Top 5:
1. Soundwave: 20%
2. Devastator: 16%
2. Grimlock: 16%
3. Jetfire: 11%
4. Ultra Magnus: 9%
5. Shockwave: 9%
If there producers and screenwriters are serious about using this poll as guidance for a sequel then they have a heck of a challenge with Soundwave. I think they will have no choice but ignore his music origins and instead focus on a military aspect of his name. IE sound. Such as radar and communications. I know next to nothing about the military but I bet there are planes and vehicles that are dedicated to communications, radar and the like that would fit the moniker of Soundwave.
Update: Click here for example of what would be a good alt design for Soundwave. I previousily posted the head pics but this is the first time seen the body and alt design (Balkan MK6). Thanks to Zepplin for the link.
For Devastator, that's a no brainer. If the budget is there, all you have to show is the Constructicons merging into a 150 feet or so tall robot (using Bonecrusher to estimate size). That alone would sell the movie.
Grimlock or any Dinobot would probably be in name only. A transforming
Jetfire, pff doesn't need to be in the movie, but if wanted him, that's easy. Pick an awesome military plane and script a dogfight between him, Starscream and maybe another Decepticon flyer. Have switch between robot modes and planes modes in attempt to take each other down until maybe jetfire does a mid air tackle of Starscream, tearing his wing off and bringing the fight to the ground.
Ultra Magnus is redundant. Already have Prime, so just no point.
Shockwave to me should be the main villian of the next movie that unleashes Devastator on the unsuspecting Autobots (a prequel could make it seem they think he was destroyed in a Cybertronian battle but recovered by Shockwave). Give him an earth form of a devastating military vehicle designed for power. Something that when unleashes its full weaponry literally causes shockwaves on the ground. Just make sure to give him a purple hint and the cyclops look.
Yeah, we don't need Jets and Trucks anymore. I hope they don't make Grimlock into a car...haha...that's like making Superman into a girl...it's horrible. I agree with Shockwave...good to abandon music origin...now way an mp3 player is gonna represent Soundwave that well.
ReplyDeleteSoundwave can be a sonic tank or a mobile sound-related military vehicle. An AWAC plane would be too large but somehow ideal.
ReplyDelete"A transforming robot would require to much from the audience in the suspension of disbelief."
ReplyDeleteum they didnt seem to mind it in the first movie
perhaps you mean a "transforming dinosaur" ;)
Grimlock or any Dinobot would probably be in name only. A transforming robot would require to much from the audience in the suspension of disbelief. A Transfans would love it, but the public in general would probably just go "WTF?". Like the Alternator line, just make him a muscle car with sword if want to have him.
ReplyDeleteUh-uh. Grimlock is a T-Rex, not a car. Period. If he were a car it would violate the entire Dinobot name. And they didn't seem to mind Scorponok being a gigantic-ass scorpion; why are they worrying about a dinosaur transforming? Geez, I just don't get them.
For Devastator - as i've stated before - it's going to be a big problem without Bonecrusher, unless they create an original character or somehow resurrect him (which I highly doubt).
Shockwave is good. He was ruthless in the series and comics; hope to see THAT live-action.
Soundwave is a given. The only thing left is for Frank Welker and a vocoder to voice him for the finishing touch.
You already got people in the theatre to watch a movie about alien robots.
ReplyDeleteYou already have a mass shifting magic box in the All Spark
A giant robot scorpion.
But, a T-Rex alt mode is somehow beyond belief? The general audience didn't go WTF when they saw a plastic radio turn into a metal version of Spike from The Gremlins?
The logic doesn't work
And, Shockwave has zero personality to be a main villian.
How could you say that about Jetfire? He is one of the few Autobots that can fly! He is awesome. Though I have an idea of what he could turn into. A B-1B Lancer(a type of strategic bomber similiar to the B-52 and the B-2 bomber, it's able to shift its wings back to go faster and it can carry many quantities of missiles and bombs)That would be awesome. I saw a picture of him on deviantart. He looks awesome.
