Yesterday we saw
the artwork of what the combined mode of Optimus Prime and Jetfire could look like and now today, as found
by S250, here is the CGI version of the mode along with Constructicon Mixmaster. Overall it look extremely powerfully by giving Optimus an armored look complete with jetpack for flying. Thanks to Simbatron and Thirston for the heads-up.
Update: Here are the original links to
JetPrime and
Mixmaster pics on as they had the images first. Thanks to lonegamer for the links.

Hmm, Mixmaster's colour profile seems abit different from the snippets of him we saw in the trailer, and also the toy.
ReplyDeleteOk so the Jetfire Prime combo still sucks. The only cool look of it was the movie adaption artwork. Also they gave prime a pointed beard? (WTH)
ReplyDeleteThe Combo mode looks like they just took jetfire and stuck him onto primes back. The gun is way too large when you see the proportions. Overall i dont like the combo hopefully the actual film version is better but i doubt it. Too much KIBBLE
comment above me are u on drugs? these pics are awesome straight badazz..and the gun is too big? are u serious that makes him look even more awesome and it probably will look even better on screen and do alot of damage..and watever color Mixmaster will be he will be my opinion any negative comments about these pics are complete blasphemy
ReplyDeletei like these pics a lot, but the Jetfire/Prime combo just looks like he's wearing a Jetfire suit. Still awesome though.
ReplyDeleteLoving Mixmaster - he looks a little bit Insecticon-like with a kind of Beetle shell look to him. LOOK: TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN MOVIE ADAPTATION #3 Preview
ReplyDeleteSorry. Here's the correct link:
I have to admit that the combined form looks less like robots joining together into a new one (Devastator and other combiners, for example) and more like a mech-suit or add-on, but it's FREAKING AAAAAAWEEEEESOOOOOOME. XD
ReplyDeletethe optimus-jetfire combo looks badass! definitly can`t w8 for the movie!!
ReplyDeleteOriginal link for Jetifre/Optimus, and original link for Mixmaster at
ReplyDeleteI saw ages ago on another blog about how the semi that Optimus is formed from, could fit into the Jetfire jet at least a dozen times, ie. the size difference is rediculous. Can anyone shed any light on this? Have things changed?
ReplyDeleteStill, it does look so incredibly BADASS that I'm prepared to forget all about it, lol. I was losing faith in the TF2 designs, till now
Hm,looks like Gundam Wing to me..but still,that's Optimus & Jetfire..the only thing is,I still think that Optimus' size must be a bit larger so that he himself would combine & fit nicely with Jetfire.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first heard about this I was against it. But man those pictures are freakin' awesome. How can anyone think that's not totally bad a$$?
ReplyDeletethe prime is badass, but i am not really liking this mixmaster, he is too white.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone else thinkn that Jetfire sacrifices himself to help the Autobots. Meaning that he dies.
Prime looks very Gundamism in a good way or like a Knightmare from Code Geass.
ReplyDeleteMixmaster is the best looking Constructicon
Is it just me or do these images not look like they are CGI? Some of the detailing on them actually look hand drawn. That isn't a complaint, more an observation (and maybeeven a compliment, since I like them).
ReplyDeleteWith that said... this is concept art. Mixmaster's color could have easily been changed after these concepts were created.
Is it just me or do these images not look like they are CGI? Some of the detailing actually looks like it was hand drawn. Not a complaint, just an observation (and even a compliment, since I like them).
ReplyDeleteAs far as Mixmaster's color goes... This is concept art. The color of him could have been changed long after these concepts were created.
yeah put down the crack pipes! You guy who dont like it is high!!!
ReplyDeleteThis looks great! Looks very Gundam but still feels TF I love it! Very nice update/ upgrade for 2009!!!!
I have a preatty strong feeling that this is after Jetfire dies, liek he sacrifices himself to be able to upgrade and merge so he can run over to the fallen and go
ReplyDelete"BITCh! Now im as BADASS as you!!!"
honostly it would be cool if it wasn't prime because he is such an icon. another lesser char. from the TF universe would be more appropirate imo, but that's just me
ReplyDeletethese are not CGI correct, they are digital paintings.
ReplyDeleteSo a geriatric autobot sacrifices himself and combines with a beat up prime, presumably? How exactly is that going to defeat a decepticon, like devastator?
ReplyDeleteWhatever anyone says, I think this will look awesome on screen as it already looks awesome in that pic. I can't wait for till the big screen and actually watching them combine, that should be cool!
ReplyDelete......i agree with VILLA777..... the windows of jetfire's cockpit looks REALLY tiny next to prime's head.....!!!??? ....think about the size of a human next to prime....then think in the size of the plane's cockpit.....could a human fit in there....??? ABOVE THAT (am trying not to look at that part...;D)I MUST SAY... GREAT DESING...LOOKS AWESOME!!! ...SEE THE AMMUNITION GOING IN THE BIG WEAPON!!! IMAGINE THAT FIRING AT THE CONS...BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA (trying to imitate the weapon's sound...sorry)......COOL!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe scale of the cockpit is fairly accurate from my memories of the SR-71 (saw one at an air force museum last year) when compared to the diesel cab. Just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteYea r u right. the scale is accurate. I was wondering the samething but i checked it out and everything matches.
ReplyDelete-comment above me are u on drugs? these pics are awesome straight badazz..and the gun is too big? are u serious that makes him look even more awesome and it probably will look even better on screen and do alot of damage..and watever color Mixmaster will be he will be my opinion any negative comments about these pics are complete blasphemy-
ReplyDeleteI`m afraid not :P Its just i expected so much more and all they do is give us Prime with a Jetfire Backpack and a large gun.
why is there two mixmasters and two rampages? and i wish jetfire was still alive fuck you scorponok