Saturday, December 23, 2006

Audience Reaction to Transformers Trailer?

So how did audiences react to the Transformers trailer to anyone that saw it in theatres? I went to the movies today, took a moment to sneak into Night at the Museum to watch Transformers trailer. Good audience, they reacted well, if slightly confused to Fantastic Four 2 since I don't think the average person knows who the Silver Surfer is. Also there was a great reaction to the Shrek 3 and Spider-Man 3. Sadly, no Transformers trailer. Bit of a disappointment.

So, please share the experience of the audience you where with then they saw the trailer.


  1. Well, it was hard to hear the audience over mah own blubbling reactions...X3 I actually missed it the first time cause we were late for the movie, so after it was over, jumped over to another threater, but they didn't show it in that one, so hopped back to the original one right before it started and saw it.

    I definately heard a good reaction from the audience...^^

  2. new optimus prime picture

    julio m

  3. That's a sweet f-ing pic dude!

  4. I went to the movies today to see Night at the Meseum and I waited to see the trailer but it never appeared in the theater. Is it supposed to appear random or something?

  5. Picture of Bumblebee from the comics:

  6. sry bro, thats protoform optimus


  7. The picture of Optimus is protoform? I doubt it cause he has windows and flames. His protoform alt version, which is in the trailer, does not have red flames on it.

  8. This is by far the best site I have found to readily keep me up to date on Transformers Movie news other than and Are there any other decent to good sites that people could share? Thanks again for keeping up with this page and keeping all of us, haters and lovers, in the loop.

  9. I have to tell your know I don't know the Transformer story line or the characters. But seeing the trailer I have to say this looks like a kick-ass movie. I just hope they don't gay-up the good guys. I'm really looking forward to seeing the 3-D rendering animation of the robots. The little rendering they had in the preview really looks sweeeeeet!

  10. I must admit that the effects look pretty good. I believe that ILM is doing the CG, but I am sure a lot of the work get farmed out. I hate films that have live action people on CG backgrounds, they look so fake! Saw a lot of this in Kong. I know there are a lot of effects houses out there but to me ILM still has a leg up on the competition. I do like the creature effects from the Henson labs/studio no part of disney ( Hitch, Guide to the Galaxy). Sorry for the rant.

  11. I saw Rocky Balboa tonight and the first trailer was Transformers. After the trailer someone sang "More than meets the eye." There was a little chuckle from the audience members who got the reference but other than that, that's it.


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