- The east side of the site is being re-developed so most of the shooting will take place on the west side.
- A new concept car (possible Transformer?) not used in the first movie will be used there
- Two Blackhawk helicopters will be used
- The area will be patrolled by the site security and Bethlehem City Police who will also and close streets for the shoot.
- Update: A car hauler was seen with 2 Saturns and 5 Chinese styled cop cars (unknown make and model) with Chinese lettering on them.
- Update 2: In addition to the below pics, more pics are available that show one of the Chinese police cars and additional signage.
- Update 3: Production pics now online showing more angles as prep for night shoot later that day.
For the pictures, some just show what the site looks like from a street level and how it might be useful to appear as a city. You can also see that Chinese word has been added to the top of one building (says "Exit/Entrance" or "Import/Export") and painted on the street ("Loading Dock") in another. Click the images for larger version.

The photos have not been watermarked as the freeware I found just distorts them so if other sites use them please reference this site as the source.
Thank you for the information and pictures!
UPDATE: Thanks to Bryan and other site readers for the translation of the signs.
The Chinese words on the roof just say 'Entry/Exit Point'.
ReplyDeleteYeah, what's with that anyway?
ReplyDeleteIn the picture next to it, the characters on the road appears to be "Cargo Loading Area".
Rumor has it that Mila Jovavich will have a part playing a humaniod robot created by the Desepticons to blend in with the human goverment to hear their plans for defense and where the other allspark is...you know... the one that created the earth....It will be really cool if it turnd out to be true!
ReplyDeleteIt can also be "Loading dock" or "loading area".
ReplyDeleteI mean the words on the ground
ReplyDeleterumor is Optimus dies in the first 10 minutes, and that a new leader will rise, Rumor also has it that the Decepticons will have 2 factions, one still loyal to Megatron and one to Starscream
ReplyDeleteFrom what I have gathered prime does not die, he is injured near the end, when HotRod deciedes to do his own thing ( like in the cartoon).... only to be hauled away by Ultra-Magnus at the end. this one will not have typical ending, it will just end at the final battle, wich the Decepticons win.
ReplyDeleteLeaving an opening to part 3.
i think the words on the ground say 'get a life'
ReplyDeleterumor has it theres enough fucktards to come out with stupid lame as rumors. dumb americans.
ReplyDeleteIt is IMPERATIVE that Optimus' number one general be added to the second movie. Ultra Magnus would be frikken sweet to see in the next movie, and his additude would add a really nice contrast to the autobots in the TF. I hope that Prime doesn't look like such a wuss in the next release, that was the only thing that I didn't like about the first one.
ReplyDeleteWow ... those transformers look just like buildings and a rail yard! What a scoop! How on earth did you ever get pictures of abandoned buildings? This is awesone!
ReplyDeleteGive me back the last 2 minutes, you got me here and got me to look at these stupid pictures, now give me back my time.
So sad....you hate yourself so much and all you want is to be American. I'm not going to lie to you...It's GREAT! So you resort to calling people names, we love that!
ReplyDeleteJealousy rears it's ugly head again, maybe the next life Ace.
Remember my fellow Americans,they hate cause they aint.(AH,HA)
ReplyDeleteI'm from Bethlehem, and this brings back so many memories!
How long will they be in Bethlehem filming? And how long will it take the movie to be filmed?
ReplyDeleteTo the ignorant question how did I get pictures of abandoned buildings.......I work on the site that is being re-developed. You cant see those buildings from 3rd street or either bridge (if your familar with bethlehem). They've been on the site now for about 3 weeks getting ready. Filming will take 4 days. When I was leaving the other day I saw a car hauler with 2 Saturns I never seen before and 5 Chinese style cop cars.
ReplyDeleteThat last image sure looks a lot like the abandoned factory the autobots use as a base in the newest animated series
ReplyDeleteFor the person who took these images...
ReplyDeleteI am from the area and I am surprised you got away with it even if you "work there". Me and a buddy took a walk near the ice skating rink towards the furnaces, directly across and to the left you can see tons of equipment and lighting fixtures.
Then we kept walking towards the blast furnaces where its fenced off just to get a look around and a security guy came to talk to us because he was really bored from just sitting there 10 hours. He said no pictures blah blah blah or else they would file charges and if they happen to hear or see of anything go up on the internet they will find out who did it, because thats one of the questions I asked was "Well what if the guys who work here take pictures?" That was pretty much his response.
The Chinese words on top of the building that you guys thought mean "Entry and Exit point" can also translate into "Import/Export"
ReplyDeleteI get mail for extras needed for movies. They need Chinese of all ages for the new transformer movie and some with a military background. So these pictures could be for those scenes.
ReplyDeleteSpotted from the brige tonight...lots of lights on around blast furnaces, appear to be some type of red and green light up signs by blast furnaces as well. Shooting begins in 2 days, tests maybe tonight?
ReplyDeleteI was down at the site today walking around on 2nd street where they are staging all of the lighting trucks and lots of other equipment. I was also walking on Polk street and noticed that in one of the buildings next to the street they were rehearsing some military scenes, lots of guys with guns and military garb.
ReplyDeleteFriday night, they had the whole site lighted up, and the Import/export sign was lighted green, there are also other signs visable from 3rd street with chinese signs, and one has 17 and some chinese writing and the other is 18 and some chinese writing.
