Friday, September 14, 2007

Target Exclusive Transformers DVD Comic Cover has posted the cover image for the prequel comic #1 that will come with the Target version of the Transformers DVD. Nowadays, for some movies, each of the major retails stores get their own little something extra. Target's is the comic and Wal-Mart's is a bonus disc that includes all 4 issues of the prequel comics with sound effects and voices (including Peter Cullen). Suffice it to say, so far Wal-Mart is winning the extra's battle. Nothing announced (yet) on what Best Buy and Circuit City's exclusive content might be.


  1. what what wal-mart is giving away with the dvd ?

  2. Target is also having an exclusive transforming DVD case, which transforms into a 15" Movie version of Prime.

  3. SORRY BUB< TARGET has the BEST exclusive, the transforming dvd case for the 2 disc special edition.


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