properly tranformed and painted purple, or possibly is the prototype.
ReplyDeletecome on people its the same fuzzy pics of soundwave we saw last week the guy that runs this site is kinda clueless to say its shockwave.. its like the guys above said its a prototype... no color yet the voyager class animated bulkhead prototype was red and hes far from being red...this pic just shows soundwave transformed properly unlike the last week blurry pics of the same toy
ReplyDeleteBlogger - it looks similar to the Soundwave toy you posted. Take a good look. You will find the similarities. So either the toy is Shockwave, or you just posted Soundwave in this post.
ReplyDelete"Blogger - it looks similar to the Soundwave toy you posted. Take a good look. You will find the similarities. So either the toy is Shockwave, or you just posted Soundwave in this post."
ReplyDeleteI totally agree i think this may confirm that the earlier pictures are of soundwave. There are a lot of similarities and would explain the "wings" on his arms and such as wings. . . that's awesome :D
The face looks like Cyclonus. This is probably just some new version of Cyclonus for the toy line.
ReplyDeletethis is the
along with the cybertornian satalite form.
We know that Ravage will be in this movie as well, any ideas on how he will fit inside Soundwave, or what his altmode is? Maybe the Pretender Alice is Ravage?
ReplyDeleteSoundwave. You can clearly see the "two" eyes on that pic.
ReplyDelete"Maybe the Pretender Alice is Ravage?"
ReplyDeleteI'd "ravage" alice, if ya know what I mean
It's definately WALL-E. he must be the fallen.
ReplyDeleteSomething EVERYONE is missing in the "It's Soundwave, you dumbass, not Shockwave because of the visor" debate. Soundwave is supposed to be a FUCKING SATELLITE! Not a spaceship. This is obviously a Fan-made toy. ALL HAIL SHOCKWAVE!
ReplyDelete"Was searching through Wikipedia for info on Shockwave and came across this.. sounds like it might be from the script possibly??"
ReplyDeleteYou fucking idiot, this is a different continuation. The only thing we would expect Bay to make references to past series are the character designs. ALL HAIL SHOCKWAVE!
FALE! !11
ReplyDeleteALternate mode of that toy and those blue orbs might perhaps make think that it toy was all along Shockwave. But it's not. That robot mode is different. Those two are different toys.
ReplyDeleteIt could be a completely different character for all we know.
ReplyDelete"Soundwave is supposed to be a FUCKING SATELLITE! Not a spaceship. This is obviously a Fan-made toy. ALL HAIL SHOCKWAVE!"
ReplyDeleteAnd how do you know, how Cybertron satellites does look? ;P Maybe it is a satellite! ;P And how do you know for sure, that he WILL be a satellite? We are still here at stage "maybe, maybe not". Do you just belive in whatever info you like, and don't belive in the info you don't like?
That alternate mode is like Soundwave, but robot mode is not. That alternate mode cannot be Shockwave.
ReplyDeleteO MY GOD It is SKYWARP!!!
ReplyDelete"Please tell me, where people as stupid as you are born, so i can go there, and kill everyone. Don't have anything smart to say? Then don't say anything you idiot."
ReplyDeleteAhhh, the almighty and wise anonymous graces us with his wisdom once again...
"fly away troll! this isnt the place for some vendetta u have, lol"
ReplyDeletehaha...i like that, "troll". So, you do have a sense of humor. peace....
"Ahhh, the almighty and wise anonymous graces us with his wisdom once again..."
ReplyDeleteAh, the almighty no life graces us with a pointless comment once again... Go find a girlfriend, and go away from your computer for once, will ya?
^^Ahhh, the almighty and wise anonymous graces us with his wisdom once again..
ReplyDeleteown your comments people
ReplyDeleteOWN THEM
It's fairly obvious this is Soundwave: face is dead-on, bot mode details match the concept art. Alt mode is a little suspect, though; it looks pretty close to the SR-71, who's supposed to be JetFire. Guess we'll have to wait and see...
ReplyDeleteIf it's anybody, it's Soundwave, not Shockwave
No, we went to find our lifes.
"No, we went to find our lifes."
ReplyDeleteMaybe, but YOU are here.
So, how was your day......
Yeah, definitely soundwave i think..would be awesome if they decided to put in one of my favorite decepticons but this design looks all too similar to the leaked photos of the soundwave toy, i guess all we can do is hope shockwave fans
ReplyDeleteThe only thing i don't like in his alt mode, is his resemblance to Vector Prime from Cybertron cartoon... Other than that, he has pretty cool robot mode.
