Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Transformers Trailer Online December 20th

According to Can Mag website, the second Transformers Teaser Trailer will arrive online on Wednesday, December 20th, two days before it takes it bow before some movie in theatres nationwide. I am assuming it will pop up on the official website first before its spreads across the internet. I am hoping for a repeat of history and its gets leaked even sooner.


  1. Fingers and Toes crossed, praying this won't suck.

  2. congratulations for an insightful comment. clearly everyone else here hopes it sucks, so its good to see that at least ONE person who visits this site hope it doesn't.

    how do your fingers and toes pray, anyway? What does the rest of your body do while they're praying? Just carry on doing whatever it is they do?

    By the by, I hope it's SUNNY TOMORROW. In fact, I'm *praying* for it.

  3. My fingers and toes have an uncanny ability to do many things, one happens to be praying to God. As the wise Elias said from Clerks 2, "God created man. Man created the Transformers, so Transformers are like a gift from God."

    But alas, God hates us and to prove it He allowed Michael Bay to direct this movie. Though my fingers and toes will be praying that this teaser trailer and the movie won't suck, my heart and mind tell me that it's going to be another shitty Bay movie only with Giant F-ing Robots.


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