In addition TF08.net via TFW2005 have a few new pictures of what is reported to be the revised Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen toy for Bumblebee. The main differences are slight remold of the head and bumper with a new weapon design. The below picture is a side by side comparison of the figures with TF2 Bumblebee on the left and TF1 version on the right. Thanks to Jacf352 for the link.

Now that looks like a satelite :-p
ReplyDeleteKeep the pics coming guys
the Bumblebee"s face is better than the first Bumblebee toy and he got a new weapon, that's cool !
ReplyDeleteThe Soundwave satellite mode looks more plausible now.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely gonna get the new Bumblebee. I'll need that for reference when I debut the rebuilt Bumblebee for SDCC and Dragon-con in 2009. I really hope Bot-con sets its date/location soon.
Finally something else than Soundwave toys (I'm talking about Bumblebee toy photos with those new photos of Soundwave toy)! I thought that only few toys will be redesigned, but I didn't imagine that Bumblebee too.
ReplyDeleteOk guys, my buddies in post-production emailed me that the trailer coming out won't be a complete tease like I was told earlier.
ReplyDeleteShe says one of the new Decepticons will make a brief shot. But mostly it will be Sam and the other autobots runing around yelling and shooting.
A brief fight scene shot (about to 3 sec shot) will show BB and a new Decepticon in a fight.
That's all I got.
Stay tuned.
Man, I don't care -what- Soundwave turns into, his design is hella awesome. (And is it just me, or does the "we don't really know what his Cybertronian vehicle mode looks like so give it your best shot" tactic work a lot better with him than it did with "I look like a pile of syringes" Megatron? Then again, that might just be my love of neon colors and gratuitous solar panels talking.)
ReplyDelete"Ok guys, my buddies in post-production emailed me that the trailer coming out won't be a complete tease like I was told earlier."
ReplyDeleteBoy, you propably spend hole 3 seconds thinking about this pointles post, huh genius?
Man that Soundwave gallery is insane!! Does anyone know what to make of BB's new weapon? Harpoon? Flame-thrower?
ReplyDelete"Man that Soundwave gallery is insane!! Does anyone know what to make of BB's new weapon? Harpoon? Flame-thrower?"
ReplyDeleteI think, that it's the same weapon he had, just done diferent way, so Hasbro can say "See, it's not the same toy, as two years ago!".
Ok, now I'm starting to REALLY like Soundwave's design even more. The head design is just sick!
Finally, the first set of clear Soundwave pictures!
ReplyDeleteIf this is Soundwave, I'm happy with the job they did. He looks like the Decepticons from the first movie, but there are also echoes of his G1 design (namely the head design and the color purple on the body). I can imagine Laserbeak, Ravage or Rumble popping out of the blue orbs in his chest. Now I'm just hoping his voice is similar to what is was in the original cartoon.
By the way, am I the only one who notices some similarities between the "satellite" mode and Frenzy's boombox mode from the first movie in picture seven?
ReplyDeleteI thought Soundwave was blue. Then again it could just be my monitor configurations.
I was hoping to see the Bumblebee toy in vehicle mode, to see some more changes (like the hood scoop). The gun looks like a blaster of sorts, perhaps the Autobots finally get some unconnected artillery.
I thought Ironhide was red. He turned black. I thought Starscream was red, white, and blue. He turned dull gray. I thought Bonecrusher was green. He turned desert tan.
ReplyDeleteI'm not expecting much in the way of accurate colors since most of us (I hope) expect a very different alternate universe of Transformers.
Old toy looks better. Can't understand why they couldn't apply the face before. Clearly his body looks better than the new toy.
ReplyDelete"I thought Ironhide was red. He turned black. I thought Starscream was red, white, and blue. He turned dull gray. I thought Bonecrusher was green. He turned desert tan".
ReplyDeleteI suppose nowadays a red, white, and blue F-22 just wouldn't be able to hide itself easily among the dull gray ones, but didn't they do a repaint for the Starscream in his original colors, just to please the conservative fans?
^ heehee yeah i got myself one of those :D
ReplyDeletebut yeah its a valid reason. they wouldn't be able to hide well if they stood out too much... which brings to us the issue wif prime and bumblebee... these two stick out in traffic like a sore thumb~
anyways i dun really care for those... i just wanna hav fun watching big f***ing robots blast each other on the big screen yo~
"anyways i dun really care for those... i just wanna hav fun watching big f***ing robots blast each other on the big screen yo~"
ReplyDeletemmm big f***ing robots blasting each other..
BAY! TRAILER! I'll get knee pads? will that help?
By the way, everyone, check out all photos of Soundwave toy photo gallery. Number 9 of 10 photos shows which Soundwave's satellite mode really look like.
ReplyDelete"I thought Soundwave was blue. Then again it could just be my monitor configurations."
ReplyDeleteHe was purple in Marvel comics US xP
"Number 9 of 10 photos shows which Soundwave's satellite mode really look like."
ReplyDeleteBoy, i can't wait for you to tell me, how do you know that :) Source? :>
Source is that 'here' word link on text. How many times it must be said. By the way, how did you know that I'm boy?
ReplyDelete"Source is that 'here' word link on text. How many times it must be said."
ReplyDeleteI wanted a source, with says, that this is correctly transformed Soundwave into his satellite mode. Don't worry, i saw his pic, and at least 3 "correctly" transformed versions... How do you know, that this one is real? SOURCE?
By the way, how did you know that I'm boy?
Why, because i have cameras in your house. Isn't it obvious?
Is it just me, or does Bumblebee look a little ... uhm ... feminine?
ReplyDelete"Is it just me, or does Bumblebee look a little ... uhm ... feminine?"
ReplyDeleteWell, i guess it depends on what side of the fence you sit on pal.
"Is it just me, or does Bumblebee look a little ... uhm ... feminine?"
ReplyDeleteNo, the only feminine is U.
Stop fooling. You want to get all information of ROTF just like I want. If I said about Soundwave toy photo gallery's photos that nineth of ten photos shows real mode of satellite mode, because it's more like satellites though this one is Cybertronian. That link which takes to full gallery of Soundwave toys is a place it can be found. What I have to do that I can prove all my words? Show all sources? Next time search them yourself.
ReplyDelete"What I have to do that I can prove all my words? Show all sources? Next time search them yourself."
ReplyDeleteDude... I fuc*** saw all his photos, realy. And i asked you for a source that CONFIRMS (as in "yes, we are fuc**** sure, that is how he should be transformed") that this alt mode is real, and not just fan made. If i haven't found such a source, and you have, is it so strange, that i ask you for it? And before you start again... This little gallery still proves nothing... Move Soundwave wings thing diferent way, and voila, you have another "maybe-maybe-not satellite-mode". Sorry for bothering you.
ReplyDeleteThis was 90% comfirmed from my source in post production. She said it was finished a month ago. (guess it takes time to make/ship out trailers)
It will be before TDTESS!
Get ya popcorn ready.
"This was 90% comfirmed from my source in post production. She said it was finished a month ago. (guess it takes time to make/ship out trailers)"
ReplyDeleteAre you sure it was a "she" and not just some gay in woman disguise, who just want you to suck him for false informations?