Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sideswipe Fan Art

Thanks to Millertalon for finding the below fan art (probably anyway) that shows a great design for Sideswipe.


  1. ive seen this its been on the internet for ages

  2. I can't see Ratchet, so Ratchet must be dead. And silver car must be Hot Rod because I totally see red in reflective silver. Totally confirmed it's Blurr even though he's not moving very fast.[/end sarcasm] haha

    Just kidding! :)

    Hey, great artwork as always, I should probably forward some pictures of my own Bumblebee Project soon... maybe after Labor Day.

  3. OK why cant we have something like this in the movie! yeah I know its all marketing and money! This is what I would have died to see!

  4. Millertalon said...

    THANKS MAN. Just trying to help out whenever I can. I think 'bumblebee fanatic' is kinda right, but what's the harm in showing it to people who have never seen it.

    Oh, and I TOTALLY agree with what Ranger565 said above. So true and I so would too.


  5. This is actually art from the unlockable characters from the Transformers movie videogame. We'll see come next year if this is more than that.

  6. I would like to see a Sunstreaker fan-art...

    I'd do one myself, but I am FAR from having that kind of talent.


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