Monday, June 25, 2007

Megan Fox Clip and Interview

Megan Fox appeared on the Today Show presenting a new clip from the movie in a conversation between her and Sam. Also Sci Fi wire posted a brief interview (below clip) with her regarding the movie.

The article:
Transformers' Fox Kicks Butt
Megan Fox, who co-stars with Shia LaBeouf in Michael Bay's upcoming Transformers movie, told SCI FI Wire that she was glad her character knew cars and got to kick butt. "Both of the female characters in the movie were very strong characters," Fox told reporters in Beverly Hills, Calif. "Rachael [Taylor]'s character's very intelligent, and I felt that they were representing women very well."

Fox plays the high-school crush of LaBeouf's Sam Witwicky, a popular girl with a secret past who finds herself caught up with Sam in an epic battle between giant robots on Earth. Fox got to do a lot of her own stunts, which had its costs.

"I lost my two big toenails at one point," Fox said. "Not to, like, a specific accident. It was just the constant running in the wardrobe boots, which rubbed my toenails off."

One big challenge was acting opposite giant robots that weren't there but would be added in post-production as computer animation. "All of the robots were represented by window-washing poles," Fox said. "And they were all height-appropriate to each character. ... We were looking in the right direction. And sometimes they had attached ... I never had a tennis ball, but ... [Industrial Light & Magic] has these red glowing ... balls. They would attach them to the top, and that's the face. And the rest you sort of create [in your imagination], and we have to create together, because we have to move at the same time, like we get approached by the same thing, so it was difficult." Transformers opens July 3. —Patrick Lee, News Editor


  1. I'm willing to bet that by next monday/tuesday, we can put the whole movie together...haha.

  2. Yeah its getting a littel silly now, im betting the movie will get average reviews cause everyone will have seen all the best parts.


    Thought this was pretty cool read...


    Check it! Japanese trailer with new stuff!

  5. hi, i'm from Taiwan, Transformers the movie will show in theater tomorrow, cheers.

  6. someone post a link to that trailer that ISN'T in fucking stop-motion! what a waste of fucking time!

    no matter how many different computers i watch it on or how long i leave to buffer, it always sticks at the fucking paramount mountain shot then get little paused images here and there.

    pile of fucking crap; do something useful for once!

  7. whoever posted about the japanese trailer, find a better link before you post again, tis fuckin shite!

    barricade running looks like he's wearin a kid's nappy and when he transforms, its just a blur, looks like he trips up and lands as a car, same as when starscream transforms coming round the bridge. they better show some transformations in slo-mo otherwise all the detail and effort ILM have put in will have been pointless! why spend all that money on something we cant even see!

    bonecrusher's snarl/growl sounds appropriate and good! grawp might not have been a bad name for him.

    anyone seen the clippit where orime is on the freeway runnin after transforming (just before battle with bonecrusher); the rotating camera angle makes him look daft and also as if he's hardly mving at all; same goes for bonecrusher just after he come thru the bus; the camera kinda rotates round him thus reducing the appearance of him skating at speed; i aint no professional camera-man but reckon it'd look more impressive and at greater speed if the camera-angle was a fixed one with bonecrusher/prime/etc... coming toward the camera (like barricade from my above moan), altho he looks silly it does look like he is runnin at spike at speed... cos the camera angle is locked and not turning around him.

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