Friday, March 09, 2007

Spielberg Intervenes on R Rating for Transformers posted an interview with Shia LaBeouf (Spike) where he indicated that the MPAA gave Transformers a R-rating due to intense action and violence. After an intervention from Spielberg it was changed to PG-13. Ironic though if you ever got the chance to watch the documentary "This Film Is Not Yet Rated" (consider it an R so not for children) which showed how the MPAA tends to be more lenient and open for big name directors and the studio films but indifferent or downright belligerent to independent films.

Regardless, it is good news for Transfans and it shows that its always good to have a big name producer helping with a film to provide that extra grease you need at the right time. Since Spielberg related films rarely have a commentary track for DVDs, I hope this one will be exception as I wouldn't mind knowing what scenes where considered enough for an 'R' rating. Sadly the MPAA discourages any transparency so not holding my breath on that happening.


  1. An R-rating?! Due to "intense action and violence"?! Hellboy got a PG-13 rating.... ALL of Star Wars got a PG-13 rating....Van Helsing...The Incredibles, I,Robot, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Pirates of the Caribbean, X-Men, Spiderman.... even a lot of today's cartoons have 'intense action and violence'.... If it was man vs man like in 300, I can understand....but these are GIANT F***ING ROBOTS!!!

    sorry for the rant

  2. I agree. I believe this talk of an R rating is too silence critics and create buzz. What? Was there too much oil being spilt during the fights and they thought it was too graphic? This is just a publicity stunt cooked up by Dreamworks.

  3. Yeah, this is bullshit. An R rating for fighting robots?

  4. I have a feeling "Intense images" might have been the word the MPAA might've have been looking for. It would explain the decision, seeing as how Giant Fucking Robots would be some real intense stuff.

  5. The standards can seem a bit arbitrary. Star Trek VI was originally slapped with an R rating because of scene in which Klingons are assassinated by phaser fire in zero gravity ans spherical blood globules shoot out and float around the ship. The producers simply changed the color of the blood from red to pink and the film received a PG.

  6. I'm wondering why anyone even cares about the R rating. Big fucking deal, it' not gonna keep the people that want to see it from seeing it. I seriously doubt that will affect interest and sales of tickets.

  7. Actually if it did get an R rating a lot of so called christian groups and kiddie groups would be crying foul about a movie about kids toys was being shown with an R rating. So if you ask me Speilberg did a good thing about getting the MPAA, as bad as it is, to get a PG-13 rating. So even though the movie system and the MPAA sucks and is hypocrital at times getting a PG-13 rating is a good thing.

  8. R ratings should be reserved for movies that deserve an R rating.


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