Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Transformers 2 Video Game Announced

Activision has officially announced the development of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen for a release that will co-inside with the release of the movie next July. No details whatsoever where released beyond that. Simply that the game is part of their current development slate that includes additional Guitar Hero games and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.


  1. I certainly hope the game is not like the one from the first movie.
    A TF-game that explains what happens in between the movies (like Enter the Matrix did, back in the days) would be really great. Also, the game mechanics REALLY need to be a lot better than they were in the last one.

  2. the word is coincide, not

  3. i was just about to say that! "co-inside" lol

  4. Spell check anyone? (LOL!!!)

  5. i think the first transformers game was ok but it needed more,the game play was not much to it and the level design felt lazy.

  6. aww you guys beat me to the spell check!

  7. Activision SUCKS! They proved it all the time with their weak games, especially the MOVIE bassed Games are bound to suck just like Movies based on Video Games. They are a bunch of lazy asses! Peace out everybody! :)

  8. i hope this time u can play as ALL the transformers in the movie

  9. totaly bum fan! and I hope that the TRANSFORMERS can pick up weapons on the battle field like "Lost Planet". the first TRANSFORMERS was to simple. hopefully there will be multiplay in the 2nd one:)

  10. the first one was really boring and had nothing
    to do with the movie they must have multiplayer in 2!!!!

  11. I think the first one was Okay but it needed multiplayer more robots more abilities and have the transformations not just jump in the air and do something stupid

  12. Oh yah and you should be abel to play as Soundwave-JOSIAH MAlONE yeah Kenley its me and so was the one posted at 3/18/2009/9:42 PM

  13. it needs to be multiplayer and you need to have a lot more robots like jetfire andred alert and bumble bee should be his final form a lambogini


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