Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Air Force's Transformers Behind the Scenes Video

Click here for a video from the Air Force over at Holloman Air Force Base about "the level of military cooperation on this film is unprecedented." Its shows a little behind the scenes action, Michael Bay doing a brief onscreen interview and a scene of pyrotechnics that was being filmed. Actually one of the best "behind the scenes" films released yet.

Thanks B. Pretzel for the link.

1 comment:

  1. Gregory Gaunt6/25/2024 2:15 PM

    I was part of this production as an extra along with 2 helicopters from my Air Force unit. I, and my helo were filmed for several minutes yet did not make the cut. My helo is to be retired soon (2025) and the museum getting her would love to have the footage or even still for its display. (


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