Sunday, June 24, 2007

Transformers TV Spot #14

Another day, another TV spot. This one shows more of Megatron and Prime as they transform some weapons and get ready to go at each other. Very cool. Thanks to Tigerclaw for the YouTube upload and Maximus for the link.



  2. Hehe... they f***ed up. The first part of the spot says July 4, the end says July 3.

  3. SWEEEEET! Looks like Prime has his axe Like in the G1 serie.

  4. MINT!!!!!

    prime grabbing onto megs looks cool! i'd say it looked more like a blade than an axe... but megs does hav his mace too (as seen in past tv spots) so thats a cool homage to g1. really cant believe this movie is nearly upon us!! us in uk still hav t wait til 27th july sob sob :-(

    i don't know what its like in america but there is almost no hype whatsoever about the simpsons movie in the uk... its all being been over-shadowed by this film... deservedly so. i just fear uk box office takings wont be as high as they should be cos both transformers and simpsons get released on t same day; n i can see more ppl goin t see simpsons (gonna go see both on 27th myself; transformers TWICE!! transformers first, then simpsons, then transformers again!!!!! perhaps even a third!)

    this is gonna be the most watched dvd ever!!!!!!! just bought the triple disc edition of gladiator... there better be a 2 or 3 disc special edition of this when it comes out!!! top of the xmas wish list!!!

  5. WOOOOOO!!!! So freakin' excited!

  6. i watched it last nite... it had a lotta G1 homages... pure awesomeness!!!!!


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