ReplyDeleteI beg to differ on Shockwave. (I acccidently voted for "Soundie". Boo.) It's his coldness, his lack of "soul" that makes him the perfect Autobot killing "machine". Emotionally detached. A robotic sociopath. Perfect. And coming to the new Transformers cartoon. (Heard that Corey Burton--the original "Shockie" will be reprising his role. Can't wait!!!!!) What else did he do besides Spike and Shockwave?
ReplyDeleteFinally I Saw it!! Juste came out of the first screening here in France!
Amazing, really!! Need a second shot!!
But I can allready say that for a sequel I will love the film to be more serious and more focus on war between autobots and decepticons...
And if the fights can be more clear and easier to folow, we will have a really, REALLY BIG MOVIE!!
Can't wait to see this again and can't wait for the first news about the sequel to pop up on this blog!!
Ok, That Soundwave came out on top, Not surprised, He was easily one of the coolest of the decepticons if not of all the Transformers
ReplyDeleteNow, When I first heard the script rumors that they where changing Soundwave from a cassete tape player to a helicopter, I was furious.
I knew everyone was being changed, but I did not think it would be that drasticly.
Thankfully they renamed the chopper Blackout and a very large perverbial bullet, In my opinion, was doged.
If shapeshifting is not going to be in the second film, Then I believe that Soundwave should be a rader van or somthing like that, Which when he transforms, positions the windows or windsheild at his chest for a G1 look (plus so he can still fire out small casstee like bots)
I DO NOT WANT HIM TO BE A RADAR PLANE, Soundwave does not do plane, His look was changed to a plane in Transformers: Cybertron and it sucked (He must also have his soulless voice back now that I mention cybertron)
If they will have shapeshifting in it, I think Soundwave should be a full radio rather than a cassette player as, Cassettes are to old, And if he was an MP3 like some people want to be....welll....What would ravage become, A wma file?
A full radio would still have a cassete deck however, And would solve this problem
What do you guys think??
Soundwave? Oy! He'd be cool as long as mass shifting is allowed. He'd have to be found at a garage sale somewhere with loads of 80's junk.
ReplyDeleteI think we like him because with him we get a good array of cassette bots. He's also all action and few words. And has a good ranged weapon.
Next movie they'll need to cut down on hand to hand, now that I think about it. It's not like their animals. They do have some great ranged weapons, so use them dammit.
Never mind. I didn't like the shape changing transforming. Too many little bits. Not to my liking. So maybe I would be happier if Soundwave was left alone.
Come to think of it I doubt they could fix all the things that went wrong. OPh, well.
jetfire would be great for the sequel. He was a character who started out as a Decepticon then becomes an Autobot after realizing the errors of his waves. On top of that He used to be friends with Starscream, So we could have a spectacular fight scene between the two former friends.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see Jetfire too, Except, There is a possibility that Speilberg would get all ET on our asses and end up making the entire film about Jetfire and how he sees his errors before him and changes his way, Damn movies with morals, I just want to see the glorious image i think we all have in our heads of the possible dogfight scene.
ReplyDeleteI can see it now...
ReplyDeleteA young Jetfire is only just doing what his pal Starscream asked him to do(robo-teen-peer-pressure). After all what kind of friend would he be if he didn't, he thinks. But when asked to slag some helpless Autobot, he declines. In the resulting fight(44minutes with camera focused mainly on unidentified body parts) he loses his voice and forgets who he is.
Later, much later(after 23 different meaningless subplots which could have brought the real Megatron to his knees begging for a quick death) we learn Jetfire has become a ruthless, but lovable rouge loner who smokes and drinks. Oddly nobody notices he's a giant robot. Touched by the plight of a young idiot boy who wanted to get laid, he finds himself and joins the Autobots(who beg him for a quick death before they are forced at gun point to do an 80's style roll-call).
God help us all.