I was in starbucks this morning over at the promenade mall and they had a letter posted there about the filming there at the site, they will be filming from June 2nd to June 4th from 4p to 7a. They also stated that there will be major explosives, gun fire, military aircraft and other cool stuff. I will keep this board posted. Later!
ooo i live ten min from this place
ReplyDeleteit basically a piece of crap
idk what the hell theyre doing with it but its so historical they cant just tear it down....such an eye sore too
but....i could skip school and stalk the actors lol one of the perks of living near it
I really wish someone would have e-mailed me back or something about being an extra, I wanted to be in it so bad!!!!
ReplyDeleteDreamworks will have 60+ security gaurd there starting tomorrow. Good luck stalking the actors lol. Plus 3rd will be closed off. Also saw 4 Blackhawks around the site today
ReplyDeleteJosh Duhamel was just spotted on 3rd Street in Bethlehem signing autographs!
ReplyDeleteTo the jackass who wrote that they live 10 minutes from the site and it is such an eyesore.... Have you been in a coma? Did you miss the whole Sands Bethworks multi billion dollar Casino, hotel, retail project that they started to build? All the gaming license hearings! Try to pick up a newspaper or something!
ReplyDeleteI was at the site tonight watching from the bridge! All the lights and helicopters flying overhead were so awesome!
ReplyDeleteI was there last night from 10:30pm until early this morning 3am. All I saw were helicopters flying around for half an hour or so....did anyone catch any explosions? I was waiting for that to happen but got tired and left. Anyone know what happened afterwards?
ReplyDeleteMy dad is currently working on the site in Bethlehem and he said that the building that he is currently working in it is impossible to see anything but in order to park everyday they have to drive by where they are filming. He said that he drove by slower then usual [as did everyone else] and he saw Michael Bay which is somewhat exciting. Since nothing interesting ever happens in this city.
ReplyDeleteI like this blog.Gr8 presentation for more detail please visit my site-Potential Transformers
DeleteI was there tonight and just saw the helicopters take off and go toward the aiport / Allentown area and then return about an hour later and land. That was it!!:-( I am assuming that the explosions will take place on the last night. It would make sense. Rumor has it that they are taping indoors tonight!
ReplyDeletei love sneaking into that place. :-) i can't wait until the new movie comes out.
ReplyDeleteI was over there on the 2nd hanging out on 3rd with fam And alot of others and we got to chat with Tyrese got autographs and pics with him which was pretty cool. Not to often we get a chance like that.
ReplyDeleteI just left the site and met micheal bay. Cool down to earth guy. Wouldnt give us no details though. And they are letting everyone take pictures they aren't stopping no one. I even got pictures of the blackhawks on the ground and the nest trucks!!
ReplyDeleteWhich area are you watching from that you can get the pics of the hawks and nest vehicles? What about Bay?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know when there are going to be explosions? I want to see that happen and get some of it on camera/video! Too bad it's going to rain the rest of the week!
ReplyDeleteWe were standing at the main entrance which is on founders way and third.They had an explosion last night around 5 am but dont know if any will happen tonight.
ReplyDeleteA handfull of us were there around 10:30 and stayed untill 3:00am in the pouring rain to see 1 explosion (pretty weak if you ask me). I left at that point so i dont know what went on from 3:30-7am. i got video of
ReplyDeleteI drove past tonight around 11:30PM over the fahey bridge and not to much was happening. However the morning call has some cool pics of some of the action sequences: http://www.mcall.com/all-transformerphotos0604,0,2424857.photogallery
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if there will be any filming tonight?? Please post a response soon. I live in the area of Bethlehem and would love to go check it out! Oh yeah, this is a movie I made that's like a transformers spoof! http://vimeo.com/1098015
ReplyDeleteGood Job! :)
ReplyDeleteGood Job! :)
ReplyDeleteHey, I accidently stumbled upon this page while looking for something else...Very cool spot. You should check out the music vid I am doing as a demo for the new movie. You Tube search: PROJECT AEON deFeKT. There is a demo video with a potential track that may be used in the new movie...I know because I wrote it! You can also check PROJECT AEON on myspace. You just may hear more potential TF2 tracks. Hope you enjoy them.
ReplyDeleteHey I wonna contact you. pls add me micronestudio@gmail.com
ReplyDeletetransformers 2 looks so intense
ReplyDeleteyou guys???!!! were goin off track with TF 2! stop talkin about ur nerd games and talk moor about this movie! GOD! this movie is gonna kick a**! im gunna see it the first day it opens and im probably gunna scream "DA**" every time something huge goes on. like optimus getting his face slapped off. lol.
ReplyDeleteim actually hoping that he doesnt die in this movie or ill have a little talk with Bay.(holds a bat in one hand) lol jk
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ReplyDelete= add this site...got your Transformers 2 pics....
Some soldier that's actually over in IRAQ serving in the US Army right now...crazy.
But I guess he's a chinese soldier in the movie though that was shot in Bethlehem, PA back in June 2008.
I dont know. Check it out.
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Hah. It made me so mad when they were done filming here at Bethlehem because I found out a week later that they were there. It really sucked cause I couldve just gone down and gotten an autograph but NOOOO cause no one told me they were there. I was soososos pissed. Lol.
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