Monday, June 16, 2008

Targetmasters in TF2?

In the "Hey Roberto" thread on the Don Murphy forums, of other the members of the writing triumvirate, Roberto Orci answered an interesting question:
Roberto, will there be Transformers that transform into Weapons in TF2?
Now Targetmasters is a bit of an exaggeration because in G1 toy line they where humans joined to a suit that allowed them to transform into a weapon but the concept is more or less the same. Technically speaking Transformers inherently weapons so he could just be confirming a pre-existing character trait. If the literal interpretation holds, this adds a new aspect to the film beyond the combiner ideas.


  1. you know that tanks and fighter jets are considered weapons as well. 'weapons'is such a vague term. don't get your hopes up there.

  2. Weapons could mean anything...Pretty much any vehicle with capability to fire a missile or shoot a gun. I wouldn't get too excited. Very vague...

  3. A robot can be a weapon by itself... Constructicons... merge and form Devastatorrr....

  4. Orci is probably borrowing a targetmaster character name. I doubt they will have a human joining with a transformer in any way. It was a stupid concept then and it's a stupid concept now. If they do this, TF2 will bomb and lose money.

    Why do fans even ask for characters from failed toylines? They confuse the producers and writers, who think that these terrible desperate ideas are somehow revered by the fan base. They aren't... maybe they are revered from the hardcore TF fans who liked all the crap Hasbro threw against the wall to see what stuck... but they make up at most 1% of the ticket-buying public.

    If it ain't G1 it ain't TF.

  5. Actually only in the US version of Headmasters and Targetmasters had humans that transformed into the heads and weapons.. In the japanese series of Headmasters all of the weapons and heads were 100% robotic and had no humans. So they could follow the japanese series and make then all robotic.


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