I don't care who gets in the new movie as long as they bring starscream back and more scenes with him in it, he was just too kick ass in the movie!..Well i can't necessarily say i don't care who gets in the next movie, soundwave would be awesome and really i don't care what he transforms into just as long as he's got his same characteristics..(which really isn't that difficult since he doesn't have much in that department) and shockwave was really a awesome decepticon as well to boot. Grimlock, well like what this guy said they could make him into a big muscle truck like they did with alternators but all power to making him a bad ass mother T-rex! But all aside, I just really want starscream in the sequel, as he is a classic decepticon right next to megs' and soundwave...although i would also love prowl and hound to be in it but i'm not getting my hopes up..if they did have prowl they'd probably change the vehicle into something like a jet black sports viper to give it that "sneaky prowling feeling" and hound i can obviously see as a jeep. But once again i say..MORE STARSCREAM! (yes i don't capitalize my "I" s..old habit)
ReplyDeleteMegatron is not dead. Optimus removed a piece of the all spark from his chest. It is the flaw of Optimus that he believes there to be good in everyone including Megatron.
ReplyDeleteThe Dinobots would spell disaster for this movie.
Also, Since the cartoon was out over 20 years ago it is ok to allow the transformers to be updated into much cooler vehicles and military equipment.
don't mind them bringing Grimlock as well but just don't trash the way he looks .....
ReplyDeletewhat about Hot Rod? no one mentioned about him.
hot rod as a Z06.. or even the upcoming super-vette would be friggen awesome
ReplyDeleteBut than again, Hot Rob could be brought back as a class 50's style restored Hot Rod, but then again I doubt GM would allow that!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI don't care who gets in the new movie as long as they bring starscream back and more scenes with him in it, he was just too kick ass in the movie!......
After the credits, It shows Starscream leaving the earths atmosphere to return to cybertron.
I am urged to strongly assume that, Since they saw fit to place this at the very end of the movie, That Starscream shall play quite a big lead role (or at least a semi-lead role
) in the sequel.
As for the hotrod comments, I would like to see hotrod as closely resembeled to hie The Transformers: The Movie look, but to forget about the whole rodimus prime thing, Unless it looks cool, works witht the stroyline and does not involve Prime dying (Or the entire transformers toy range from 1982 for that matter, lol)
Having Hotrod in the next transformers movie would be great.
ReplyDeleteThey should use Tidal Wave as a Decepticon aircraft carrier.
ReplyDeleteIf they add more aerial Decepticons, they better make them foreign made planes. It's tiring to see only US products.
Everyone likes Starscream, after all he was the only one that you could see in any fight. What happened to his signature null ray weapons(single target EMP) that would stop any machine or Transformer?
ReplyDeleteBetter Question: Who did you see in the first film that you would like NOT to see in a sequel?
ReplyDeleteMy vote would my Bumblebee, he's very very ugly and has glowing nipples for eye, and then there is the S&M ball in his mouth(remove it and he might speak).
I thought it could be cool for Soundwave to be a stealth bomber, but dropped it mulling over chest ejecting minions... Also Soundwave's practically confirmed as a central character for TF 2 so why put him in the poll anyways, and the Balkan alt seems cool also.
ReplyDeleteShockwave and Tidal Wave would be awesome in TF 2.
Anyone think they shouldn't have killed off Blackout? And anyone think they should come out with a Leader class figure?
Blackout diffently should have had a Leader class figure
ReplyDeleteI really want a class version of soundwave in the next film, but I am on the fence with Tidal Wave, somone please convince me
Tidal Wave could be used to reinforce that the Decepticons are more war oriented and would allow for a big battle involving human forces getting trashed. Also, he's just plain cool (hopefully they won't make him dumb like in the cartoon... great general my ass).
ReplyDeleteI still think they should introduce more Decepticons than simply using a giant decepticon, To really emphasise the struggle the Autobots have on their plates, Like, I would like to see the Autobots outnumbered 2 to 1 or somthing.
