Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Transformers Animated Toyline

ToysREvil.com has posted up a bunch of pics that show the various toys planned for the upcoming Transformers Animated toyline and cartoon. The toys look identical to the cartoon series design and overall seem to borrow in design from the various lines that came before. Overall not bad.

Click here for the full gallery.


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maAWP2uVd7M

    hehehe..."We have a model" omp...XD

  2. i think this is going to be a gayest line of toys and cartoon out there i am ashamed at these and will not buy none of these toys

  3. I think they're pretty cool, as an artist i have to try and be open to all sorts of different styles, it takes some getting used to after the first few glances, but eventually you kinda think that this could be interesting! The toys do look pretty cool too, and i think it's neat we'll be seeing blackarachnia again, she was always such a cool character in the transformer universe.


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