ReplyDeleteI hope this isnt what sound wave looks like. Hes way to stocky.
ReplyDeleteAnd the head is ugly.
"I hope this isnt what sound wave looks like. Hes way to stocky.
ReplyDeleteAnd the head is ugly."
I think they have to take some liberties with the bulkiness of the design to create a feasible toy. Remember how outraged everyone was when the Starscream toy prototype was leaked and he looked like a giant gorilla with bird feet? Well, thats what he looked like in the movie too, but more tolerably so.
Wow, the toy looks like s***. Usually I could tolerate transformer toy designs, but this sucks.
ReplyDeleteits soundwave, cause of the visor.
ReplyDeleteanyway, i think he looks cool, for the Cybertronian form. and what if its not a jet, and it actually is a satellite, a cybretron satellite...
A little photoshopped comparison :
You can clearly see many similarities in robot mode, the blue orbs, "grill"-like torso, and layered shoulder joints.
As for the alternate mode, the orbs and its plates are similar, as are the long blade-like parts.
"And how do you know, how Cybertron satellites does look? ;P Maybe it is a satellite! ;P And how do you know for sure, that he WILL be a satellite? We are still here at stage "maybe, maybe not". Do you just belive in whatever info you like, and don't belive in the info you don't like?"
ReplyDeleteTouche' Sir, Who knows maybe a Cybertronian satellite looks like a Chevy pickup truck, no? And it's not info it's rumors.
The Robot mode looks a lot like Depth Charge from Beast Wars...
ReplyDeleteNew photo of his head. It must be Soundwave ;P
Anonymous said...
New photo of his head. It must be Soundwave ;P
If you look closely you can see on his tummy behind the "ribs" there's what it seems some 2 headlights from a truck or something.
Thi is not bad for SOUNDWAVE, but legs need more proportion to make up for the body... The head is fine but more tuning, must be a bit more closer to G1.
ReplyDeleteThe body is fine, I mean it's not like they will match the body too, that would be pushing it.
But definately the face I still see too much of barricade. Very nice figure though, tough looking.
Awww, my favorite Transformer is Shockwave. I was hoping he'd be in RotF. Then again there's still hope. I really liked Transformers Game Shockwave and really hoped they'd make a toy out of him. He would've been badass as a Apache/Howitzer Triple Changer.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen the Superion repaint for RotF that Hasbro has released? The packaging matches the logo released a few weeks ago (exept it has an Autobot symbol instead).
I'm really getting pissed off at these ridiculously blurry images.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if anyone mentioned this, but did anyone notice how similar the pix of the toy that was leaked compared to this TF Cybertron model of soundwave? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/57/Soundwave-cybertrontoy.jpg
ReplyDeleteSo I guess we can expect a trailer by Thanksgiving?
ReplyDeleteThe trailer is confirmed officially to be released in the Star Trek releas. (teaser trailer that is.)
ReplyDeleteHey why are the toys different, one look kind of cool while the last image posted looks like a crummy customized toy put together by someone. WHat is going on, which one is the soundwave toy!?
ReplyDelete"The trailer is confirmed officially to be released in the Star Trek releas. (teaser trailer that is.)"
ReplyDeleteConfirmed by who? Source please.
"Hey why are the toys different, one look kind of cool while the last image posted looks like a crummy customized toy put together by someone. WHat is going on, which one is the soundwave toy!?"
Miss-transformation? DUUUH.
confirmed by Micahel Bay ant Optimus.
ReplyDelete"So I guess we can expect a trailer by Thanksgiving?"
ReplyDeleteThat'd be something to be thankful for.
The head in the close up is not the same head of the previous picture. The detail does not look as good in the close up as the previous either.
ReplyDelete"confirmed by Micahel Bay ant Optimus."
ReplyDeleteYou are an idiot, you know that?
But the image of the last picture does agree with the new one. Maybe they represent different issues of the same character, like the various types of toys available for the previous movie characters.
ReplyDelete"You are an idiot, you know that?"
ReplyDeleteJR, when we get home, i'm gonna punch your mama in the mouth.
hey tflive, more, and even clearer, soundwave pics here:
It is sound wave I purchesed it at walmart yesterday and it is a Deep-space satilite(even our own satilites are starting to look like that.) THANK YOU