Sunday, June 05, 2011

Botcon 2011 Dark of the Moon Footage Description

One of the items I didn't post about for Botcon 2011's Day 3 was the predicted showing of footage from Transformers: Dark of the Moon. While at the Transformers Hall of Fame event, the audience was able to view the first five minutes of the movie, three scenes and a montage of clips. A summary is below with detailed description can be found here.

The first five minutes cover The Ark leaving Cybertron but while crossing through the space bridge is damaged by a Decepticon attack leading to it crash landing on Earth. The landing, detected by NASA leads to the space race to the moon and the secret mission on the first lunar landing that was shown in the preview trailer that including the recovery of an unknown item from the ship.

The first scene is a sequence of Bumblebee protecting Sam from explosions by flinging him through the air in while in car mode, transforming to robot to shield him from debris than catching Sam and transforming back to car mode. The second scene is a longer look at the "Birdmen" as four Ospreys of troops arrive in Chicago when attacked. Three are destroyed by Starscream but one manages to deploy troops who then must fly through the city to avoid an attacking Decepticon craft. The third scene is part of the sequence of Prime flying through the air to attack Driller as it destroys a skyscraper containing Sam and co.

The clips included a look at Carly, the Wreckers Topspin and Roadbuster as they attack in car mode and more of Bumblebee Stealth Mode with him using the weapons to destroy guard stations.


  1. AWESOME!!! i just went to see kung fu panda 2 and i saw the 3d trailer and The whole cinema room was quiet!!!!

  2. From these descriptions this movie sounds awesome. I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL JUNE 29!

  3. LOve it !! :D!

  4. Is MTV going to show footage of TF:DOTM?


  5. sadley, dosent mean its true but someone claimed the twins die in the movie early on in the movie as they refused to give up there names to soundwave not even getting a chance to talk they just shook thier heads.

  6. ouch. Bay that's kinda harsh, dont ya think?

  7. @Anonymous 6/05/2011 8:21 AM
    That's so awesome and hilarious! Probably all those people in that theater are gonna see it!

  8. @ Silverbolt1 6/05/2011 11:02 AM:
    I'm pretty sure. Shia, Rosie, Josh, and Patrick are gonna be there. And remember in 2009 when Michael Bay and Megan Fox presented the clip of ROTF? I think that'll happen again this year but with Shia, Rosie, Josh, and Patrick! I also think we may get a TV spot! I think, I'm not sure though! But it's good to watch in case! @ Everyone, check out daily for Transformers news!
    -Thanks, Prime! :)

  9. I wonder if the wreckers will have their alt modes in this movie, I sure hope so, I could be rong but it doesn't seem like they do

  10. They are in it, I would say more but it would spoil it.

  11. when do we get to see the botcon footage ;)

  12. i want to know when will the footage of transformers 3 come on mtv...if it comes on

  13. I really want to see scenes of fight scenes like the one with bumblebee, ratchet, sideswipe, and mireage vs. shockwave and astrotrain..

  14. I can't wait to watch this ... so excited reading the transformers DOTM novel again ...

  15. NEW TV SPOT 6! I recorded this from the NBA Finals:

  16. Tvspot 6 has got plenty of new footage. And its looks amazing! Cant wait!!


  18. Transformers: Dark of the Moon MTV Movie Awards 2011 TV Spot.

    Source, TFW2005.

    @ Prime thanks for the info, clip is available now.

