Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Deluxe Frenzy Toy Pics

Finally some shots of the toy design for Frenzy has hit eBay. The pics help give an idea of what the movie version will be like since it changed from Soundwave. If check out the trailer, Frenzy is the metallic looking creature that climbs up a guys chair. Turns out his alt-mode is a boombox. Either way, bizarre looking robot mode, not half bad looking alt-mode. Since deluxe model, that indicates the retail price will be $9.99.



  1. Looks like he actually fires CDs from his chest too...and the top of his alt-mode. Cool! *poink!* *poink!* Die human!

  2. That toy looks... I dunno. Wrong. Maybe I'm just being crochety. It just doesn't look "transformery". In other news, at least the movie is causing some cool stuff to come out in its wake too. Pirates are Cooler

  3. I would buy it if it sounds good...assuming it does play. Frenzy in robot mode looks stupid though. Stereo mode looks stupid as well, but I can accept that. I dunno....let's see what happens.

  4. Oh, btw...

    Pure awesomeness...*drools*

  5. Frenzy is the only robot mode I'm not really happy with in the movie. And I can't say the toy is any better. Funny thing is, I wish they could have made the toy look closer to the movie version, but I don't think that's really possible as much as they screwed with Frenzy. They messed him up more than anyone else in my opinion. I'm cool with the other robot modes, even Megatron, and can even live with Starscream's head now.

  6. Joey Cagle "can even live with" some of the rebot modes.

    In my book that does sound allot like settling. Why "live with" something you are not happy with. We all know they could have been much closer to the TV show, but realistic in the same sort of way as the Masterpiece Optimus Prime was done. They could have moved into realism without running away from the characters people know.

    Any reason given so far seems like a lame excuse. But, then again I am demanding, and expect them to honor the characters we are all attached to. They are icons. You don't go updating the Mono Lisa, or pictures of Abe Lincoln, do you?

    Again,you can make a huge profit with a movie and still not have it meet the expectations of fans. This movie is well targeted at the PG-13 crowd. The previews hide the robots. I'd hide them also. Quite moment, discovery, chase, chase, chase, explosion, joke, quite moment, romantic moment, chase, explosion, all done ... BOO, not done, sequel?.

    Still not enough for me. I could have liked it if the looks were much better. This smacks of re-used art from a movie that never made it. Cullen worked with Bay to make the ROBOTS, say is with me ROBOTS, more human. Cullen consulted on this with Bay. This tells me that Bay never saw or cared for the Transformers.

    It's not okay to settle for less. It never is. Not for me and not for you. You don't need to live with something that you wont like. Americans often just sit there are take it. Action is not often found in the American character these days. We lay back and take whatever thing we're given, and never make a fuss, only grumble. Seems lazy. Maybe we're too busy and tired after working too much during the day. I know I am.

    So please people have more pride. This movie could be done much better. If was given to the wrong people. This is not something that honors the Transformers, or tells that compelling story. It shows off monsters.

    Some of you might recall the Judge Dredd movie. A theme running through the Judge Dredd comic was that the reader would never see his face. Ever. This was a central element of the character. The faceless person that Judged people. It really added something to the book. In the movie first thing they did was get an actor who(I'm sure) would not have excepted having his face hidden. Project broken, so end it? NO! Go on with the show. It was so-so.

    Showing Judge Dredd's face was a sign that the people undertaking the project didn't know the subject matter of the movie they were assigned to make. The rest is history.

    Bay was called and offered a job. He took it. I truly doubt it was deeper than that. I'll even go so far as to guess his phone hadn't rung in a long time, for him to except movie about cartoon toy robots.

    So there he was, assigned a job, a big budget, and a long list of demands. How much control he had or has is unknown. But I'm sure he and the actors stand to make good money. Money enough to turn them all into pure yesmenium. When you have a wife, kids or grandkids, and a retirement to fund, it's really hard to say no or make a stand. I basically see it as Bay and others with dollar signs dancing in their heads, bobbing up and down as to say yes.

    Anything worth doing is worth doing well. If you don't have a passion for the subject it will show. This is an "action" movie with a 1/2 teaspoon of plot/drama, it seems. The movie is exactly what test audiences have been shown to like. It's a science. You are the subject. The science is about moving cash from your wallet to their's, while enlisting your help in doing so. If making a movie with all the elements people have been proven to like and doing well is all that matters, I have the faith it has been done. But, for me a person who does not settle, I also demand something good from the subject matter.

    In the end the only thing missing, from the looks of these characters, from the movie, is someone with Transformer know how. Just film knowhow is not enough, even if it was the best. You will make a great movie, sure, or even the best movie ever, but you wont have made the best Transformers movie at all.

