"Starscream is not doing great, and definitely does not have Megatron's interests at heart. Starscream is really only focused on his own interests, which is staying in power. As for Megatron...he's not doing good. In fact, the Decepticons are still behaving as if he's dead, and he basically is. Dude took a head-shot from a laser-cannon. That requires a lot of bed-rest, even if you're Megatron."He also talked about the Ironhide mini-series.
"The Decepticons are having an even bigger problem with change than the Autobots have," the writer continued, adding that Starscream's ineffectual and self-aggrandizing has "created a power-vacuum where order has almost totally broken down. They are stranded in a temporary base not so much because they can't leave, but because they have no direction."
...the series will explore Ironhide's complex friendship with his commander Optimus Prime. "That itself sets up some big stuff for later, but I can't really get into that without blowing the central mystery set-up at the end of the first issue: Why is Ironhide on Cybertron all alone, and what's going on?"Transformers #7
"His death turns out to be a crucial moment in the history of the planet Cybertron," the writer told CBR. "I know that sounds a little silly, but when you read the series you'll see what I mean. It has huge ramifications for the future of the Transformers universe." (I think this is referring it being the catalyst to cause Prime to resign as leader in TF #1 and how things played out from there but could be wrong.)
Mike Costa (w) • Don Figueroa (a) • Figueroa, Andrew Wildman (c)
As the dust settles down on Earth, we look to the Heavens to ask a burning question: Where have MEGATRON and the retreating DECEPTICONS been all this time? What have they been up to? The answer, of course, is: nothing good. Take a conspicuously infernal single-issue look into the heart of darkness with Costa and Figueroa.
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