Wednesday, June 06, 2007

DeSanto For Dinobots In Transformers 2

Tom DeSanto is a "huge Grimlock lover" and thinks it would be good to introduce the Dinobots and Constructicons in the sequel.

From the Movieblog post:
“It is really gratifying that as an old school Transformers fan and after almost six years of work the movie is just over a month away from live action big screen immortality. Like X-Men and Battlestar Galactica this is a project I have wanted to see made since I was a kid. As a huge Grimlock lover myself there was just no room in the first movie for the Dinobots, we had to focus on the original Transformers with Optimus Prime and Megatron. But if the box office allows us to make a sequel, the door is open to a lot of the Transformers universe. I have a very cool idea on how to intro the Dinobots and Constructicons. How cool would that movie be?”

Nothing to complain about in that statement. Not sure how a "realistic" version of the Dinobots could be done but all for the trying. As for the Constructicons, just the idea of a photo-realistic, 10000+ movie parts merging of 5 Transformers into an uber-former just sounds like loads of fun. Hate to be the CGI guy that has to build that...but the viewing would be fun.


  1. I am defiantly all up for the dinobots in the next movie..all the more reason why people better like this movie and make it successful! Another transformer I would actually want them to add is Arcee, mainly because where she got dropped in this movie it would be neat to see that she hasn't been forgotten and because I think it would attract even more female audiences having a female transformer in the live action series.


    P.S.: Mirage would also be great.


  4. I wanna see jet fire as a B-1 bomber.....that'd be pretty sweet. If they kill off Megatron like the script says, where will the sequals go??

  5. Hey, Jake, for those of us that haven't read the script it would be nice if you put a spoiler alert before you fuck the ending for us all!

    Aside from that douche-bagetry, I think that incorporating the Constructicons would be an enormous feat. From seeing how large the TF's are in the spots a Gestaldt would be humoungous.

    The Dinobots would take some finesseing to make them seem plausible. I mean, did the TF's have dinos on Cybertron or would they introduce them like they did in the cartoon? But hey, if they can make it work, make it work.

  6. I'd love to see grimlock in the movie, he and hound were about the only autobots I liked (the others were all decepticons xD). But it's puzzling to figure out just how they would fit in..unless they made it like megatron in the movie and they were frozen for millions of years?

  7. Not sure how a "realistic" version of the Dinobots could be done but all for the trying.

    If they could make a gigantic mechanical scorpion look realistic, I don't see why they can't do the same with the Dinobots.

    For the Constructicons, since Bonecrusher is already set as a separate character, it could pose a problem... maybe they'll create an original character?

  8. The dino bots didnt look like real dinos in the cartoon either they looked like robot dinos (like scorpinok looks like a robot scorpion). And they were built on earth not in Cybertron so its completely plausable.
    As for the Constructicons there were 6 of them I believe 2 legs, 2 arms, one lower body, and one upperbody. It would be amazing to see that to scale in the next movie. And I agree with the Bonecrusher name.. problem but im sure that wont be too hard to fix.

  9. !!!SPOILER ALERT!!!

    hey jake down/up there... yes u when megatron dies there gonna throw unicron into da mix and he's gonna rebuild megatron into GALVATRON whisch would b pretty sweeeeeeet!!!! but i hope the dont just copy the original transfomers movie but it would still b sweet.

    I JUST HOPE 2 SEE BLITZWING, astrotrain, OR or some of the triple changers.

  10. dude i hope they have jetfire, sunstreeker and sideswipe would be nice too. but what about bringing jazz back

  11. Why hasn't anyone mentioned Omega Supreme in this movie. You can see his cannon sucking up the sand while Devastator is in the background. Its in the movie trailer. That's why I want to see it.


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