ReplyDeleteI personally believe that introducing a Giant decepticon would be to 'Power Rangery' (aka: Introducing bigger foes for the sake of it)
I say bring on Soundwave, Shockwave and a host of other original Decepticons
I would like to see the constructicons however, and maybe that Idea could be used for Tidal Wave, As in He would be loads of smaller robots, That join up to make a ship, that join up to make a giant robot.
Using Tidal Wave has an advantage of not filling up the screen with characters who will barely get any development. What you (Von Rojas) are proposing will magnify one of the problems of the film: not enough screen time for important characters. Starscream had little time besides blowing stuff up, Brawl pretty much came out of nowhere, Jazz did pretty much nothing besides say a few words then get ripped in two, and Megatron and Prime barely had a battle. We don't need a lot of characters, we need well developed characters that we can empathize with.
ReplyDeleteBesides, budget concerns will require few Transformers, and one of Tidal Wave's size probably could make the Autobots feel outmatched and pack a whole lot of firepower.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteUsing Tidal Wave has an advantage of not filling up the screen with characters..........
Hmmm, I can see your point there, Although I think the reason why most of the transformers did not get any screen time was because of the whole Sam and Bumblebee story arc
I would still like to see more robots from each faction, That isn't to say we can not have both.
We can all bet that, Wither every one wants it or not, There will be A LOT more Transformers in the next film, Why? Because Hasbro want to sell toys, Not that there is anything wrong with that.
I am just afraid though, That if Tidalwave is introduced, It may make scriptwriters and editors choose to make the story line (or at least main battle scenes) To completly revolve around him (We all know how they think 'Cool, It is a giant robot, People love this stuff, lets make him take up 200 pages worth of script if not a hell of a lot more)
However, If he is written into the script delicatly, I would love to see him.
My point is, I do not want one Transformer to overshadow the rest
Plenty to say here, man...
ReplyDeleteFirstly, it's already expected that Soundwave will feature in the sequel, just don't know what's his alt. mode. But after seeing the Balkan MK6 vehicle, it seems that it fits him perfectly as a communications vehicle. Oh, and not to mention Ravage as a...tyre (his alt. mode, not replacing his jaguar form)?
Secondly, I may not know Jetfire in particular, but as for him appearing in the sequel as an Autobot jet can help provide the Autobots with air cover. As for an alt. mode (one that can challenge Starscream's F-22), I think an F-117 Nighthawk might do or perhaps either an F-18 Hornet or the new F-35 fighter. An air duel between Jetfire and Starscream is something I want to see in the sequel.
Thirdly, speaking of Starscream, why not have him return to Earth with his squad partners, Thundercracker and Skywarp (or at least one of them)? It would help the former to have a wingman (robot?) by his side. As for an alt. mode, I was thinking of fighter jets from outside USA, say a MiG-29 or a Sukhoi Su-35?
Fourthly, Grimlock as a muscle car? That's not right. We've already had enough muscle cars on the Autobot's side! Just keep him as a T-Rex will be great already.
Fifthly, having the giant Devastator in the sequel will add more steel for the Decepticons (and trouble for the Autobots) but putting in Tidal Wave as well? Oh, boy. The Autobots are sure in for one wild fight!
Sixthly, I do agree that having Shockwave as the next main villain in the sequel is great. As for an alt. mode, why not a giant cannon of some form (like that giant gun the Germans made in WW2)?
And lastly, is there a possibility that Galvatron might make an appearance in the sequel? After all, isn't Galvatron a 'reincarnated' version of Megatron?
Let's hope the sequel will feature more on the Transformers' views than on the humans'.
ReplyDeleteWe need more Starscream vs. Megatron interaction anyway, and I would love to watch Megs/Gal react to Starscream leading...
(but not kill him this time!) And of course Starscream needs a chance to do his back-stab-n-grovel act...It seems set up to bring Megatron back - just ask Optimus if you can borrow that little triangle piece from Megs's chest, and use the old pieces in the ocean... Wheeeee!
what about dinobot?
