A new trailer (below) for Transformers: War for Cybertron is now available that shows off the Conquest and Countdown to Extinction multi-player modes in the game. In addition, right at the end is an appearance of the rare female Transformer in the form of Arcee for the Autobots and Slipstream (a Seeker) for the Decepticons.
Arcee has been around since her first appearance in the animated Transformers: The Movie. Slipstream is new to the TF universe with her creation as a female clone of Starscream in Transformers: Animated. It is not clear if these will be playable characters but hopefully.
I was hoping something unexpected while the game is still in development. Fembots?! Awesome! The way the trailer ended with the two characters show up... I'm happy with it. Cause who else is in the game? Can't wait 'til announcement being made or wait for until the game comes out. This is exciting!
I was hoping something unexpected while the game is still in development. Fembots?! Awesome! The way the trailer ended with the two characters show up... I'm happy with it. Cause who else is in the game? Can't wait 'til announcement being made or wait for until the game comes out. This is exciting!