    The look of the characters is a perfect sign. It's that simple. If they look like the Transformers this will be a good Transformers film, if not it will only be a good film, which is not that bad ... for their wallets.

    PS: This is the real Frenzy

  7. dude... u need to shut the hell up and be happy there making a transformers movie at all, ffs, you people can never be happy... u bitch they arnt making a m ovie, u bitch they are but theres things u dont like..

    wtf is the problem with Bay? At least they didnt get who ever did Resident Evil, Doom, BLoodRayne, Alone in the Dark, or some other talentless hack, at least bay makes good movies

    If Cullen is ok with the changes then I am... he said once in an interview "its like an elastic band, its stretched, but it is still the same elastic band" or something like that

    and btw there is at least 2 sequels planned. so plently of time to fix what ever it is u think there fuking up, leaving out ect ect...

    What is your goal by spreading this slanderess hate? To get people upset over trival shit about a movie, and make them less wanting to pay money to see it? You upset that someone is making $$ of your favorite toy and are changing it? You want them to make less $$ and hurt chances of sequels / prequels?

    IF you really are a transformers fan you would not look at the movie for its mistakes, u look at it and see whats right, the fact that they are actually finally in a motion picture in all there 3D Glory

    If you want to give constructive criticism at least wait till the movie comes out, watch it, then post complains and what u think they should add / change for the sequels... like god damn everyone who see only the flaws in this movie are not true transformers fans


  8. You're right! I was so blind by being such a hater that I should just settle for anything with the Transformers name on it. I don't care that it has little or no connection with the movie.

    I will change my ways. I will, from now on, defend this movie and have nothing critical to say. In fact, like you, I will work to suppress and belittle other's opinions.

    Maybe not.

    The truth is I didn't say anything about the movie other than it was going to be good, make money, satisfy lots of people(yourself included), but it was not going to pass muster with me. That's only one person. Does that really threaten you? I sure hope not.

    I do hope you enjoy the film, but why bitch after it's in the can? I think it's too late to change anything by then. Plus I really don't think anyone is really listens to me, or anyone here. I'm just hoping like minded people might read this, or that someone from the film, or a friend or a friend of a friend involved might see something before it goes to the theater.

    In fact there is an entry on this blog that asks people to vote with their voice about Optimus' lips being changed before the film goes out.

    You are a fan, but there are different kinds. Not everyone thinks like you and not everyone thinks like me. I respect that and think no less of anyone who thinks this film is everything they could have hoped for.

    As for them making money. I was only explaining this is a for profit business. Like any other. In fact they often employee people from marketing firms to stir up excitement and buzz about the film on blogs like this one. For all I know your complete dismissal of my comments could indicate you are a shill working for such a marketing company working for the film company. I would not blame you for it. It's a job, if that is what you are doing.

    As a for profit business people who get a cut of said profits will never speak ill of the project. Plus they all should have signed an agreement where they will only speak fondly of the film. Don't bite the hand that feeds. I don't blame them. Who could.

    I also think that it could be much much better. I do think that there are signs that Bay does not know what a fan like myself would like. I think the movie could be more in tune with the Transformers. The previews tested poorly in my house and I have more than a few kids. I never spoke to them, or posted to this blog, until they had a change to judge for themselves. It was a unanimous.

    I'm all ears to hear the reason why the movie should be less in tune with the Transformers, or why a film could never be better or even some clue as to Bay's dedication to the show that Cullen voiced for.

    Like I said, maybe I'm just demanding. Maybe I know exactly what I would like. Maybe I think it would be easy to get right, and hard to get wrong. But, this is only in my opinion is it wrong, and that sure hell is not slander.

  9. woah, dude, I just found the comments referring to me.

    Quite frankly, this movie is not my work, and never really was. I can't do anything to improve it. I'll have to live with it, or just not see the movie. I'm actually looking forward to seeing the movie, regardless of how much has been changed.

    And really, the way I see it, in the cartoons the characters have changed a lot over the years. The Megatron in the current cartoons does not really look like Megatron from G1 at all.

    If this were my work, I probably would have made it closer to G1. Well, it's not my work.

    Instead of complaining about my opinions, and that I'm "settling for less", it will be more worthwhile to complain to Michael Bay. Not that that would be worth your time either. I've been looking forward to this movie the whole time, and I realized that they might change it some, maybe even a lot, from Generation 1. So they changed it a lot.

    At least it's not being changed as badly as Super Mario Brothers, the Movie. Did you ever see that? It was nothing like the cartoons or the video game. And the little goombas were...GIANT GOOMBAS! And since when did Bowser Koopa dress in a suit and look almost human? And Toad...that didn't look like Toad...


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