After that are two videos, both I think taken in front of Hotel 71 about a week or so ago. The first involves the Nascar vehicles as they drive through a series of explosions and a shootout. The second video is another angle on the Bumblebee intersection firefight with the huge explosions and NEST soldiers defending Bumblebee only now get a look at it from one end of the road to the next.

Last is a new gallery from TFW2005 that shows a little behind the scenes prep involving Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Josh Duhamel. Not sure where filmed or what’s involved. Click here for the entire gallery.

Wreck-Gar or MotorMaster? Place your bets... NOW !
ReplyDeleteThat truck can't possibly be a transformer. But I bet that tank it's carrying is full of energon.
ReplyDeleteI bet the truck IS in fact a Transformer, look at the blue cover/sticker on front/above the hood where the emblem should be, Transformer in disguise? Autobot or Decepticon?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous above me is right. I think it is a Transformers, and i think its a decepticon
ReplyDeleteI hope it's Motormaster and we get the chance to see the Stunticons.
ReplyDeleteI would lean toward Wreck-Gar. When it was under the cover I thought Motormaster. The blue tape says it is a transformer of one faction or other. I also want to see how those matt black Decepticon Suburbans play into this. Maybe soon??
ReplyDeleteHm, I didn't notice that blue cover/sticker at first. And I agree, that really increases the possibility that this truck actually is a tansformer. A very shabby looking one, though.
ReplyDeletemixmaster is back ;-) lol
ReplyDeleteA Clue for Bruticus ;-)
ReplyDeleteIm just making assumptions , but to me it looks like the semi has tinted windows.. and what weve seen in the past movies are transformers with tinted windows so that actual stunt driver can drive the vehicle without being seen. So i think its a transformer. But thats just my guess
ReplyDeleteGrimlock - front "forks" on the truck resemble Grimlock's toes that become part of his arms in robot mode. Blue on the hood looks to be in the shape of T-Rex, hood ornament paying homage to his G1 dinobot form.
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous above (8/10/2010 8:23 AM) - That's one hell of a nice theory!! xD Would be sooo effin awesome! And most importantly, it could be true (?)
ReplyDeleteWhat if it's Motormaster, and that tank goes on Menasor's back, like fuel for a huge flamethrower or something.
ReplyDeleteWe have already seen Bumblebee change his vehicle mode. What is to say that this is not Optimus Prime in disguise too?
ReplyDeleteI know this sounds stupid but could it be Megatron? Isn't he supposed to have a new vehicle form for the movie? I was at the vehicle storage location in Chicago last Wednesday and the stunt drivers said they were driving Megatron around the city already.
ReplyDeleteI'm going with Decepticon, hoping for onslaught. Looks to be a Mack truck, so I'm assuming, similar to TF2, the hood ornament is a modified Mack bulldog with the Decepticon symbol.
ReplyDeletesounds like TF3 could be a good movie
ReplyDeleteTouching on the Rodimus Prime not being possible because of Optimus being the last Prime, does anybody think that maybe Optimus dies for good and gives his Spark and some parts to Hot Rod/the Ferrari, thus making it easily explainable that Rodimus could be a prime?
ReplyDeleteI`ld be willing to bet it is a Wreckers symbol beneath the blue on the hood. This is probably Ultra Magnus in his Wreckers form. Ultra Magnus was the leader of the Wreckers in the G1 series.
ReplyDelete"Later on, during Shockwave's reign on Cybertron, the Wreckers were a small but elite task force of Autobots dedicated to keeping the peace wherever (and however) necessary" G1 comic bio
Onslaught and Hot Spot??
ReplyDeleteBruticus and Defensor
with all those nets it looks like it transforms into a transformers version of Predator
ReplyDeleteMaybe Menasor? It's so dirty and "evil"to be Ultra Magnus...
ReplyDeletemaybe it's the twins hahahah
ReplyDeleteAnonymous at 10:24 said:"I was at the vehicle storage location in Chicago last Wednesday and the stunt drivers said they were driving Megatron around the city already."
ReplyDeleteMaybe Megatron is the silver SLS that Carly drives. At least the color match (although maybe not the size).
I don't think the truck is a Transformer at all.
ReplyDeleteHowever, every time we see a blue stick, it's a marker reference for CG placement. Maybe it's a smaller Transformer standing atop the front of the truck.
ReplyDeleteThey could have just been messing with you, and really meant that they were driving the "head" of Megatron, that we've been seeing already. Like a cheaufer or something. Just a thought.
Also, I didn't get a close look yesterday, but there was some kind of firetruck in the old abandoned (I thought anyway) base camp, behind 360 E Southwater st. I know they still have the plywood down on the ground, and there is still some security there, but most of the equipment has been moved. I only saw the top 1/8 of the truck because I was driving on Wacker at the time. I'll check it out tonight and see if there is anything there.
