Wednesday, April 01, 2009

StarCraft II Gets Omega Supreme Defense

Blizzard has revealed another capability for the Terran Military for StarCraft II. The new ability is for your entire base to transform into Terra-Tron to wreck havoc on your enemies.

With the use of magnetic flux generators and through some simple modifications to our existing building schematics, we've found we can utilize structures that already exist in our bases to assemble the frame of a siege-class combat walker—a construct that some of my colleagues insist on calling the Terra-tron. The Terra-tron is best deployed as a last-ditch effort to hold an important location on the grid. Currently the cost of operation is a bit of a problem, as energy conduits and pipes become dislodged or severed and leave dangerously exposed electrical wiring, steel framework, and sewage systems. However, let me assure you that we are working diligently on new waste-containment systems that should eliminate this problem and get our buildings back up to code in the near future."
Click here for more screenshots, dialog, and videos that show the "whole blasted base" in action. As a long time fan of StarCraft, I can't wait until they finally release it (I think end of this year). Of course this is April Fools joke by the folks at Blizzard. I like the use of Transformers as a reference for a cool design. This would make for a fun un-lockable in solo play. Thanks to Monz for the find.


  1. April fool??

    I think yes.. i smell it! Sadly..

  2. Omega Supreme???In something other than Transformers??? DONT PLAY WITH ME...thats one of my fav

  3. Oh, that's brutal. What a frickin AF joke, man. That would be so cool - although that game is going to rock anyway.

    It can't be true though, it's way too unrealistic for the game if you watch the merge video at the link above. It takes like 12 buildings to make him. I thought it would be one building transforming or something.

    More than meets the eye, baby!


    WHO IS THE DOCTOR????? Offical Poster

    This is No lie, go to yahoo movies or follow the link

  5. New Article on USA

    First look Transformers 2

  6. Did someone say at all that this sounds like Peter Cullen?

  7. 'It's morphing time!' Haha...

  8. IF this unit makes it into the final release of Starcraft2, I would so like to built me one of those.

    Also, the number of buildings required to built TerraTron is quite enormous, so it'll be cost the player quite a bunch of ressources, to get it done.

    BTW: I'm getting the Video with a german Screen at the beginning, Showing a USK12-Mark, which one of our 2 Age-Restriction-Systems.
    Also the entire page of the TerraTron is translated into german as well. But the Voice remains Cullen, and not the german OprimusPrime-Speaker.
    But as a matter of fact, wouldn't it be a bit too expensive, to get Cullen to voice, only for a Prank? - I mean, ok, he might understand a lot of jokes, but actually voicing only for a Aprils-Fool-Joke wouldn't be something i'd expect him to do.

  9. Wow, haha, yea this was clearly an April Fool's joke, but damnit if this wasn't cool. In fact, it was so cool, that apparently, this unit WILL be included in the map editor. I can't wait to mess around with this!


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