From Seibertron, a look at another Transformer custom. This one is a combo piece of Reveal the Shield Perceptor with Generations Soundwave (like the guns) and a fantastic paintjob. The figure already sold on eBay for $281.87 but be sure to hit the link to view the gallery.
Transformers: Beast Wars Re-release
Shout! Factory has tweeted plans to re-release Transformers: Beast Wars on DVD with new extras material. They also have indicated that the Generation One set will also get re-issued and they are looking at giving the Japanese cartoons a possible stateside release. I still have the Rhino editions of both cartoons and probably need to upgrade but the cost of those sets at the time was not cheap. Takara continued the Generation One cartoons for another 3 or so season after it had ended stateside.

Another fan mod, this time taking the very expensive Masterpiece Rodimus Prime and turning him into Dark Rodimus. The non-canon character is from the "Shattered Glass" alternate universe that got started via Botcon. Think of it as the Transformers' version of Star Trek's Mirror Universe.
Time's Top 100 Toys
Transformers were voted as one of Time's greatest 100 toys of all time. The list is ordered by decade rather than ranking but always nice to see the toys get recognized by more mainstream publications. Even after all these years the engineering feats of these toys then and now continue to fascinate me.
Transformers Guy at American Idol
An intersting audition occured on an episode of American Idol a few weeks ago when Drew Beaumier appeared on the show in a homemade costume that can transforms into a car. The judges were impressed by his costume but not his voice as nerves caused him to screw up the audition. At the link above, TMZ decided to give him another chance to show that he has a voice. Personally, I find his various Transformers costumes much more fascinating. Thanks to BlurredEdge for the link.

The Transformers fan creations continue with TFClub providing a look at their upcoming releases. These are non-Hasbro (or Takara) toys that are inspired by previous Transformer related items. One is based on Reflector, a very rare Generation One Transformer that could only be bought due to collecting the various points and sending away for it. The character is basically three Decepticons who alt mode was to combine into a camera. Something I could have owned as a child but never sent for even though collected the points, not sure why. Their version would be similar but the camera would be modern with more details. The other toy is WWII tank, about scout sized. Makes me think Brawl of the Combaticons but not really sure what based on. No idea on release date, sure the cost will be budget busting.

A look at the Generation One character getting a release Classics style for the Generations/Reveal the Shield line. No idea of release date. Of note are markings that say "ZOW-333" and "KA-90W" on the sides as a reference to his exuberant way of talking in the cartoons.
Stan Bush: Heat of the Battle Video
Yep, once again Stan Bush dives back into that Transformers well to promote his music. This one shows two hot women apparently playing against each other in War for Cybertron while Bush's mini-dude sings and plays guitar. Implausibility aside, oddly amused by a girl wearing fake pearls gritting her teeth while the other one seems to literally work up a sweat as they fake playing the game. At this point really find it hard to believe that kowtowing to Transfans makes it worth it. Thanks to NHLfan for the link.

Another Transformers inspired but not Hasbro sanctioned creation. This time the company plans on releasing an update of the Insecticons that looks like may be truly bad-a%@ once the final painted versions come out. As is often the case for copyright reasons they each get renamed but you have the three classic Insecticons with Shrapnel (Stormshred), Bombshell (Thunderbomb), and Kickback (Backfire). Planned for release in Summer 2011. I love all these fantastic fan created imports but my wallet sure doesn't. Hit the link to view all three.

Transformers Cine-MasksJust in case you missed it, a recent press release from Hasbro clarified what the 3D masks are that have popped up Toy Fair. Turns out the $9.99 masks of Bumblebee and Optimus Prime are essentially 3D glasses, perfect for kids that want to watch Dark of the Moon in 3D. Thanks to Scott and Kris for the info.
Definitely going to buy the Beast Wars DVDs. :)
ReplyDeleteStan Bush showing once again he has no dignity.
ReplyDeleteI'll will definitely be getting the Generations Warpath and Fansproject Insecticons. I like the paint job and new head sculpt for Dark Rodimus, but I don't think I'll spend another 200 for it. I would never have thought of those OP and BB 3D masks, pretty cool. The dork inside me wants to buy both.
ReplyDeleteJust come across this piece of random, it's a custom Jolt and look's pretty bada$$.