Also, as a side note. There is probably going to be a lot of buzz that the Aerial bots are going to be in it, and probably some pictures to support it. BUT!!! The Air and Water show is in Chicago this weekend, so we'll probably get a lot of pictures of it, which people may mistake for Transformers shoots. Although it would be rather convenient for shooting if they had the F22 buzzing around town again.
ReplyDeleteImpossible!The explanation of the Mack's bulldog
fits perfectly!...I mean the huge firetruck need a huge Decepticon counterpart!
no scehduled appearance of an F-22 at the show, but the Blue Angels, an F-18, F-16, Blackhawk Helicopter, B-1B Lancer(bomber from last film), C-17(cargo planes from last film), and a C-130 will be at the show scheduled to perform, all is subject to change, that would be pretty sweet if they included all of thse in it.
ReplyDeleteAlso with my previous post citing the air show, I don't konw much about transformers, but if the aerial bots had to choose some certain forms to take, F-18 & F-16 would be pretty damn decent, hell even if they had All 6 Blue angels as them. wishful thinking i suppose haha...i need to get a name for this since i comment so frequently lol
ReplyDeletehonestly i do think it's a transformer (hope-fully wreck-gar) but i do also think the truck will mainly be used to transport eithr energon, or something else important
ReplyDeletenow a word on the arialbots, i think any and all arialbots even in plane/jet/whatever mode will be CGI, does anyone remember transformers 1?
Starscream's alt mode was if not all than 99% CGI'd
could it be possible that this is the first triple changer....octane?
ReplyDelete@ghjklbnm 100% Because nobody can pilot a jet in the middle of buildings and houses,So is impossible to see or recognize Silverbolt or the Aerialbots (but i don't think than the Aerialbots are in the movie)
ReplyDelete@Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete@ghjklbnm 100% Because nobody can pilot a jet in the middle of buildings and houses,So is impossible to see or recognize Silverbolt or the Aerialbots (but i don't think than the Aerialbots are in the movie)
8/10/2010 4:39 PM
I disagree with that, Thunderbird & Blue Angel pilots could do that.
ReplyDeleteTo me it looks like this truck has been covered with camouflage. And by the way it looks, rusty and all, I think it has been hidden away somewhere for a long time. I'm thinking energon, here.
ReplyDeletewell I think the fire truck and the tanker truck are one in the same, I think its Ultra Magnus in his form hes been hiding in for many years on earth hence the rust etc then he gets a new form as the fire truck
ReplyDeletealso on a side note i forgot to mention before
ReplyDeletewould people stop suggesting that maybe a transformer changed his alt mode
the only reason BB did it was because he needed to upgrade, and obviously some other transformers have upgraded, but not de-graded
also to the guy who responded to me, thank you for corecting me, and since starscream WAS 100% CGI, who isn't to say that more than silverbolt are going to appear, maybe the reason NEST squad was shooting, while skydiving off that one building a while back wasn't, at a flyng decepticon besides starscream
Probably a Decepticon, most of the Autobots are coloured automobiles that look appealing. That truck looks mean and metallic, which is the colour for most of the TFilm Cons.
ReplyDeleteAnd what's with the lighting in that first video? Is the film being shot in twilight, or is that how a typical war zone is (all dusky and dark)?
Doesent Sam have some kind of 6 inch robot thats with him, according to Reports? I bet its that little sucker on the front of the truck leading a charge, like a little hero?
ReplyDeleteJust my thoughts. small blue screen on the front of a truck thats abou 6 inches.
Ranger565 here too lazy to log in.
This truck and the NASCAR racers are the Wreckers sent to earth to get Shockwave.
ReplyDeleteThat Mad Max looking truck. It reminds me of that decepticon, Onslaught, the leader of the Combaticons (the leader of the 5 individual military decepticons), that all combined & transform into the mega robot, Bruticus?
ReplyDelete@ anonymous 8/10/2010 9:36 PM
ReplyDeleteholy shit your probably right
but how do you know?
For me, it isn't a little blue screen because:
ReplyDelete1.It have the shape of a dog statuette
2.They put the blue screens only when they filming a scene,why put a blue screen while the truck is only going out of the parking lot
3.Mixmaster was a Mack like this camion,so probably they have the same Decepticon statuette on the front...so
Motormaster,Menasor...or Ultra Magnus(with an Autobot statuette)
Onslaught?...Maybe!If he transform the fuel container into a huge cannon
ReplyDeleteIf that is the case then maybe we will see Wheelie riding in on something. Apparently he is confirmed to return.
Totally crazy thought came to me this morning.
ReplyDeleteTotally crazy.
What if the truck is GRIMLOCK? ^_^
I mean, look at it! It kind of makes sense. It's old and huge, it's got claw thingies in the front. And Wheelie could be on Grimlock's noggin goin', "HALLELUJAH LET'S BEAT UP SUM DECEPTICREEPS~!" while a big juicy battle ensues.
So yeah. GRIMLOCK?
Scourge or Nemesis Prime.
ReplyDeletescourge indeed i agree
ReplyDeletei cant waut i have been waiting fo ages