Friday, April 20, 2007

Close-Up of Jazz's Face

From TFW2005, images of Jazz's face, taken from a toy store display. So far, design wise, I am really likely Jazz. The toy is a buy for me and the CGI version is slick looking to.


  1. The only thing I don't like is how tiny he is now in comparison to the other Autobots

  2. Wow! That ain't Jazz, it's a MONSTER!

  3. It's not bad, but it also not handsome.

    This is going for shock value, which is why they most likely wanted to change all the characters around.

    Back in the day I used to read a comic called Animal Man(lame name, I know) and the writer wrote about all the shock value changes the next writer would make to put people on the edge of their seat. And on schedule this was done, but purely for shock value and without good content.

    One constant in the Transformer universe was the idea that what they Transformed into was also part of their personality and consistent in the look of their robot mode. Jazz was sleek and streamlined just as his car mode was. You get the idea. Basically their vehicle mode was picked to be close to their robot mode, allowing for minimal changes one would assume. But whatever the reason it gave them a look which you could see no matter the form.

    Any artist in the world could have made that happen for this movie, at least the Hollywood types that get paid for a living. How is it they missed this ever present characteristic? Maybe they wanted to, or didn't think you were smart enough to notice. Or maybe they thought you were just desperate enough for a live action transformer movie that you'd settle. Maybe you'll defend this missing trait and say how glad you are it's gone.

    That all doesn't matter. It's an opportunity lost, without reason given. I can only imagine Bay never saw the show or did not really care for it. If I have to pin this on anything I'll take stupidity or laziness, they are the normal reason for this sort of thing.

    I'm sure we'll see all the post who liked it, and I'm not saying it's bad, but not what I would have expected from someone who knew what they were doing. But don't take my work for it. I don't make billions from estimating human intelligence like Hollywood folks do. I just know what I like.

  4. After looking at these pictures for a few moments I can start see an old toothless man with a hugely oversize motorcycle helmet on. Being from Florida I see this sort of thing all the time during "Bike Week".

    My wife asked "Is that a preying mantis!?" I told her it was Jazz, but I don't think she took my word for it.

    This rates -4 stars and a WTF?

  5. all I can say is see it in action before you judge

  6. "all I can say is see it in action before you judge"

    Sir, it's a picture of on a box and none too flattering at all. I'm not sure of the action one can expect from a box.

    Oh, and the picture on the box looks funny.

  7. I'm okay with it. I just think it's wierd though that Bay is trying to make the Transformers more alien, yet he's looking more human? HAHA! Overall, I accept Jazz. At least we can trace him to the cartoon.

  8. The reasoning for the forms they are in is because they are (including Hasbro) updating the Transformers toy lines, as well, the mechanics behind doing the transformations simply weren't there. And in all reality, the designs for transforming the transformers this way, is far more complicated and far more artistic than anything of the past.

    Yes, i do agree though that (all but Optimus and even Jazz) the transformers do not represent the past, which is something we all hold to very strictly. The designs, in any TF fan opinion could have been done better, and more traditional, but we have to remember, it's not what they were aiming for in doing thier designs. Jazz is actually very similar to his original form from the tv show. Bumblebee and others, not so much. I give them credit for keeping Jazz as similar as they did, and I'm actually quite impressed. Yes, he seems a little more flashy, and his character is very flashy now as well, but I think it's reasonable. They made him a sports car, and it's suiting to Jazz.

    so, over all, in terms of Jazz, i give props. And, if you do your research and don't simply base everything off of ignorant opinion, you'd have a better understanding of why things are different.
    But hey, ignorance is bliss, right?

  9. there is gonna be a huge problem with jazz being the smallest! i don't know why they have done this as jazz was more of a commander in G1.. he rallied up the troops when going out to the field... thia jazz aint gonna do that! bumblebee was always the smallest but that aint so anymore... dont know what to think!! what the hell have the stuck on the side of his head?! i know he had 'horns' before but those new things just look ridiculous! more like a unicorn's bloody horns! makes him look daft. also... has anyone seen an image of jazz eithout his visor down? you'll soon change ur opinion of him then... he looks god awful! no linkage between G1 jazz and movie jazz WHATSOEVER! i think they've completely missed the trick with jazz and blame it on bay's lack of motivation to negotiate other car brands into the movie... instead of basing FOUR out of five autobots on crappy GMC models. jazz was a porsche before... why take a step back to a soltice??? he's just too small! not surprised he doesn't survive the full length of the movie!!

  10. UH, Thanks for the spoiler there btw...

    I figure G1 fans like myself will eventually get to see the old characters done again with all the new cg tricks in movies in some form. These do look better seeing them move on screen but designs like jazz are reminding me of the silver nippled batman that showed up before that franchise tanked and batman begins took over. Anyway, i'm just happy there's a tf movie again, cheers.

  11. Interesting article.I'm a beautiful Chinese girl,could you do a friend with me?

  12. Don't agree with Steve?

    That might be the first warning sign of the onset of ignorance!

    True. People that do not agree with Steve are ignorant. He said so.

    I know. I did research and discovered this to be true.


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