Other galleries found on some major TF websites:
TFW2005 Main Gallery - Thanks for the link "toysrevil"
Seibertron Main Toyfair TF Gallery - over hundred pictures
Ultimate Bumblebee - here, here and here
Various Optimus Prime Based Toy Images - here
Transformer Mugs, Busts, and various accessories - here
Corgi Statue Designs and other images - here
Transformers Shirt Images - here
Bumblebee Unleashed - here
Star Wars Transformers - here and here
TF Attactix and Titaniums - here
TF Alternator Ravage - here
TF Art Asylum Busts - here
Various non-Transformers related galleries - here, and here
Video from Toyfair - Plenty of video covering Transformers along with what appears is plans for a Megatron Voice Changer toy.
Even with the $90 price tag for Ultimate Bumblebee that toy is looking so sweet may have to give in. Optimus Prime is also starting to look better and better and you can't be a TF and Star Wars fan without getting a Transformable Death Star. Overall, its looking like the next year or two in Transformers will be a wallet busting fun for Transfans new and old.
If you find other galleries, be sure to post them in the comments.

Transformers Chess Set Gallery is here.
Woah! First glimpse of Jazz!! I think his face looks the most humanoid... but it should be on Cup instead... nice tho!