ReplyDeleteY not makes a beast wars???
ReplyDeletei completely agree, why is it beyond belief to bring in the dinobots, they were well able to design all the other characters in the 1st movie, after all the dinobots were an integral part of the tv series. Soundwave has to be in the sequel, including his minibots, Rumble, Frenzy, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw and Ravage. twud be wrong to leave them out.
ReplyDeleteAlso, why is there no mention of Skywarp and Thundercracker, who were excellent and main characters in the animated tv series, or Sideswipe, Hound and Prowl for the Autobots. Also, Megatron has to return!!! There is no question about it. You cannot bring him back as Galvatron unless you want to bring Unicron on board. I'm sure other Transformer Fans will agree with everything I have said, including the need for more battlescenes between the Autobots and Decepticons. Is there a possibility of bringing in the Constructicons, and have them do battle with the Aerialbots or Protectobots is the forms of Devastator vs Superion/Defensor?? I rest my case.
I think Soundwave should be a tricked out Low-rider if they do go with the music level. Ravage and Laserbeak could be "Pretenders" and look like a couple of thugs or something. Although the Balkan looks cool.
ReplyDeleteWhat about Triplechangers such as Astrotrain, Blitzwing, and Springer?
If they do have Deveastator (Constructicons) the Autobots should have Omega Supream!!
Transformers 2 & 3 Movie Ideas and Transformer Robot Picks
ReplyDeleteBy: XEON DEX-TRON
These are who I would like to see in the next movie and/or the third one. This is not official and only my wish list.
This is a list with the Transformer’s names with original G1 forms and ((New Modern Form ideas)). Also an explanation of why they should be in the movie.
(Already in the Movies = Optimus Prime, Iron Hide, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Jazz [Dead?])
[Autobots should have Holographic drivers played by the voice actors of each respective Autobot]
HOUND – Mitsubishi J59 ((Custom Jeep Wrangler or Landrover))
Why: Hound has always been a good scout for the Autobots and works well by himself or with a team. Being a “Recon Soldier” would be a benefit in the movie. Hound could form a scout team to “find the Decepticon/Autobot Base on Earth” type of minor plot. (..only to find a trap?!)
POWERGLIDE – A-10 Thunderbolt II Warthog ((Maintain A-10 for movie)) or ((Optional M400 or M600 Skycar))
Why: Powerglide is the first and classic Autobot air support and should be recognized in the movie as such. He was often the “only Autobot that could fly”. He could perform recon/scout missions like he did in the old G1 series, as well as provide air support. Also A-10 Warhogs were shown in the last movie. The optional form instead of an A-10 that I would like to see would be the M600 Skycar as a promotion of flying cars in the 21st century!! Powerglide could be a part of Hound’s scout team and could be the one that does “find the base”.
MIRAGE – Ligier JS11 F-1 ((Ford GT, Plymouth Prowler, or R8 Spider))
Why: Mirage is just cool, besides he is a classic! He’s a Soldier and could be Decepticon fodder or Autobot Base support or part of Hound’s Scout team (and Decepticon fodder, he he).
CLIFFJUMPER – Porsche 924 ((Audi TT, Mini-Cooper, or PT Cruiser))
Why: Good all around soldier. Can show battle field valor and honor by taking care of wounded/dying friend (Mirage?) while separated from the others and all communication. This can help show how Transformers are a lot like us, especially on the battle field. I think this would make an excellent side story.
WHEELJACK – Lancia Stratos ((Dodge Cobra/Viper GT, Chevy Impala, or 2009 Corvette ZR1))
Why: The scientist/ Inventor. He could assist in the complicated scientific needs of the movie plot. May do more “work” than fighting in the movie. Autobot Base Support.
HUFFER – Cab-Over-Engine Simi Truck ((Simi-Tow-Truck))
Why: Another Solider, but could also be the Autobot Base Commander while the Main Autobot Assault team does whatever the plot demands. Hangs out with Wheeljack. (could be an “Old Timer” and good friends with Prime and Iron Hide as well)
GRIMLOCK – T-Rex ((Custom “T-Rex” Monster Truck. Grimlock Only!!!))
