Friday, April 06, 2007

Site Update Note

As probably already noticed, I got bored and decided to re-arrange things on the website to hopefully make it easier to get information using archives, labels and links while still have the ads that help give me a little spending money. It seems this three column format is a bit less interferring but I could be wrong. In the header I added release dates for various countries but if find out the dates are changed or wrong, be sure to let me know.

- Change to blogger 2.0 format
- Movie related links are added
- Added additional links for feed subscribing
- Organized the Labels and added them to older posts
- Added embedded YouTube files to Transformers trailers
- Added the various posters released for the Transformers movie
- Added feedburner subscriber counter

I think this new setup works but what do you think? Based on a few comments, wondering if I should flop the side columns so ads on the left, navigation things on the right? Goal is to make things easier, not more confusing so be sure to let me know what you think.


  1. AWESOME! I was confused at first cuz I was use to the other format, but I say it's a definite improvement. I love it! I love your site, check it everyday.

  2. I was also confused at first, but when i red the Site Update Note, I was a ok with it. It is an awsome Update, works well, and now instead of having the ads and archives on one side ( the right side ) now the left side has archives and the right the ads, to me it seems easier to surf now!


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