Thursday, February 08, 2007

Transformers Movie Related Game Site Goes Live - Kinda

The official website for the upcoming game for the Transformers movie is now live. Live being relative as its up and running but you can't really do squat on it but register for a newsletter. Once you register for the newsletter I guess you can log into the website. No entirely sure cause not willing to try (get enough spam). Thanks to Maximus for the heads-up.

Click here for the site.


  1. I signed up so I can let ya know...^^

  2. I signed up for it a long time ago, I think around the beginning of December. I haven't gotten any kind of newsletter, just a confirmation e-mail saying I was signed up. If I get anything soon, I'll let you know.

  3. New Official Toy Pics of Prime and new interview in this months Toyfare magazine, an off shoot of Wizard. Here is the link to the site so you can view the pics and read the interview.

    Joe P.

  4. The Link got cut off. Just go to and you can find the link there.

    Joe P.


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