Why: Fan Appreciation. The T-Rex Monster Truck could be a nice compromise that would make more sense to a wider audience instead of a robotic T-Rex running around. It could also provide some comic relief while smashing things. Could be more of a “Rouge Autobot” for the movie.
OMEGA SUPREAM – Space Base/Shuttle/Tank ((Autobot Base))
Why: Could be the “Autobot Base” on Earth and his true form not known to the audience. Can house Teletram-1. Autobot transport to Cybertron?
(Already in Movie = Megatron [Dead? “Spark Overdose”], Starscream, Barricade, Scorpinok [Injured not Dead?], Bonecrusher [Dead? WTF? No “Spark Death”], Black Out [Dead?], Brawl the “Devastator” [Dead?], Frenzy [Dead? Should be brought back – no “Spark Death”. New “Rumble*-Type” body? ])
[Decepticons should keep with the same “Mustach Guy” for their Holographic Drivers]
SHOCKWAVE – Cybertronian Gun ((Triple Changer - Cybertonian Tank/ Cybertronian Chopper, He should stay “alien” and on Cybertron. If he came to Earth I think he should be an Avenger Missile Unit, MERL Missile Platform, or a Paladin Tank and an Apache Helicopter. Maybe just stay “Cybertronian”))
Why: If anything takes place on Cyberton, Shockwave HAS to be there. He’s Megatron’s main man on Cyberton and could be “keeping Cybertron alive”.
SKYWARP – F-15 Eagle ((F-22 Raptor or Stealth Fighter))
Why: With Starscream assuming leadership Skywarp and Thundercracker become his thugs and lackeys. Must have starscream and his Seekers. Other “Seekers” could be added but these two should always be near Starscream.
THUNDERCRACKER – F-15 Eagle ((F-22 Raptor or AV-8B Harrier Fighter Jet))
Why: With Starscream assuming leadership Skywarp and Thundercracker become his thugs and lackeys. Must have starscream and his Seekers. Other “Seekers” could be added but these two should always be near Starscream.
SOUNDWAVE – Cassette Player ((I like the Balkan MK6 Tim Shinn idea. Just add a Crowd Control Sound Cannon) or (TV News Van [Evil Media, LOL]) or (Military Mobile Communications Transport?))
Why: The movie will fail completely if Soundwave is not in it. He is completely loyal to Megatron but should also work with Barricade often.
-RAVAGE – Cassette / Jaguar ((BMW “Police?” or “Ninja” Motorcycle / Jaguar))
Why: One of the two main “tapes” use by Soundwave. Classic. Role of Assassin.
-LASERBEAK – Cassette / Condor ((“Ninja” Motorcycle or “TV News Camera” [makes sense if Soundwave is a TV News Van] / Condor))
Why: One of the two main “tapes” use by Soundwave. Classic. Role of Scout/Spy.
-RUMBLE* - Cassette / Humanoid ((“Chopper” Motorcycle, “Local Tech”=changes forms [by scanning of course] throughout movie, or something Cybertronian (Go-Kart?) / More Advanced “More Humanoid-Like” than “Frenzy-Like” w/ Holographic ability {Considered a “Pretender” in the movie with only one line needed to explain} “Mustach” Cop, Punk, or Fully Decked out Motorcycle Rider w/ Full Helmet [while riding Ravage!!]. Rumble should also be able to use his “Pounding Arms” in the movie at sometime.))
Why: to interact with Ravage, Laserbeak, and Soundwave and replaces the Frenzy role plus the chance to use the Holographic “Pretender” idea. Role of Humanoid interactive undercover spy/Assassin.
REFLECTOR – Camera ((Stay as Camera, later Laserbeak comes in))
Why: Plot hook… Should get caught by Autobots early in the movie to give reason for Autobot scout team.
