Thursday, December 21, 2006

Revised Trailer Online

Don Murphy has posted this cryptic message over on his message boards:

Fan Influence

You guys got a major, but subtle alteration made to the trailer ALREADY.

Chills and Cheers are Guaranteed.

Tomorrow morning on the
Official Site.

Be there.

I will link to it as soon as I can.
What does he mean? Go to the site, click to enter the site, notice the nice CGI Cybertron, then go to the trailer section. A nice little bit has been added at the end.



    They do listen to our whining! Freaking HOT!!

  2. That was pretty sweet. They actually did listen and cave to a small extent. That just made the teaser that much better.

  3. OMG. HOLY SMOKES! Man soo much more exciting with the little bit, that is how you make a good tease ;)

  4. I'm happy they added that but it's very unfortunate that they couldn't just do it on their own.

  5. I'm as psyched about hearing Prime once again as anyone, but I'm just not the biggest fan of that line. (It's from the contest, right?)

    And not to necessarily blame Cullen (more blame on the director, really), but it could've been said a lot better to have the real feel of a teaser. It didn't sound like something that seemed was part of something bigger - a teaser of something bigger. That sound byte sounded as if it would've sounded better as a stand-alone, if you know what I mean.

  6. I liked hearing that line, but 1. it isn't very clear, especially for people who aren't already fans, they won't understand it and 2. it is placed in a weird spot of the trailer. It is cool to see scorponok is in the movie though. all in all an awesome trailer.

  7. Will the trailer in theatres have that line? Probably not is my guess but would like to know for sure.

  8. OH MY GOD!!!! THAT WAS SO SWEET!! I can't wait until it comes out in July. That just made me want to watch it more. I agree about the contest line, they put that in the wrong spot on the trailer. They should have stuck it in the middle somewhere. Oh well!! Really cool guys!!

  9. Bit,

    That line isn't from the contest it is the quote from the tech specs on the back of Optimus Prime's box. So in a way its a great nod, but ya know what, he never said that line on the show. I would have prefered "one shal stand, one shal fall" My favorite Prime line from the orginal animated film.

  10. Go to the website and that line is the winning line of Make Optimus Speak. Just the guy who submitted it stole it from said box.

  11. great trailer... july is too long to wait

  12. just posted info concerning a prequel to the movie in comic book form. First on is due in February 2007. There will be 4 total. Should be pretty fun.

  13. err....haters.....where are you? Gone quiet eh? Thats because you cant deny what you just witnessed is very cool!

  14. I'm not a hater but did any one notice that Prime didn't have that Roboty sound under his voice like in the Cartoons. It'd be nice to see that trend included but no real biggie. Trailer ROCKED!! Too bad Night at the Museum is getting poor reviews. Hate to spend $8 just to see the trailer on the big screen. Does anyone know if it's playing with Rocky Balboa?

  15. > err....haters.....where are you? Gone quiet eh? Thats because you cant deny what you just witnessed is very cool!

    the way prime sounds is awesome; some of the reporters/army guys is not. But that has already been said.


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