Sunday, September 27, 2009

Megan Fox on SNL

Last night Megan Fox was the host for season premiere episode of Saturday Night Live with U2 as the musical guests. The result, as is the norm for SNL, was uneven at best. Megan Fox looked outstanding regardless of wig or costume she was thrown in and seemed game for whatever was thrown at her. The material, however, was blah at best with the writers going to the dumb blonde well frequently and had more pre-recorded skits then I am used to seeing with guest hosts. Of course they had their expected Transformers skit (below) that was just strange. Fox tried hard but you can only do so much with the crappy material she was provided and she doesn't have the comedic chops to rise above the material (but then few do).

To view the available clips from the show click here for SNL's website or here for Hulu.


  1. How can you even say that THAT look outstanding??
    She is disgusting. The only ones that drool over this girl is teens and guys who never seen a living breathing girl. I still can not believe they used her in these movies, she is such a bad actress..

  2. Just because your unattractive and she reminds of the girls in high school doesn't mean you have to put her down. Every guy drools over her she's a bombshell simple as that she is very hot. Of course people the expect all girls to look at her but you've got to appreciate beauty. I'm sure there are some guys who you drool over. Her acting is okay but I'm pretty sure you don't really care about that it's probably a counter argument brought up by your jealousy to her good looks. Oh well deal with it.

  3. I had a typo I meant don't expect all girls to look like her

  4. Not everyone thinks she is hot, for me she is just meh. sure she dresses provocatively but beauty is a matter of opinion.

  5. (shakes head)
    why is it always unavailable in certain regions... damn fuckers and their fucked up rules

  6. Megan looked good as usual, but what everybody seems to be missing is how that skit was utterly f*cking retarted, I'm willing to bet that some of the people that come to visit this site could've came up with something way better!

  7. I thought the skit was pretty funny, but that is just me. ^_^

  8. lolz...

    Hey, I liked the skit.

    I don't see how you might think that sucked unless you take things way too seriously.

    Meagn's fist pump and facial expression at the end was perfect.

  9. Stupid regional video restrictions, can't view in UK

  10. Megan Fox is a standard of beauty for those who think beauty is just worth a few thousand bucks. Because that's what she paid for it.

  11. What is the name of the song that was playing?

  12. what i never get is why its always the women dissing megan fox, i mean sure shes not perfect and no one says she is, but jeez give the girl a break. just cause guys you know dont drool over you doesnt mean you should use all that anger and put it all on megan...i mean think about it, guys like her as an actress etc but doesnt mean they wont like other women too...this jealousy shit has to stop..

  13. and btw that was mainly addressed to anon 1 and miss m possible..

  14. If Andy Samburg writes most of these digital short skits then he needs to be fired. They are lame most of the time.

  15. yeh i dont get it Andy Samburg is a pretty funny guy, he shud be able to right some good skits, maybe hes out of his spark for a while? or he cant be botherd tryin:P

  16. That was seriously so retarded. Honestly if you thought that was so hilarious its probably because you wish that it wasn't censored so you could dream about jacking those peeps off.

  17. its 2010 baby!! wow its been awhile since someone typed on this page!!


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