-SCRAPPER – Front End Loader
-BONECRUSHER – Bulldozer (Should be “brought back” [No “spark death”] like w/ Frenzy’s head)
-HOOK – Crane Truck
-LONG HAUL - Dump Truck
-MIXMASTER – Concrete Truck
-SCAVANGER – Excavator
Why: Self Explanatory.
BLITZWING – MiG-25 Foxbat / Mitsubishi Type 74 Battle Tank ((Modern versions of same vehicles ))
Why: The story of Blitzwing turning over to the Autobots should be set up in TF2 and brought to a head in TF3. This would add yet another context to the “Human/Robot/Sentient similarities.
ASTROTRAIN – Space Shuttle / D62 Steam Locomotive ((Should be a Cybertronian Space Shuttle and “Mono-rail”-“Hover” Train))
Why: Mainly as a helper for Shockwave and a mass-transport for Decepticon strike teams back and forth from Cybertron and Earth. Astrotrain should have “Mass-Shifting” for transporting Decepticons.
--------------------Honorable Mention, Cameos, and Rumored----------------------
Prowl –
Why: Prowl would be really cool especially in a “Good-Cop” vs “Bad Cop” battle with Barricade!!! If he was in the film he should be security (of course) and be at the “Autobot Base” and/or “checking the perimeter” around the “Base”. Prowl could be some sort of undercover/ unmarked police vehicle. A Plymouth Prowler makes sense only in name; he should be a police vehicle in some capacity if used. We need good cops.
Sunstreaker and Camshaft –
Why: These two would be cool for some “extra” story line but may drag the rest of the movie down. A cameo with these two “exploring” would be nice. Could be vehicles that Wheeljack and Mirage are not.
Arcee –
Why: Since she was cut from the last movie. If the motorcycle idea is used for Soundwave’s “Tapes” then she could be a minor balance against them.
Hot Rod –
Rumor: Apparently Hot Rod may be in TF2. But that is just rumor for now. I personally think he should not be introduced until TF3.
Ultramagnus –
What: Ultramagnus should not be in the next one. It would be too confusing to the wider audience. Huffer would be better to take the “Base Commander” job while Hot Rod ends up becoming leader later in TF3 (If that rout is taken in the whole “Bay” story) with a slightly different path. He could appear in TF3.
Tidal Wave (Decepticon) or Broadside (Autobot) -
Why/Rumor: Bay was speaking of wanting an Aircraft Carrier transformer for the next movie (TF2), these two could be his choices.
Sea Spray –
What: I like Sea Spray but he has always played a minor role and if anything may only be seen in a cameo only in his hovercraft form (perhaps relaying back to Hound?) if he is ever shown at all. If Sea Spray battles it should be against Deep Dive if he is used.
Deep Dive –
Why: If Tidal Wave is used then Deep Dive would make sense as a companion since he is a Decepticon Submarine. Conversely he could be the Autobot Broadside’s nemesis if he is used.
Cosmos –
What: Another personal favorite, but would not be practical in many situations. Could be used as Autobot spy/ intelligence on Cybertron. Cameo role if anything.
Insecticons -
-Bombshell – Weevil
-Kickback – Grasshopper
-Shrapnel – Stag Beetle
Why: Extra fodder for Autobot weapons. Maybe a minor sabotage/ambush cameo.
Note about Transformers 3: I think TF3 should be a modern live-action version of the 1986 Transformers movie. Some things changed and modified of course but the same basic rhythm and story line. Unicron and Galvatron as well as the Death of Optimus Prime should only happen in this part of the three part series. If any of these elements happen in TF2 then TF3 will not be worth much. TF2 should concentrate more on the actual war between the Autobots and Decepticons with Spike and Mikala joining in the “fun”.
There you have it. Transformers movie ideas from XEON DEX-TRON!!
XEON DEX-TRON Correction:
ReplyDeleteI listed Camshaft with Sunstreaker. I ment to put Sunstreaker's brother Sideswipe in that line. Forget Camshaft!