Monday, June 11, 2007

Transformers Asian Junket Description

Michael Bay and Megan fox apparently went on a Transformers press blitz in Korea recently, maybe this weekend not really sure. Someone posted about it over on some forums along with some pics.

The write-up is from a very excited Transfan with fondness for leet speak so just roll with it. The highlights (taken wholesale from the post):
- some uber-n00b asked about a changed ending and that this one is more subdued and not emotional...
micheal bays reaction was classic:
"subdued??!! you've got to be kidding me!! The final 30 minutes is pure action!! I have to say. you are just WRONG....

- Micheal Bay did say they would do a Transformers 3....4....5 and on if they got a good reaction from the crowd... which I immediate screamed out "HELL YA!!!" (which rung out as everyone else was silent lol ). Micheal bay responded with a "Alright! there you go!" lol

- Why did you cast Megan fox?
Micheal Bay: Blah blah "scowered many countries...saw over 600 women for the part" ..blah blah... blah... "and well, look at her!!"

So that was the "important bits". The part I like is the pics below as it shows how this thing was treated as an event there. Here, the equivalent of a tour among the talk shows - Leno, Letterman, etc with last stop at the Daily Show. There its this light show and over the top thing. Bet the stars like it though. Wonder what the after party is like...

To read the entire write-up and view all the pics, click here. Pics I grabbed courtesy of UnrealAddicts.



  1. It's true what they say about Asian press junkets. They are very quiet, disciplined and polite, not like American press junkets at all. Whoever asked that dumb question about a changed ending obviously isn't much of a big robot fan. Probably more of a general-cinema observer and doesn't have a real feel for what moviegoers want.

  2. New Video game clips on youtube!!

    Freaking Awesome!! Could be some spoilers though.



    Brawl is in fact called Devastator in the movie.

  4. Pshaww... I dunno about that. Brawl is a well-known tank, both in G1 and in the Movie. Everyone knows Devastator is a combiner. But I guess we'll find out for sure when we see the movie for ourselves. :P haha

  5. Here's some more spoilers from the Australian premiere at Don's site:

    And yes, it appears Brawl's name in the movie is Devastator, just as it was in the prequel novel.

  6. Addendum to my last post:

    According to three different reviews (all at Don's board), Bay announced before the movie screened that there was one big mistake still in the film.

    Some of you may remember that the name "Devastator" was a placeholder name, one of the names used in the early drafts of the script so that the real names wouldn't be leaked until Hasbro made the official names, uh... official. It appears that Brawl's placeholder name was accidentally kept in the movie. This would be a pretty big f***up considering all the toys are labeled Brawl, so I presume this is the mistake Bay was referring to. In any case, "Brawl" is out and "Devastator" is in.

  7. Brawl's name better not be Devastator in the movie. If it is, what are they going to call Devastator in part 2?!

  8. I would imagine that they would have to explain it away or forget about completely and just change the names around in the next film, As I can't see Hasbro recalling or renaming stock due to Bay's bugger-up,lol


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