Actoys.net just banned a user who claimed got some design from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. This guy were looking for business partner at Actoys.net for using these design to produce some unauthorized products before official licensed. But…this user left a mystic avatar.
The last thread this guy left in Actoys.net, is about sell die-cast Chevy Corvette ZR1 model. Looks like this guy is a die-cast car model seller and he claimed this is ZR1’s head.

S250 on TFW2005 forums has now provided the full body image of the Transformer. Overall a pretty good looking design but I sticking with my fan made theory.
the silver corvette is blurr
ReplyDeletebut isn't blur blue bro?
ReplyDeleteyou guys need to start searching the internet for photos and clues coming out of the hasbro production line.
ReplyDeletethe toys are probably still being designed, but they will be hitting production line in next few months.
takes a little time to go from china to the states. all toys have to receive inspection once they arrive. that means production, shipping, inspection, delivery.
the clues are out there, just need to stop search english sites and using obvious search words like TRANSFORMERS, REVENGE OF THE FALLEN, and other key words.
come on people...think.
That head looks tight. Ok, so it would be either the Audi or the Corvette from the pics we've seen so far, since it's silver. The blue eyes would indicate an autobot. Tracks anyone?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm leaning more towards Tracks, because I totally forgot he was a Corvette in G1. I think this is a little more than a coincidence.
ReplyDeleteLooks similar to a Gundam...
ReplyDelete-aris raptorclans said...
ReplyDeletebut isn't blur blue bro?-
Yeah, And Ironhide was originally RED, Ratchet and Jazz were originally WHITE and G1 Prime didn't have flames.....
btw, I didn't write the first post just responding to yours aris
The art for this head is very well-done, probably lifted off of one of the original CG designers conceptual page works for the first movie and just for showing off at this point. I don't think a fan could've done this, it's just too well-made. But I don't think it's legit for TF2 either.
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows how much those guys at ILM are hardcore anime fans, so no doubt there's tons of Japanese samurai/anime mecha (Gundam, Macross) influence in the heads and bodies of the robots. That's pretty obvious I think since the show and toys all originated in Japan.
This looks awesome. Hope they make the faces in ROTF more expressive and simple like this one...
ReplyDeleteeveryone is tracks, but i think it would make a great silverstreak.
ReplyDeletemaybe the Corvette is called Smokescreen, 4 exhaustpipes that can produce a whole lot of smoke as cover or something. (just giving a thought, corvette should be tracks)
The Corvette is a "Centennial Design Concept".
ReplyDeleteNot a Corvette Centennial (as a model name). And in fact, closeups of the car show it having a Stingray badge.
So just as you incorrectly refer to the Corvette as a "Centennial", so might this dude incorrectly refer to it as a ZR1. It's doesn't disprove this head design or what he was trying to peddle. The guy could have stolen stuff from the legit people for all we know.
Remember that all of the final robots in the movie have actual mechanical eyes with glowing blue or red pupils depending on their faction (Except for Jazz, but I think I even remember seeing images of him with his visor lifted). Whoever this guy is, he has shield eyes, which sort of look like modified versions of the more common Transformer eyes (which we've seen in almost every non-movie-related show or comic yet).
ReplyDeleteI can swear, I saw eyes like that from the works of another concept artist who worked on the first TF movie, but his concepts didn't make it into the final film. This might be a concept he came up with for the first movie, but is just now getting released and being paraded as art for the second movie. I'll check IO9 and post back tonight.
seibertron.com has the whole robot now.
ReplyDeleteFrom the waste up it looks up but it is a complete disaster from the waste down with chicken Starscream legs and wheel feet.
Head design screams prowl
ReplyDeleteThats one ass-kicking Autobot...Jazz on steroids...
ReplyDeleteWhy do people keep calling them "chicken-legs?" Don't you realize that most creatures in the animal kingdom have legs like that? Not just birds.
ReplyDeleteIt's real - I recognize Ben Procter's style. It's incredibly difficult to emulate, this is definately one of his.
ReplyDeleteIt's hot. I want to ride it.
ReplyDeletewheels for legs? scissors for hands? wtf?
ReplyDeletei like the head, chestpart and upperlegs, i dont like the arms en feet.
Havent seen too many bipeds with legs like that.
ReplyDeleteIt is just a crappy design choice. Why Bay wants Transformers with legs from the aliens from "The Arrival" is beyond me.
And the wheel feet remain stupid.
I like the body design... the feet is pretty cool, since Jazz had wheel feet in the 1st movie, perhaps this chap has relations wif him?
ReplyDeleteLooks pretty effin' sick. Whoever creates these concept designs for the transformers are AWESOME ARTISTS!!
ReplyDeleteReminder for all: they're space alien robots. They don't care what form you think they should take. haha :) :) :)
ReplyDeleteI mean, lookit Megatron, he didn't give a flyin' f*ck! Why should the others if they think they're too cool for this school? haha :)
That said, I actually kinda dig this concept design, but I guess time will tell how much of the concept actually gets put into the real production design. I'm guessing very little or not at all (if it indeed is just fan-made inspiration from Ben himself). Who knows.
Thats probably Wheeljack
ReplyDeleteThats propably ANYONE... Could you at least share witch us, why do you think it is Wheeljack?
ReplyDeletethat design is much more like Ben Procter designs, so i bet that is not a complete concept design. Don't worry people we will probably see the finished design maybe late November.
ReplyDeleteI would like to state that beleive the so-called "fan-made" concept to be legitimate. Here are the reasons why-
ReplyDelete1. his shoulders are comprised of THE REAR END OF THE CENTENNIAL, NOT THE ZR1(if you don't beleive me, look it up)
NOTE: even though it's a centennial does not mean that it's absolutely confirmed real.
That is not a fan-art.Toy news confirmed it.
ReplyDeleteMy first post so please go easy!
ReplyDeleteThe wheels & scissor-things may be retractable like Prime's sword and Bumblebee's battle-mask. (I hope that's the case.)
Just my 2 cents.
This robot is 80% Blurr . Just see the similarities between this concept and the animated Blurr toy .
ReplyDelete..... And so it is revealed the the Vette is Sideswipe.
ReplyDeletedude peoples the silver corvette is sideswipe look on tformers.com and it will say
ReplyDeletewell, they change color, transformation, and head design. the closest to g1 were Bumblebee and Optimus. So it makes sense that it's Sideswipe. But where's Sunstreaker?
ReplyDeleteThink about it. Sunstreaker has appeared only in Transformer G1 and War Within comic trilogy. Sideswipe has appeared in Transformers: Armada. Though this live-action continuity could be nearly similar than G1, Sunstreaker won't maybe appear in this movie.
ReplyDeletebest transformers design ever made. i hope they dont change it much and it will look nearly the same in live action.
ReplyDeleteIts Sideswipe and it's been confirmed
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