Saturday, May 26, 2007

3 New Transformers Posters

From AICN news comes 3 new international posters for Transformers that is basically the Taiwan poster with the TF faces poster size. Thanks to Chad T. for the link.
Optimus Prime International PosterMegatron International PosterBumblebee International Poster


  1. prime's battle-scarred faceplate looks cool, kinda accepted the with/without scenario, just makes it even cooler when he puts in into place. not keen on BB's face without his battlemaks, but he looks great with it, actually does look like a bee.

    megatron looks kinda like dinobot from beast wars (doubt this version will defect to the autobots tho!!), still unsure as to why he has teeth but not complainin bout it.

    here's a thought, when the robots jump n fall about n get hit etc... do their metal parts ever get bent, folded or crumpled? surely this would hinder their transformation process n make them look cocked-up in alt mode; or is that alien origin metallic bodies capable of fusing/reshaping? suppose it must be otherwise they wouldnt be able to convert from ptotoform to earth mode. also if they didnt they'd be covered in hinges n joints everywhere, i.e. splitting-bonnet fusing back together. doubt this would be an issue with megatron anyway... ya can't make out what the hell he's supposed to be in robot mode... where's the wings?! he looked cool in the trailers tho!

  2. Why does BB and Megs not have their battle masks on and Prime does?

  3. "Why does BB and Megs not have their battle masks on and Prime does?"

    That is Megatron's battle mode.

  4. From Stop Sector Seven text messages:

    "Their lies continue:
    Dallas, TX.

    5/25 Cenemark Grapvine 2pm

    5/26 Cinemark Legacy 3pm

    5/27 Cinemark 17 12 pm

    5/28 Tinselto +"

    That was followed by another message which read

    "2/2 wn 20 11am"

    I don't live in Texas but if anybody is out there who does, let me know how the movie is.

  5. Strange but when you look at it Megatron's head does actually resemble his G1 head in a way. The shapes is there just much mre detailed and sinister.

    Personally I like it.

  6. Sector 7 just updated their "emails" under the "CodeBlack" password. The email is as follows...
    From: Restricted
    Subject: Operation Hungry Dragon
    Date Sent: May 27 2007 12:32 (mst)
    To: Simmons

    Operation Hungry Dragon 2 has begun its global initiative. Attached to this email you will find our new international "movie poster". We need to infiltrate the other side of the ocean before they do.

    We're still conducting investigations of every protestor who tried to disrupt our ground campaign -- they will be neutralized. Unfortunately, our latest intel finds the level of anti-Sector-Seven feelings on the rise, no doubt thanks to X's increasing ranks of operatives.

    What is a "Brotherhalo" anyway?

    -John Ho
    The email also had this poster embedded within it... but, if you click on it, it brings up a High Resolution version of the Prime/Megs/humans International Poster! (1620x2400)

  7. I'm really diggin' the Megatron head. It's totally sinister looking. I'm also curious as to what actually happens when a Transformer gets beaten up. I mean, we're talking abut metals that come from trillions of light years away from some alien planet and fused into a life form, so I'm not really going to think about Earthbound metallurgy here. haha But I am indeed curious as to the physics behind it all. I'm sure ILM will provide a healthy satisfaction of that with a followup "Making Of" book.


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