The international
Facebook page for Transformers: Dark of the Moon has posted three new poster-like images that focus on The Wreckers - Roadbuster (green), Leadfoot (red), and Topspin (blue). Outside of the toy packaging, this is a the first real look at the robot modes for each. Mullet jokes aside, they look pretty awesome. The only thing I can't decide is are they wearing sunglasses or are their eyes designed to look like sunglasses? Thanks to everyone for the heads-up.

and how much did Target give to Bay to make that logo very noticeable?
ReplyDeletereally not digging Leadfoot's chest area..
ReplyDeleteThey're look awesome!
ReplyDeleteCool pics! :) I've already got Roadbuster and Topspin from TRU a while ago. Still waiting on picking up Leadfoot. Haven't seen him on the shelves yet.
ReplyDeleteThey look neat! I think they are wearing sunglasses. The only thing I dislike is that Leadfoot is a little on the chunky side. I think for what they are suppose to be I imagined a little more of a lean and cut robot.
ReplyDeleteNASCAR Transformers. Bay has taken product placement to an insand new level.
ReplyDeletePure Awesome............
ReplyDeleteMan the red and blue one just look fucking stupid and also what is up with all these posters looking hand drawn?
ReplyDeletelook at Sideswipe and Dino they look like such badasses but topspin just looks like a handycap, and leadfoot looks obese, at least roadbuster looks decent at least
They look totally badass!
ReplyDeleteLooks alright. The red one looks kinda chubby but whatever.
ReplyDeleteWow, thats just awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteNow that's what you call Transformers Special Forces.
ReplyDeleteThese guys look like they're ready to bust sh!t up big time!! Did you see the weaponry!?! Can't wait to see em in action.
ReplyDeletePlus, all those ships carrying troops means that there will be lots of destruction for them to have. This is gonna be one hell of a movie to end the trilogy!
ReplyDeletethe blue one looks like one of those wasps from A Bugs Life
ReplyDeleteNEW TV SPOT. From the Spike TV Guy Awards thing. One new shot, of "Brains", a small robot that resembles the Einstein mockup seen on set last summer.
i just seen a new commerical it was short and it showed a little robot (like Wheelie from ROTF) but with freaky looking hair and said, "Nice jog Bumblebee." or something like that i am not lieing i love Transformers to much to lie about it
Ummmm, I am guessing that the same way the twins were made to be urban/ghetto like, the wreckers are going to be rednecks. I see a mullet on the blue one and I just saw the junior novelization at Barnes and Nobles. The way Lead Foot is drawn and now seeing his CGI, I see a beard and a beer gut!? I am wagering they have southern accents and behave like rednecks. Robot chewing tobacco?
ReplyDeleteWill u all stop calling him chubby. There's a whole planet of Transformers. All of them can't be small. Every human isn't small. I actually think it's kinda creative to do that.
ReplyDeleteI will give you the behaviors I think they will have.
ReplyDeleteTopspin - Always wants to fight
Leadfoot - Is lazy and doesn't care about making decisions.
Roadbuster - Will be cool and laid back
Actually Leadfoot is the leader of the wreckers...........so.............Idk......maybe the picture just makes him look fat, besides, We needed SOMEONE to replace ironhide if he dies AM I RIGHT?
ReplyDeleteThey look SO DIFFERENT, as in the toys.
ReplyDelete^Avoid spoilers dude, or just warn us about it before saying it!!
ReplyDeleteAt least they're being creative, they actualy look cool, not like the cardboard box shaped robots of G1, but even back then there was all different kinds of shapes and sizes, i think it would be cool to have a chubby wrecker, but it could be the way he's posing that makes him look chubby, i don't know, just have to wait and see th movie, can't wait!!
ReplyDeleteAre they wearing Oakleys? Ugh, I'm losing hope for this movie.
ReplyDeleteyou guys can be so annoying. it's not like he's the first chubby transformer. remember bulkhead
ReplyDeleteIronhide is one of a kind! He can't die! :(
ReplyDeleteTell that to Michael Bay XD, you wanna know what he'll say..........
Actually as a guy earlier said...`bulkhead`from TF Prime has an overweight build...and guess what...he used to be a wrecker :P !!!
ReplyDeletethey are supposed to resemble Nascar fans...is that not obvious...sheesh
ReplyDelete6/12/2011 3:51 AM
ReplyDelete^^ way to state the obvious there guy :/ ...whats your point?
I just hope they can really bring the hurt to a decepticon armada, or were screwed